I'll tell you what(用于提出建议)我有个主意,你听我说,下面我们就来说一说关于老外说how are you怎么回复?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

老外说how are you怎么回复(老外说34)

老外说how are you怎么回复

tell you what 要不这样吧

I'll tell you what


I will tell you what是老外常说的英语口头禅,意思不是告诉你什么,而是你听听我的想法,用于提出建议,口语中可以直接说tell you what。

意思相近的表达还有in my opinion和I have an idea。

例 句

I will tell you what,let us cancel the appointment today.

要不这样吧 ,我们取消今天的约会吧。

tell me when 随时奉陪

Tell me when单独出现时,意思就是我随时都奉陪,你告诉我时间就可以了。一般用于回答别人的邀约。

我们还可以用Anytime和 I am always available for you替换Tell me when。

如果when后面有完整的句子结构时,tell me when可以表示在……时候告诉我或告诉我……的时间。

例 句

Can you spare some time to chat with me?


Tell me when.


I told you so 我早就提醒过你会出事

I told you so 我怎么跟你说的


used when sth bad has happened, to remind sb that you warned them about it and they did not listen to you


I told you so的意思就是我早就提醒过你会出事,不听老人言吃亏在眼前也可以用I told you so表示。

例 句

I told you so,but you did not take my advice.


tell on someone 告……的状;告发


Tell on someone是英语的固定搭配,意思就是告发某人,inform on someone也表示告发。我告诉你绝对不能说成I tell on you,小心闹出笑话哦。

例 句

He decided to tell on Jack after thinking it over .


tell me another 我不信

tell me another的字面意思是和我说别的,潜台词就是我才不会信你现在说的,你还是说点真的吧。


    don't tell me 我才不信

    I don't buy it 我才不信

    It can't be true 这不可能是真的

    Are you kidding me? 你是在开玩笑吧

    nonsense 胡说八道

例 句

I heard that he is determined to divorce with Mary.


Tell me another.
