




[01:07.82]art.一;一个 ;每

[01:13.37]Going to a British high school for one year

[01:15.93]was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.


[01:24.62]v.遗弃;离弃 n.[U]放纵

[01:30.57]From James’s face,

[01:32.02]I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.

[01:36.19]Then suddenly I saw a shark.



[01:47.32]Many teenagers are surprised to learn that when you exercise,

[01:52.25]your body produces some chemicals

[01:53.89]that make you feel peaceful and relaxed

[01:55.11]and increase your ability to concentrate when you study.


[02:03.70]adj. 能够;有能力的

[02:07.80]Because of this, he has not been able to

[02:10.54]get his own car into his garage even once.



[02:23.51]Life is quite abnormal.


[02:29.62]prep.上(船、飞机、火车、公共汽车) adv. 在飞机上;在船上

[02:42.90]While he was travelling in space,

[02:44.92]Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station...





[03:07.29]To avoid this, some infected women seek an abortion rather

[03:11.55]than risk their child’s health.


[03:17.80]adv. 大约;到处;prep. 在…各处

[03:24.56]The Hubble will tell us a great deal

[03:27.25]about the age and size of the universe.



[03:36.70]The tunnel would be well-ventilated

[03:38.40]if tall chimneys were built above sea level.


[03:45.64]adv. 到国外;在国外


[03:51.58]adj. 生硬的;突然的;唐突的

[03:58.07]If there is an abrupt change of direction in their energy,

[04:00.86]there’s a real danger of personal injury.



[04:13.18]UNESCO undertakes to take sites off the World Heritage List

[04:17.09]if their present state is threatened by an absence of protection.


[04:26.43]adj. 缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的

[04:33.34]At first, Harry suspects that his absent parents

[04:37.38]were killed in a car crash when he was a baby.



[04:50.18]It was an absolutely fantastic sight.


[04:59.01]v. 吸收;承受;理解


[05:07.69]n. 摘要;adj. 抽象的 v. 写…的摘要


[05:15.74]adj. 荒谬的,荒唐的

[05:19.97]Idioms are picturesque or absurd expressions conveying

[05:24.55]a concept which is different from the literal meaning.



[05:39.15]Peru has a wide variety of plants from desert grasses to

[05:43.01]vast areas of jungle, and abundant wildlife.


[05:51.16]n. 滥用;虐待;vt.滥用

[05:58.21]It’s not meant to abuse the other person,

[06:00.50]but it may sometimes cause offence.





[06:23.59]People around the world enjoy watching him

[06:26.74]when he hosts the Academy Awards.


[06:34.04]v. 加快;加速

[06:37.83]Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing

[06:42.47]that there might be wild beasts lying in wait for her.



[07:01.00]Is it offensive to ask someone you’re talking to,

[07:02.89]whose accent or dialect you are unable to understand well,

[07:04.38]to repeat what they have said?


[07:09.67]vt. 接受;承认;vi. 接受

[07:15.71]She tried to advise him not to fight the government as thought

[07:19.60]it was better to accept that in South Africa black people

[07:23.54]were not important as white people.


[07:30.91]v.使用;存取 n. 通道

[07:35.43]Meanwhile, in the rest of the city, shelter and access to food

[07:41.85]and clean water are big problems.



[07:55.34]For years, scientists have speculated

[07:57.79]that the talents possessed by so-called

[08:00.70]“idiots savants”—as depicted by Dustin Hoffman

[08:04.53]in the film Rain Man—may be accessible to us all.



[08:17.62]As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.



[08:32.82]On the afternoon I arrived at the station,

[08:35.66]as I was sorting out my accommodation,

[08:38.75]I heard a loud noise coming from the bay.


[08:46.63]vt. 陪伴;伴随;为…伴奏

[08:53.37]There’s usually a buffet of salads and vegetables to accompany it,

[08:57.48]and pints of Australian beer to drink,

[08:59.79]because the breweries which make the beer are among the finest in the world.


