




  1. Here we go 我们这就看看
  2. according to 根据;按照;据......所说
  3. sailing boat 帆船
  4. keep sb./sth.away(使)避开;(使)不靠近
  5. cut sth.off sth.把某物从某物上剪掉
  6. keep a diary写日记
  7. brush sth.off sth.把某物从某物上刷掉
  8. at the time那时;在那段时间


  1. ask sb.(not)to do sth. 要求某人(不要)做某事
  2. want to do sth.想要做某事
  3. write a letter to sb.=write to sb.给某人写信
  4. in central Australia在澳大利亚中部
  5. on three sides 在三面
  6. lie off...位于......
  7. the northeast coast of... ......的东北海岸
  8. sheep farmers牧羊农民
  9. be used to do sth.被用来做某事
  10. all over遍及;浑身;到处



1.be surprised at对......感到惊奇


1.write a letter to sb.=write to sb.给某人写信

2.the center of... ......的中部

3.on the first day在第一天

4.take a plane tour over...在......上空乘飞机游览......

5.a center of...一个......的中心

6.have a close relationship with...和......有着亲密的联系

7.be like sb.很像......

8.in many ways在很多方面

9.live near the coast住在海边

10.go to the beach去海边

11.lie in the sun 晒太阳;躺在阳光下

12.lots of=plenty of 可数名词复数/不可数名词

13.in the fields在田野里

14.on the hills在小山上

15.in the middle of... 在......中间

16.in one's own way以某人自己的方式

17.on the second day在第二天

18.go horse riding去骑马

19.be left far behind...被......落下很远

20.later this evening今天傍晚;今天晚些时候

21.take the plane back to...=go back to...by plane坐飞机回到......

22.come home回家

23.get along和睦相处
