rat race 内卷、激烈的竞争

A rat race is a fierce, competitive way of life that involves pursuing goals in a repetitive, endless manner.

rat race 指一种重复地、无休止地激烈竞争。

It's expanded to a way of life in modern society, in which people compete with each other for power and money endlessly.


The term was first used in the 1930s in the United States.


Trending in China: Young Chinese Reject Rat Race, Embrace 'Lying Flat'

( From Heather Mowbray in Trending Stories)



每日一词 | 内卷(rat race)

Knowledge Base

Word of the Day

rat /ræt/

n. 老鼠;卑鄙小人;常客,常待在某处的人;女用发垫

v. 捕(捉)老鼠,灭鼠;告发,告密;背信弃义,食言;用发垫给(头发)定型

int. (rats)胡说,去你的(用以表示轻度烦恼,恼怒)

【名】 (Rat)(法、意、印、瑞典)拉特,(泰)叻(人名)

Expression of the Day

I'm the bread winner and then stuck in the rat race.


This rat race is getting me down. It's really exhausting and suffering.


We'd better get out of the rat race and take a look at the real world.


Related Expressions

love rat 薄幸郎、负心汉、爱情骗子、花心的人

rat's asshole 无耻之徒

rat's ass 微不足道的东西

rat pack 青少年在街头的流氓团伙

big rat 丑态毕露的,丢人现眼的

dock rat 流浪汉,漂泊者,无业游民

Knowledge Extension

smell a rat 感觉不妙,发现可疑之处

Her husband has been working overtime lately and coming home so late. She smells a rat.


winter rat 旧汽车

Why don't you get rid of that winter rat and buy yourself a brand new car? After all, keep the old, you get nothing new.


rat around 闲逛,转悠

He did nothing but rat around all spring vacation.