[09:09.33]vt. 完成;实现;达到

[09:15.36]according to

[09:17.65]prep. 据;依据;根据

[09:22.73]Every solid object will reflect a sound,

[09:26.57]varying according to the size and nature of the object.


[09:35.39]n.[C]账户;解释;v. 解释

[09:41.43]I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand,

[09:44.88]which accounts for my appearance.




[09:59.28]vt. 累积;积聚 vi.逐渐增加

[10:05.81]Some countries such as China and the UK

[10:09.19]continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant

[10:12.44]medical aid that cloning could provide.





[10:27.91]He would have to be accurate.


[10:34.29]vt. 控告,指控;谴责


[10:42.48]adj. 习惯于;惯常的


[10:48.40]vi.疼痛;渴望 n.[C]疼痛

[10:54.54]It is hard to stay happy and cheerful when you are ill,

[10:58.13]or when you are old and your body aches.


[11:05.62]vt.达到;完成 vi. 成功



[11:19.11]“Television opens up the world to

[11:21.13]many young children and gives them a head start,

[11:24.73]which is sustained in improved

[11:26.32]academic achievement throughout their school lives,”

[11:28.38]said Aletha Huston of the University of Texas.



[11:42.89]The active chemical in this juice (salicylic acid) helped stop the pain.



[11:59.88]It is now acknowledged by the movie industry

[12:02.44]as the most successful film series ever.


[12:09.57]n. 熟人;相识;了解

[12:15.92]Well, I once went to an acquaintance’s wedding

[12:19.81]in Korea and I was very surprised.




[12:36.60]n.[U] 获得,得到




[12:45.90]prep.& adv.从一边到另一边;横过

[12:50.93]France is Europe’s third largest country

[12:54.94]and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel.


[13:01.93]n.[C] 法令;法案 v. 假装

[13:07.52]“I’ve been acting rather childishly, haven’t I?”



[13:21.89]Chinese people invented numerous characters

[13:24.39]to represent ideas, objects or actions.


[13:32.79]adj. 积极的;活跃的

[13:36.89]China is situated in one of the most active

[13:40.18]earthquake regions in the world and there have been many terrible earthquakes.






[13:59.98]n.[C] 女演员

[14:01.27]Many actors, actresses and models hold ordinary,

[14:05.93]less glamorous jobs, often working as waiters and waitresses,

[14:08.42]in order to support themselves.


[14:16.09]adv. 实际上

[14:17.94]Testifying under oath, a mother tells a court of law

[14:21.98]that her teenage son was at home with her on the evening

[14:25.96]that he was actually stealing a car with his friends.



[14:40.74]This is consistent with many religious faiths,

[14:43.62]which stress rational thought, personal dignity

[14:46.62]and a devotion to praying for holy understanding,

[14:50.05]as opposed to the “Dark Side”, of violent passion and acute emotion.




[15:02.54]n.[C] 广告


[15:06.21]vt. 使适应;改编 vi. 适应

[15:12.98]Unfortunately, the doctors don’t know how to make me better,

[15:16.68]but I’m very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.




[15:34.50]vi.加;增加 vt.增加



[15:49.94]You see, when I was a teenager I also smoked

[15:52.78]and I became addicted to cigarettes.


[15:59.60]n. 添加;加法;增加物


[16:08.70]vt. 演说;写姓名地址;n.[C] 地址

[16:15.23]The main drawbacks of the Internet I will

[16:18.24]address today are that it has too much information

[16:22.03]that has not been evaluated for accuracy,

[16:24.63]and that it is transforming the way people spend their time.



[16:39.24]It is a mainly dry country with only a few coastal areas

[16:45.48]that have adequate rainfall to support a large population.


[16:54.17]vt. 调整;适应;vi. 适应

[17:00.10]The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust.





[17:22.65]AIDS is another problem of great concern,

[17:25.79]so sex education and health care administration are extremely important.


