狄金森《篱笆那边》英文原著Over the fence Straw berries grow Over the fence I could climb——if I tried, I know Berriesarenice! But,if I stained my apron God would certainly scold!Oh dear, I guess if he were a boy He‘d climb——if he could!中文:篱笆那边,有草莓一颗,我知道,如果我愿,我可以爬过,草莓,真甜可是,脏了围裙,上帝一定要骂我,哦,亲爱的,我猜,如果,他也是个孩子,他也会爬过去,如果他能爬过,下面我们就来说一说关于外国诗歌大全?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



狄金森《篱笆那边》英文原著Over the fence Straw berries grow Over the fence I could climb——if I tried, I know Berriesarenice! But,if I stained my apron God would certainly scold!Oh dear, I guess if he were a boy He‘d climb——if he could!中文:篱笆那边,有草莓一颗,我知道,如果我愿,我可以爬过,草莓,真甜!可是,脏了围裙,上帝一定要骂我,哦,亲爱的,我猜,如果,他也是个孩子,他也会爬过去,如果他能爬过!

裴多菲的《自由诗》英文诗:Liberty, love!These two I need. For my love I will sacrifice life, for liberty I will sacrifice my love.中文:生命诚可贵爱情价更高若为自由故二者皆可抛。