



  1. suburbia 郊区 suburb: 郊区 suburban:郊区的 domestic:国内的;家庭的

-MARY ALICE: Suburbia is a battleground, an arena for all forms of domestic combat. 一分钟英语口语83期

- Natalie Klein: How is domestic life?S1E1

-Rex:you're this plastic suburban housewife with her pearls and her spatula, who says things like “we owe the Henderson's a dinner”.S1E1

-Mike: It's the suburbs. I didn't think it would matter. 一分钟英语口语65期

-MARY ALICE: Of the many suburban rituals, none is quite so cherished as the neighborhood yard sale. 一分钟英语口语92期


2, involve:包含;使陷于

Husbands clash with wives, parents cross swords with children, but the bloodiest battles often involve women and their mothers-in-law. 一分钟英语口语83期

I think this is going to be a great version of Little Red Riding Hood, and it is your involvement that makes the plays here at Barcliffe Academy so special. Thank you. 一分钟英语口语102期

I can't get you involved. 一分钟英语口语79期


3, propose: 提议,建议;求婚

The war for control of Carlos began the night he proposed, and Gabrielle had been losing ground to Juanita ever since. 一分钟英语口语83期

Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, proposed on their third date. S1E1

Do you remember when you proposed? S1E2

He will propose to you. Don't say yes, because he's dead serious. 一分钟英语口语67期


4, despise: 轻视,鄙视 suffer:忍受,遭受;受痛苦,受损害

From the prenuptial agreement which she reluctantly signed, to the selection of wedding music she despised, the color of the house paint she hadn't wanted...Gabrielle had suffered one defeat after another. 一分钟英语口语83期

Bree had started to realize her world was unraveling, and for a woman who despised loose ends, that was unacceptable. S1E3

Now, we can't have the students suffer just because you don't understand the concept of time management. 一分钟英语口语104期


5, have an affair with sb 与某人有染

-MARY ALICE: And now that Juanita suspected her daughter-in-law of having an affair, it had become increasingly apparent that in this war... .no prisoners would be taken. 一分钟英语口语83期

-MARY ALICE: For John, this was no longer a meaningless little affair. Gabrielle could now clearly see he was falling in love with her. S1E2

-CARLOS: It's driving me crazy, mama. It could be any one of these guys she's having the affair with. 一分钟英语口语84期


目前为止 Mama Solis 一共用了三种不同的方式来表达她儿媳妇的所为:

-Carlos:You think that's the guy she's having the affair with?一分钟英语口语84期

-Mama Solis: You think she's cheating on you. 一分钟英语口语60期

-MAMA SOLIS: Actually, Carlos, the more I watch her, the more I think she's probably not stepping out on you. 一分钟英语口语91期


6. manage:设法做到

-CARLOS: Other women manage...一分钟英语口语83期

-LADY: Yeah, yeah, they're in my kitchen. Listen, uh, it seems to me that you have some anger management issues. S1E2

-GABRIELLE: It's okay. It was a close call, but I managed to cover. so from now on, we can't let Carlos see you around the house wearing anything that resembles a gym sock. S1E4

-Now, we can’t have the students suffer just because you don't understand the concept of time management. 一分钟英语口语104期


