

1, 语气的种类:

1, 陈述语气:I like apples 我喜欢苹果, I don't like apples 我不喜欢苹果

2, 疑问语气: Do you like apples?你喜欢苹果么?

3, 祈使语气:Open the door 打开门

4, 虚拟语气 :If I were you ,I would forgive her 如果我是你,我会原谅她


1, As long as I am here ,you will be safe 只要我在这里,你就会是安全的。


1, 对现在情况的虚拟:

从句用一般过去时,主句用 could、would,should,might 动词原形

If you were here ,I would be safe 如果你在这里,我就是安全的。

2, 对过去情况的虚拟:

从句用过去完成时,主句用 could ,would,might,should have done

If you had done the work,you wouldn't have been blamed 如果你之前完成了工作,你就不会被骂了

3, 对将来情况的虚拟

从句用 should 动词原形,动词过去式,were to do ,主句用 would,should ,could,might 动词原形

If it should rain tomorrow ,I would stay at home 如果明天下雨,我将会待在家里

If it rained tomorrow,I would stay at home 如果明天下雨,我将会待在家里

If it were to rain tomorrow,I would stay at home 如果明天下雨,我将会待在家里

4, 混合情况:

If you had finished the work ,you would be successful now 如果你已经完成了这个工作,你现在可能已经成功了。

5, 含蓄情况:通常有 without ,otherwise等词汇引导

Without the hard work ,you wouldn't be successful 没有辛勤的工作,你将不会成功。


1, he walks past me as if he were a chairman 他经过我的时候好像他就是一个主席一样

2, He told me the story as though it had been real 他告诉我的这个故事,感觉就像真的一样

虚拟语气在目的状语从句中,通常有 in order that ,for fear that 等

1, He runs fast in order that he would be the first 他跑得如此的快就是为了自己能成为第一名。

虚拟语气在主语从句: 从句是would,should ,could, might, 动词原形

It is important that we(should) protect our environment every day 我们应该每天保护我们的环境是很重要的。


1,I wish that I could be happy every day 我祝愿我每天快乐

2,I would rather that I could be taller 我宁愿我能更高一点

2, 在建议,命令,要求等动词后的宾语从句:

I suggest that you should go to school every day 我建议你应该每天去上学


1, He looks as if he were a chairman 他看起来好像一个主席

2, 在建议,命令,要求等动词后

My suggestion is that you (should)read more books ,every day 我的建议就是你应该每天多读书

3, 同位语中的虚拟语气

I make a proposal that we should exercise every day 我建议我们每天应该做运动。

4, 虚拟语气的其他用法:

Long live peace !和平万岁

It is high time we played games 我们应该玩游戏了。

If only she would be a little taller 要是她再高一点就好了。