[17:35.11]adj. 值得赞赏的;可钦佩的


[17:42.20]vt. 钦佩;赞赏

[17:46.19]In China and Japan there are mid-autumn festivals,

[17:49.87]when people admire the moon and give gifts of mooncakes.




[18:07.03]vt.承认;准许…进入 vi.承认

[18:13.77]He admitted that he knew the man who was supposed to have bribed him,

[18:18.31]but denied that he had ever taken any money.


[18:25.80]n.[U] 青春;青春期


[18:31.87]adj. 青春期的 n.[C]青少年

[18:36.35]Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?


[18:44.28]vt.采用;收养;vi. 收养

[18:50.63]One way to know what techniques to use is to study the techniques

[18:54.71]that good readers use and then adopt them in your own reading.


[19:02.26]vt. 爱慕;喜爱;极喜欢

[19:09.09]Not only are they housed, fed, and washed for free;

[19:13.23]not only do they receive medical care for every physical need,

[19:17.38]but now their mental well-being is also catered for by adoring owners.


[19:27.80]n. [C] 成年人 adj. 成年的;成熟的

[19:34.37]In Asian and South American countries, children are taught

[19:37.76]that looking directly at an adult is not good behaviour.


[19:46.18]n. 进步;v. 提出;adj.预先的

[19:52.21]...and there are future parks, where people can go on

[19:56.12]imaginary trips to space and use advanced computer

[20:00.12]techniques to experience life in the future.







[20:26.62]The rules are frequently backed up by publicity campaigns,

[20:30.56]using advertising slogans, displays at public events

[20:34.39]and articles in the leading newspaper, the Straits Times.




[20:49.47]n.[U] 忠告;劝告;建议

[20:55.23]I follow my doctor’s advice and exercise for at least

[20:58.72]half an hour every day (but I seldom go to the gym!),

[21:02.76]and eat lots of fruit and vegetables.



[21:15.25]It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to

[21:20.45]advise poor black people on their problems.


[21:29.36]vt. 提倡,支持,n.[C]提倡者



[21:43.33]When people are in need of information, from current affairs

[21:47.39]and weather forecasts to travel packages and academic research,

[21:52.12]the Internet is now the first place that many people turn to.



[22:06.92]After taking this kind of pill for some time,

[22:10.46]your friend’s hair might fall out or he might have health problems,

[22:14.54]some of which may even affect his liver or heart.


[22:22.66]n.[U] 喜爱;钟爱

[22:26.11]While this kind of humour may sound cruel,

[22:28.67]it usually only works if both the comedian

[22:32.20]and the audience have affection for or admire the person being made fun of.



[22:49.17]If a school produces good results because most of

[22:52.51]its parents can afford private tuition for their children,

[22:55.65]then it’s not really the school’s teaching that is getting the good results!


[23:04.22]adj. 阿富汗的;阿富汗人的 n.[C]阿富汗人


[23:14.16]n. 阿富汗


[23:18.05]adj. 害怕的;担心的

[23:22.13]Many had trouble sleeping;some were afraid to leave their homes;

[23:27.18]others had problems interacting with their peers.




[23:38.21]adj.非洲的 n.[C]非洲人


[23:43.90]adv.以后,后来 prep.在…后





[24:02.20]He enjoyed singing and all the congratulations afterwards!


[24:10.28]adv. 再一次;再;又


[24:17.38]prep. 反对,违反;靠


[24:24.93]n. 年龄;时代 v.变老





[24:46.21]Draw up an agenda and discuss it with the group.


[24:53.63]n.[C] 代理人,代理商;剂



[25:07.84]So every culture has developed a formal way to greet strangers,

[25:12.43]to show them we are not aggressive.


[25:19.63]adv. 以前


[25:23.22]v. 同意;赞成;取得一致意见


[25:32.47]n.[U] 同意;一致;[C]协定

[25:38.35]In most countries, nodding the head up and down shows agreement.



[25:52.21]People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter,

[25:56.60]and the agricultural work is over.


