

What are the top ten most powerful missiles in the world?



Rohit B

Answered November 28, 2015


1) R- 36M2 ( RUSSIA)

R- 36M2(俄罗斯)

range- 11000km

作战范围- 11000km

circular error probable ( cep ) - 220m

圆概率误差 (cep) -220m

top speed - 8 km/sec

最快速度 - 8公里/秒

type- ICBM

类型 - 洲际弹道导弹


2)Dongfeng-41 (CHINA) 东风41(中国)

range - 15000 km 作战范围-15000kmtype - ICBM 类型 洲际弹道导弹top speed - 8 km/sec 最快速度 - 8公里/秒


3) Trident D-5 ( USA and UK )

三叉戟 D-5 (美国和英国)

range - in between 7000 and 12000 km


top speed- mach 25

最快速度25马赫type - submarine launch ballistic missile

类型-潜射弹道导弹cep - 120m

圆概率误差 (cep) -220m


4 ) R29RMU2 Layner ( RUSSIA)

R29RMU2 Layner(俄罗斯)

range - 11000 km

射程范围-11000kmtype - SLBM

类型-潜射弹道导弹carry 12 warheads


CEP- likely to be less than 350 m

圆概率误差-可能小于 350 米


5) LGM 30G Minuteman III (USA)LGM 30G


range- in between 8000- 13000 km


top speed - mach 24

最快速度-24马赫CEP - 200m

圆概率误差-200mtype- ICBM




Archer Rex

Defense Analyst 国防分析师


10. PGM-17 Thor:

The PGM-17 Thor was the first ballistic missile that became operational in the late 1950’s. The U.S. Air Force used it as an intermediate range ballistic missile deployed in the United Kingdom. It was an impressive missile with a height of 20 meters and a diameter of 2.4 meters. It helped in the development of the delta rockets that were used as space launch vehicles.


PGM-17 雷神导弹是20世纪50年代末投入使用的第一枚弹道导弹。是美国空军部署在英国的中程弹道导弹。这是一枚令人印象深刻的导弹,高度为20米,直径为2.4米。它曾协助研发用作太空运载火箭的三角洲火箭。


9. V-2 Rocket:

The V-2 rocket was the precursor to all of today’s missile and rocket technology. It was the first man made object to enter outer space. It was developed in the Nazi regime during the end of World War II and was used mainly to bomb London and Antwerp. More than 3000 V-2s were launched which killed about 9000 civilians and soldiers while 12000 forced laborers died in concentration camps while making these missiles.



8. Tomahawk:

Tomahawk is a medium to long range missile used by the U.S. Navy. It is a subsonic missile that can be launched from both ships and submarines. It was introduced in 1970’s and still continues to be in operation in many forms. It is powered by a jet engine and has the capability to target a variety of surface targets.




7. Agni series:

The indigenous developed, intercontinental, surface to surface, nuclear capable ballistic missile is unlike other missiles in the Agni series. Agni-V is the most advanced system so far, which has various new technologies incorporated in it in terms of navigation and guidance, warhead and engine. The very high accuracy Ring Laser Gyro based Inertial Navigation System (RINS) and the most modern and accurate Micro Navigation System (MINS) ensures that the missile reaches the target point within few meters of accuracy designated The three-stage missile is about 17 meters long and weighs about 50 tonnes. The first rocket engine equipped with the missile lifts it to a height of about 40 kilometers. The second stage pushes it to about 150 kilometers. The third stage takes Agni-V to about 300 kilometers above the Earth. And the missile finally reaches a height of about 800 kilometers. With CEP less than 10 meter’s it is considered as world’s most accurate Nuclear missile.






6. Jericho lll:

The Israeli weapon systems are highly secretive and all that is known about them is through speculation and whatever little data is available to the public. Jericho is a code name given to its ballistic missile program. The Jericho lll is the latest of its long range missile and is an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. It can carry a payload of about 1000 kg and can carry conventional nuclear or unconventional payloads. Its range has been speculated to be anywhere from 2000 km to 11,500 km.




5. UGM-133 Trident ll:

The Trident ll missile is a submarine-launched ballistic missile. It was built by Lockheed Martin Space Systems and is used by U.S. and Royal Navy of the U.K. It can carry multiple nuclear warheads and can be launched by a submarine while still submerged under water. It is accurate enough to be a first strike strategic weapon.

UGM-133 三叉戟 ll

三叉戟导弹是潜射弹道导弹。它由洛克希德·马丁太空系统公司(Lockheed Martin Space Systems)设计研发,服役于英国皇家海军和美军。它可以携带多个核弹头,在水下由潜艇发射。它非常精确,足以成为第一战略打击武器


4. M51:

The M51 is a French SLBM or submarine-launched ballistic missile. It was designed by EADS Astrium Space Transportation and is used by the French Navy. It has the capacity to carry from 8 to 10 thermonuclear warheads and can be launched by a fully submerged submarine. It has a good range and can act as a first strike nuclear deterrent strategic weapon.



3. DF-41:

Like Israel, China’s defense systems are also secretive but there is a bit known about the Dongfeng-41 or DF-41. It is nuclear solid fueled road mobile Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. It is probably the world’s longest ranged missile with range of up to 14,000 km and the capability to hit anywhere in the world. It can carry multiple payloads and has a top speed of Mach 25.




2. LGM-30 Minuteman:

The LGM-30 Minuteman is an American ICBM with a range of 13,000 km. It can carry up to 3 different nuclear warheads that can target separate locations. It is a guided missile and forms the part of the U.S. nuclear triad along with the Trident missile systems and the stealth bombers. It is the only land based intercontinental ballistic missile in the U.S. right now.

LGM-30 民兵



1. R-36 series:

The R-36 is a series of Russian ICBMs and space launch vehicles. It was designed during the Cold War and gave Russia the first strike advantage over the U.S. The R-36 can carry a lot of weight and can carry more than 10 different warheads and 40 penetration aids. The quality by which one single missile can target multiple locations, is enough to catapult it in the list of deadliest missiles around.




