Twitter users have slammed Germaine Greer for her claims that Meghan Markle would 'bolt' from her marriage to Prince Harry out of boredom.推特用户严厉抨击了杰梅茵·格里尔,因为她声称梅根·马克尔嫁给哈里王子纯粹是出于无聊。

Speaking to 60 Minutes yesterday, the Australian feminist implied the Suits actress was marrying for money and status, but had given up too much of herself for the relationship to work. 昨日,这位澳大利亚女权主义者在节目《60分钟》中暗示到,《金装律师》中的这位女演员为了金钱和地位结婚,但想要成功的婚姻,她已放弃了太多的自我。

But social media users have called out Ms Greer for her claims, saying that her attack was 'spiteful', and an 'unworthy' comment of someone representing the feminist movement.但是社交媒体用户们要求格里尔女士为自己的言论作出解释,他们说她的攻击恶意满满,是对女权运动代表的毫无价值的意见。

Others blasted the outspoken author as a 'white feminist' and questioned why Ms Greer never implied Kate Middleton or Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones were marrying for money.有些人抨击这位口不遮拦的作者为“白人女性主义者”,并且质问格里尔女士为何从不暗指凯特王妃或者索菲王妃为了金钱而结婚。


During the show Ms Greer claimed that Ms Markle, who attended a private school from the age of five, was 'born in poverty'.格里尔女士在节目中声称,五岁开始读私立学校的马克尔女士,出生于贫困的家庭。

Ms Greer said: 'Why would a girl born in poverty marry a man worth 53 million quid? I can't think of single reason.' 格里尔说:“为什么一个穷困人家的女孩要嫁给身家5300万英镑的男人?我想不出其他理由。”

Several Twitter users have pointed out the falseness of the claim, adding that Ms Markle's father was a successful lighting director.一些推特用户已经指出了这一说法的错误之处,补充道马克尔的父亲曾经是一位成功的灯光师。

Ms Greer also said the monotony of royal life would likely set in, as would the rigid and demanding nature of her new life.格里尔还说枯燥无味的皇室生活可能已经到来,随之而来的还有梅根新生活里的严苛和高要求。

'She will see vistas of boredom that are unbelievable,' Ms Greer said.“她会知道她的前景将会是难以置信的乏味,”格里尔说。