[26:03.69]n.[U] 农业;农艺;农学

[26:09.79]He studied agriculture in college and as a young teacher

[26:13.82]he began experiments in crop breeding.




[26:29.10]n.[U] 援助;帮助 vt. 援助

[26:35.17]For example, with the aid of Real Cine,

[26:39.36]a seventy-year-old grandfather recently took a trip to Africa.





[27:02.87]During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters

[27:05.26]was to represent religious themes.


[27:12.63]n.空气;vt. 使通风;vi.& vt. 通风



[27:25.29]We’re totally isolated except for radio and electronic communications,

[27:30.23]as no aircraft can fly here for about eight months.












[28:04.43]n. 警报,警报器;vt.使惊恐





[28:25.39]Another difference is that while we serve food, soft drinks,

[28:29.48]tea and coffee, alcohol is not permitted at the wedding reception—in fact,

[28:35.56]alcohol is altogether prohibited in Brunei.


[28:44.77]adj.酒精的;含酒精的 n.[C]酒鬼






[29:01.00]adj.阿尔及利亚的 n.[C]阿尔及利亚人


[29:07.78]adj.相似的,相像的 adv. 同样地




[29:24.72]adv.完全 pron.全体,全部







[29:51.26]Unlike other centres, Fit as a Fiddle allocates

[29:54.75]a personal trainer to every member.


[30:01.58]vt. 允许;给予;承认


[30:09.55]n. 津贴;零用钱;限额


[30:17.80]adv. 几乎;差不多


[30:24.18]adj. 独自的;单独的;adv.独自地




[30:41.67]adv.& prep.在…旁边

[30:44.07]He also found success as an actor in the film Space Jam

[30:48.45]alongside the famous cartoon character Bugs Bunny!










[31:20.42]adj.供替代的;非传统的 n.[C]可供选择的事物




[31:33.44]n.[C] 高地;高程;海拔高度


[31:41.77]adv.完全;总共; n.赤身裸体

[31:48.10]Altogether Dolly lived for six years,

[31:51.34]half the length of the life of the original sheep.


[31:59.07]n.[U] 铝


[32:02.48]adv. 总是;永远


[32:08.31]v. 是


[32:11.80]abbr. 上午;午前


[32:19.52]n.[C] 业余爱好者;外行 adj. 业余的

[32:24.70]Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking

[32:27.84]at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise.









[33:04.69]Her novels examined the morally ambiguous concessions

[33:07.68]people make in their lives in order to succeed.


[33:15.22]n. 追求的目标;野心;雄心


[33:24.45]n.[C] 救护车

[33:25.79]He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to

[33:28.39]the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.




[33:43.33]adj.美国的,美洲的 n.[C] 美国人




[34:02.48]n.数量;金额 vi. 总计



[34:14.42]After that they would have had to rub an ample amount

[34:17.71]of salt inside the skin to make it soft enough.


[34:25.70]vt. 娱乐;消遣;逗笑

[34:30.13]Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves

[34:35.13]and to escape their busy lives for a while.





[34:53.23]It was very interesting talking to them

[34:55.12]and analyzing some of the many cultural differences between countries.



[35:06.53]Yes indeed, as the botanical analyses have been specially showing us...


[35:15.22]n.[C] 始祖,祖先

[35:19.46]People there have ancestors from Ireland, Portugal, China,

[35:23.49]Lebanon,Italy and Vietnam, as well as from many other places.


[35:34.43]n.[C]锚;vt. 抛锚;vi. 抛锚

[35:40.85]Ships from all points of the compass would drop anchor here at the main port of London.



[35:55.31]According to an ancient story, a man named Cang Jie invented Chinese writing.


[36:05.59]conj. 和,与;又


[36:13.26]n. 轶事;传闻;趣闻

[36:19.36]The Mona Lisa is the subject of many stories,

[36:22.70]but there is one anecdote which remains a puzzle.


