
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:青丘国的守护者 转载请注明出处

Emperor Taizong and the Rise of the Tang Dynasty DOCUMENTARY




原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:青丘国的守护者 转载请注明出处

Markus Borkmann

Interesting bulletins about Taizong's life:

He was able to persuade most of his enemies to work for him. Many of the most important Tang inner cabinet were former generals, and princes who had once opposed him. Four of his best generals, Li Jing, Li Shiji, Qin Shubao, and Yuchi Gong had all once fought for rulers that directly opposed the Tang. Each of them was either defeated and pardoned by Li Shimin, or was persuaded by his charisma to join the Tang cause. Because of this marked appreciation for such men of talents, these once doomed men (one was literally pardoned from right below a headsman by Li Shimin's intercession) would become the founding fathers and pillars of the Tang state: Two of them would become deified as Door Gods and still venerated today, and the other two would each be instrumental in taking down a powerful rival empire. Li Jing the Gokturks and Li Shiji the Xueyantao and also the Korean kingdom of Goguryeo.






(译注:俟力苾可汗:阿史那思摩(583―647年),阴山人。唐朝时期将领,东突厥贵族,伊利可汗曾孙。贞观四年(630年),大将军李靖统军攻打东突厥汗国,颉利可汗兵败,同遭唐军俘虏。唐太宗李世民赏识阿史那思摩忠心,以为右武候大将军、化州都督,封为怀化郡王。 639年,唐太宗试图恢复东突厥,拥立俟力苾可汗阿史那思摩,以抗衡薛延陀的崛起,,观十七年(643年),迁右武卫大将军。随从唐太宗东征高句丽,身中流矢击中。贞观二十一年,死于长安,追赠使持节、兵部尚书、夏州都督,陪葬于昭陵,筑坟像白道山,将其功劳刻碑立于化州。)



Yi Jiun

He was legendary, to both the Japanese and Chinese, who count the Han and Tang among the greatest empires throughout history.

The Tang empire is widely believed to have given Japan its name, leaving an enduring impact on what most identify as Japanese culture, including literature, customs, traditions, and the arts.




I need a series about Korea's Three Kingdoms. Please make it happen


Chi Zhang

I am actually curious about how modern Korean view Silla? Do you guys think it's a heroic nation that unite the majority of the peninsula or an ethnic traitor that allied Tang to annex its rivals? Or a mixed feeling?



Chi Zhang

Ok, your answer well-explained feelings and view of modern Korean, especially opinions of nationalists. Well, according to the view of Chinese historians, Silla, Baekje, and Gaje were regarded as the three Korean kingdoms. (Just like our Han, Tang, Song, Ming dynasty, ruled by Han Chinese and occupied Chinese territory.) We generally don't view Gorguyeo as a sole Korean kingdom, but rather a mixed kingdom or nomadic kingdom depending on a particular person. Frankly speaking, I think the case of Goguryeo was more similar to Qing dynasty, in which nomadic groups from Manchuria occupied territories of ethnic Han/Korean but gradually assimilated to the local community and adopted the title as master of the local group. If I were in the same position of Taizong, I probably would ally Silla too since Liaodong peninsula was Chinese territory back in Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms before it defected to Gorguyeo, Still, your view is very honest and understandable as Silla-Tang alliance surely means the defeat of Gorguyeo or the shrink of Korean's sphere of influence.


(译注:伽倻(公元42—532年),古称加耶、伽耶 (朝鲜语:??),是位于朝鲜半岛南部洛东江流域由弁韩发展起来的一个联盟国家,由许多小的城邦组成,吸收了少部分马韩人,伽倻的开国始祖为弁韩人金首露,现在的韩国有六百万金海金氏和金海许氏为古代伽倻国的遗民,他们认同伽倻国王金首露为自己的始祖。伽倻于公元562年被朝鲜半岛三国之一的新罗所吸收。)


Ben Louis

Not really. Qin huang di was greatest emperor.

He unified 6 states, systematically standardised from language, units etc

Ruthless he was but he was extremely good at value talented people, that make him great

Short live his ruling was, undeniable path the future of China.

Else china will be like India or Europe.