[36:30.83]n.[U]愤怒 vt. 使发怒,激怒


[36:38.80]n.[C] 角度;角




[36:49.83]n.[C] 动物


[36:53.17]n.[C] 踝关节


[36:57.12]n.[C] 周年纪念日

[36:59.36]You can use the cards for any special occasion—weddings,

[37:03.15]births,birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, etc.


[37:12.96]v. 宣布;通知;广播

[37:20.77]With this extra evidence John Snow was able to

[37:22.91]announce with certainty that polluted water carried the disease.



[37:38.45]After all, no matter how annoying it is when your

[37:42.75]pet chews your favourite pair of shoes for the fourth time,

[37:44.95]sentencing the animal to death for this behaviour seems a little harsh.


[37:54.10]adj. 年度的;每年的 n.[C]年刊


[38:03.47]pron. 另一


[38:06.41]n. 回答;答复;v. 回答


[38:14.29]n.[C] 蚂蚁


[38:17.97]adj. 南极的;南极地带的 n. 南极洲

[38:24.95]Do not miss this opportunity to see whales at close

[38:29.09]range on their annual migration south to the Antarctic.


[38:37.77]n.[C] 古董;古玩 adj. 古老的

[38:43.79]The burglar left the antique frame and the glass behind.


[38:52.68]n. 焦虑;渴望;担心

[38:58.86]One in five modern children suffers from anxieties

[39:02.84]so severe that they should be classified as psychiatric disorders,

[39:08.57]say scientists from the University of Maastricht.









[39:51.58]Anyhow, Shackleton seemed interested in

[39:54.52]my silly behaviour and accepted the situation.


[40:02.95]pron. 任何人;无论谁


[40:08.58]pron. 什么事物;任何事物


[40:14.58]adv. 不管怎样


[40:19.36]adv. 任何地方


[40:24.01]adv. 相距;分离地 adj. 分离的

[40:29.68]The old man saw some Germans taking apart

[40:34.57]the Amber Room and moving it away.



[40:44.63]I only knew one of them, a boy who lived in the apartment next door.


[40:54.45]vi. 道歉;谢罪

[40:58.80]Joe was a considerate guy, and apologised as Sackler left,

[41:03.88]sniffing and weeping, either in pain or in frustration.



[41:16.44]Remember that companies expect to be compensated for their material,

[41:20.79]and that they will not simply accept an apology.


[41:27.01]adj. 显然的;表面上的

[41:33.16]It is apparent that the Qing Tombs are influenced

[41:35.30]by the Ming Tombs,especially in terms of architecture

[41:39.15]and the way they are placed among the surrounding mountains and valleys.


[41:48.76]n.呼吁;恳求;v. 呼吁

[41:55.64]One of the collectors was Father Farges,

[41:57.16]who collected 37 seeds from a tree that had appealed to him.


[42:05.63]v. 出现;显得;似乎


[42:14.06]n. 外貌,外观;出现

[42:20.14]One of the greatest benefits of Internet friendships is

[42:25.37]that they are based on common interests, rather than appearance, or age.





[42:43.12]He had an appetite for life and enjoyed exploring

[42:47.15]the workings of objects and animals.


[42:55.35]v. 称赞;赞许;鼓掌





[43:09.03]From several thousand applicants, a shortlist of ten have just

[43:14.01]attended an assessment weekend, after which the final six will be chosen.





[43:38.74]The tour companies applied to be allowed to hunt some for a fee,

[43:43.35]which made a lot of money for the farmers.


[43:50.06]vt. 任命;确定

[43:54.53]...the Greek government appointed a committee in 1975

[43:58.39]to undertake a complete repair of the Acropolis.




[44:14.79]vt.欣赏;感激;vi. 增值

[44:20.70]Finally, a moment taken to fill in the ‘Subject’ line will be appreciated

[44:25.91]by a busy recipient, who will be able to see what your email is

[44:29.67]about before they decide to open it.



[44:43.20]Personally, I have a great appreciation for the Internet.


[44:52.10]n.方法;途径;v. 接近

[44:58.07]You must decide what approach you want to use.


[45:05.63]adj. 适当的 vt.占用;拨款

[45:11.93]Match the beginning of each sentence with the appropriate ending.



[45:26.75]Sceptical reviewers did not see through this deception

[45:29.96]and gave their approval to their work.


[45:36.72]vt. 批准,通过 vi. 赞成

[45:42.94]Last of all, the chief editor read it and approved it.



[45:53.06]Over the last 25 years, he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records.


[46:03.32]n. 四月


[46:06.91]n.[C] 围裙;停机坪



[46:19.58]Sadly the same arbitrary fate affected other species, such as cloned mice.


[46:30.59]n.[C]拱形;adj. 淘气的 v. 使…弯成弓形

[46:38.36]Beneath the arches of Zhenhua, we have over 8,000 undergraduate

[46:43.87]students and 3,500 postgraduate students.



[46:53.42]One of Barcelona’s most famous landmarks is the Church of the Sagrada Familia,

[47:01.07]which was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi.




[47:18.94]adj.北极的;极冷的 n. 北极圈




[47:30.24]n. [C]面积;地域,地方

[47:36.26]Moving to a new town or area can be a trying time.


[47:45.40]n. 阿根廷


[47:49.31]adj. 阿根廷的;阿根廷人的 n.[C]阿根廷人


[47:58.59]vi. 争论;争辩;vt. 辩论

[48:04.34]Other people argue that such thinking may spell disaster,

[48:09.06]unless we start to look around and understand

[48:13.42]how a clean environment benefits us all.







[48:37.04]By the age of one, enrolment in a plethora of classes,

[48:39.73]from languages to arithmetic, is expected.







[49:02.02]His patrols halted the raiding parties:hunger assailed the Danish army.


[49:12.30]adv.在周围;在附近;prep. 在…周围

[49:19.40]Everybody around me was smoking and I felt extremely uncomfortable.


[49:28.61]vt. 安排;排列;vi. 安排


[49:36.57]n. 布置;整理;准备


[49:44.14]vt. 逮捕;阻止;n. 逮捕

[49:50.04]She had almost reached her destination

[49:52.30]when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped.



[50:04.32]Another is Columbus Day in the USA,

[50:07.78]in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America.







[50:37.23]One of the most famous Chinese medical treatments

[50:39.92]is the art of ‘magic needles’, or Chinese acupuncture.






[51:02.81]conj.如同;prep. 作为;adv. 像…一样

[51:08.62]As for transport, the reason we aren’t

[51:12.08]all buzzing around in our own mini planes has quite

[51:15.49]a lot to do with the fact that nobody thought about

[51:18.78]what would happen when everyone wanted one.


[51:25.86]n. 灰;灰烬

[51:29.56]On 24th August AD 79, the volcano erupted and lava,

[51:35.00]ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside.



[51:50.58]If you weaken and have a cigarette, don’t be ashamed.


[51:59.15]n. 亚洲


[52:02.42]adj. 亚洲的 n.[C]亚洲人

[52:06.61]At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games,

[52:10.31]Liu Xiang excited people all over Asia

[52:14.12]when he became the first Asian to win

[52:16.57]the gold medal in the men’s110-meter hurdles.


[52:25.80]adv.留;除…以外;n. 旁白

[52:32.63]When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass.


[52:42.21]v. 问;请求;要求

[52:48.01]On entering a shop, he would ask for a new perfume

[52:51.83]called ‘Scented Shadow’ or for ‘insoluble bath cubes’.







[53:18.92]Experts have assessed the river and are now trying to

[53:22.37]work out possible solutions to the many problems.


[53:30.22]n. 看法


[53:33.49]v. 促进;帮助 n.[C]体育比赛中的助攻

[53:40.85]They have assisted in the discovery of planets

[53:43.46]round the fourth star in the Pleiades system.





[54:00.98]He has eight lawyer assistants to help him

[54:03.43]and he examines every single letter in detail.


[54:11.29]v. 交往;adj.副的;n.[C]同事


[54:19.81]n. 协会;联盟;社团

[54:26.21]The NBA began in 1946, when it was called

[54:30.11]the Basketball Association of America (BAA).



[54:45.39]The world was in shock—maybe they assumed this space flight

[54:49.48]would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane.


[54:57.20]n. 假定;设想;担任

[55:03.30]Scientists believe human cloning is just a matter of time

[55:08.05]but the assumption that human clones have already been born hasn’t been proved yet.


[55:18.91]vt. 使惊讶

[55:20.86]He was astonished at what he found.



[55:31.95]It made him China’s first astronaut and the 241st person in space.





[55:48.80]He made a lot of scientific discoveries

[55:50.70]that he shared with the world,particularly in the field of astronomy.


[55:59.98]prep. 在;以;向


[56:07.31]n. [C]运动员;擅长运动的人


[56:14.18]adj. 运动的;体格健壮的


[56:21.23]adj. 大西洋的


[56:25.20]n. 气氛;大气层;空气



[56:35.11]Other popular courses include Physics,

[56:37.51]which is of course famous for splitting atoms

[56:41.31]and helping to create nuclear missiles.




[57:01.90]vt.攻击;vi. 攻击 n. 攻击



[57:15.97]Few people could ever hope to attain an acceptable standard of living.


[57:25.13]v.企图;试图;n. 企图

[57:31.34]Three retired women on a day trip to France disarmed a man

[57:35.84]who attempted to steal their car.







[58:03.80]I like her attitude very much, and the behaviour of

[58:09.16]the other students shows that they like her, too.


[58:15.30]vt. 吸引;引起


[58:21.47]n. 吸引;吸引力;引力

[58:27.37]However, these industrial cities built in the 19th

[58:31.89]century do not have the historical attractions of other places.





[58:55.47]Obviously the number one priority is audience ratings.


[59:03.74]n. 八月




[59:16.23]n. 澳大利亚


[59:18.99]adj. 澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人的 n. 澳大利亚人


[59:28.94]n. 奥地利


[59:31.23]adj. 奥地利的;奥地利人的 n. 奥地利人


[59:41.65]adj. 真正的;真实的

[59:45.81]Is the painting in the Louvre the authentic work

[59:48.95]by Leonardo da Vinci...or just a copy?





[60:08.90]The Telecommunications Authority will install a new phone

[60:12.16]the day after the order is received.


[60:19.62]adj. 自动的;机械的;无意识的


[60:28.80]adj. 自治的;自主的

[60:32.81]With this, the USA split from Britain and became

[60:36.55]an autonomous nation with a federal government.



[60:48.33]We welcome the seasons by the riverside,

[60:50.83]crowning the youngest girl with flowers in the spring,

[60:54.23]holding a summer festival on Midsummer Eve,

[60:57.38]giving thanks for the harvest in the autumn,

[61:00.04]and throwing a holly wreath into the current in the winter.


[61:09.01]adj. 可获得的;有空的




[61:21.57]n. 平均水平;adj. 平均的;v. 算出…的平均数

[61:29.53]The greenhouse effect gives the earth’s

[61:31.77]surface the average temperature of 15℃.



[61:46.97]However, she feels that they intrude in her private

[61:50.73]life too much so she tends to avoid telling them what’s happening in her life.


[62:00.33]v. 觉醒;意识到;adj. 醒着的


[62:08.75]vt. 授予;判给 n. 奖品


[62:16.91]adj. 意识到的;有…意识的

[62:21.26]However, we still must be aware of the methods

[62:24.47]used in advertisements to try and sell our things.



[62:43.70]He will be away for two months.


[62:50.91]adj. 令人惊叹的;很困难的;使人惊惧的

[62:58.68]Witness these awesome creatures in their natural environment

[63:04.18]as they leap out of the water and as they feed in our waters.





[63:31.08]However, it was awkward to use as one of

[63:33.74]the points of reference was the moving ship itself.
