




There are two sides to every question.每个问题都有两面性。



Please lend me your dictionary.请把你的字典借给我用一下。



If I were a bird,I could fly in the air.


二、 虚拟语气在条件句中的应用



If he has time, he wil come. 如果他有时间,他会来的。

He won’t succeed unless we plan well. 他不会成功的,除非我们计划好。








would/should/might/could 动词原形


(1) 过去式

(2)should 动词原形

(3)were to 动词原形

would/should/might/could 动词原形


过去完成时(had 过去分词)

would/should/might/could 过去分词

If he had time now,he would(could,might)go with you.


If you had come a few minutes earlier,you would(could,might) have met the famous singer.


If it were to snow this evening,they would not go out.





Had I worked harder,I would have succeeded.


Were she my daughter(Should she be my daughter),

I wouldn't allow her to study abroad.




If she had followed the doctor's words,she would feel better now.



有时候假设的条件不是通过条件从句表达,而是隐含在某些介词短语中,如without...,连词but for,otherwise,or等中。

Without music(=If there were no music),the world would be dull.


I'm really very busy,otherwise I would certainly go there with you.

(otherwise=if I were not so busy)



1. 动词wish后的宾语从句



表示将来的情况,从句谓语用"would/ should/could/might 动词原形"。

I wish I were ten years younger now. 我希望我现在年轻十岁。

I wish I had met him yesterday. 我昨天能遇到他就好了。

I wish I would be a scientist. 我希望将来成为科学家。

2. 在表示请求、建议、命令、要求等动词后的宾语从句中,谓语用"should 动词原形",should可省略。

常见的这类动词有:suggest,recommend, insist, order, require, advise, demand, command, ask, request,propose等。

He suggested that we (should) be here in time. 他建议我们及时到那儿。

The doctor advised that he (should) change his job. 医生劝他换工作。

3. 在would rather后的宾语从句中,谓语常用过去式来表示现在或将来的情况,用过去完成式表示过去的情况。

I would rather you told me the truth. 我愿意你跟我讲真话。

I would rather you had been present. 我倒愿意你当时在场。


1、(2018•北京)They might have found a better hotel if they _________ a few more kilometers.

A. drove B.would drive

C. were to drive D. had driven

2、(2018•天津)If we ___________the flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach

A. had caught B. caught

C. have caught D. would catch

3、(2017•江苏) _______ not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.

A. It were B. Were it

C. It was D. Was it

4、(2017•天津) —Do you have Betty’s phone number?

—Yes. Otherwise, I ______able to reach her yesterday.

A. hadn’t been B. wouldn’t have been

C. weren’t D. wouldn’t be

5、 (2016·浙江) Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS-related deaths _______ since their highest in 2005.

A. had not fallen B. would not fall

C. did not fall D. would not have fallen

6、 (2015 • 安徽)It is lucky we booked a room, or we ______ nowhere to stay now.

A. had B. had had

C. would have D. would have had

7、 (2015 • 重庆)Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway____ his famous novel A Farewell to Arms.

A. didn’t write B. hadn’t written

C. wouldn’t write D. wouldn’t have written

8、 (2015 • 天津)I wish I ______ at my sister’s wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business trip in New York then.

A. will be B. would be

C. have been D. had been

9、(2015 • 陕西) Ellen is a fantastic dancer. I wish I as well as her.

A. dance B. will dance

C. had danced D. danced


1、—It’s amazing that Beijing and Zhangjiakou have won the bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics!

—Sure it is! The government ________ have made great efforts!

A. could B. should

C. might D. must

2、—Do I have to bring my camera tomorrow afternoon?

—I think so. We _______ the Botanical Garden then.

A. will be visiting B. are visiting

C. have visited D. visit

3、 ______ a little earlier, you could have got a copy of his latest book.

A. If you would arrive B. If you arrived

C. Should you arrive D. Had you arrived

4、The film was so moving that we all burst into tears. Never before seen a film like that.

A. had I B. I had C. have I D. I have

5、I ______ have watched that movie — it will give me horrible dreams.

A. needn’t B. shouldn’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t

6、 We got up early for fear that we ______ miss the early bus.

A. could B. should C. will D. can

7、The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor ______ it a thought.

A. does he even given B. he even gives

C. will he even give D. he will even given

8、—You didn’t wait for Tom yesterday.

—Yes, but we ______. He didn’t come.

A. needn’t have B. didn’t need to

C. could have D. should have

9、 Usually before exams, students ______ two minutes to write down their names.

A. are given B. were given C. gave D. give

二、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空

1、I wish that I______________(go) with you to see the film last night.

2、Without electricity,our life____________(be) quite different today.

3、I am a poor man now. If I________(have) money,I______________(buy) a large house.

4、If she had been more careful,she____________________(not make) these mistakes in the exam.

5、I think people__________________(believe) my story if I were not so young.

6、The man insisted that he____________(do) his best and________________(not blame) for the failure.

7、But for the rain,we____________(have) a pleasant journey the other day.

8、If I ________(am) you,I would give that patient a hug.

9、It is raining so heavily. If the rain____________________(stop) this afternoon,we could go out for a walk.

10、All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he__________(be) badly wounded and that he___________(operate) on at once.

11、How I wish every family________(have) a large house with a beautiful garden.

12、If everyone in the country________(know) first aid,many lives would be saved.

13、Tom wishes that he ______________(study) business instead of history when he was in university.

14、—John went to the hospital alone.

—If he________________(tell) me about it,I would have gone with him.

  1. My father was strict. He requested that I__________________(not watch) television on this week nights.












Grammar: 虚拟语气(Ⅱ)(Subjunctive Mood (Ⅱ))

1、 与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句

在这类条件句中,条件从句中的谓语部分要用过去完成时,即had 过去分词,主句的谓语部分要用"should/would/could/might have 过去分词"。 If I’d left sooner, I’d have been on time.


If you had taken my advice yesterday, you wouldn’t have failed in the exam.


If she had received the present, she should have thanked him.


—It rained cats and dogs this morning. I’m glad we took an umbrella.

—Yeah, we would have got wet all over if we __________.

A. hadn’t B. haven’t C. didn’t D. don’t



Had I met Li Hua, I could had told him. 如果我碰见了李华,我就告诉他了。

Were I you, I would go with them. 如果我是你的话,我就跟他们一起去。

__________ for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand.

A. Not being B. Had it not been

C. Without being D. Not having been

(2)有些条件句中的主句谓语和从句谓语表示的动作在时间上并不一致,这类句子称为错综时间虚拟条件句。所谓错综时间虚拟条件句即条件从句与主句所指时间不一致,如从句指过去,而主句即指的是现在或将来,此时应根据具体的语境情况,对时态作相应的调整: If it had rained last night, the ground would be wet now.



If I were you, I wouldn’t have missed the movie last night.


If Tom should arrive today, he must have started two days ago.


If we __________ a table earlier, we couldn’t be standing here in a queue.

A. have booked B. booked C. book D. had booked


A gentleman ( If he had been a gentleman he ) wouldn’t have said so.


Given more time (= If we were given more time ), we would do it better.



I would do anything for her. 我愿意为她做任何事。

You might have failed. 你可能会失败。


(1)as if/as though引导的状语从句或表语从句,有时用虚拟语气。从句内容与现在事实相反,谓语部分用动词的过去式,be动词常用were;从句内容与过去事实相反,谓语部分用"had 过去分词";表示将来的可能性不大,用"would/might/could 动词原形"。但如表示确有某种可能,也可不用虚拟语气。

He talked as if he had been to many places in the world.


It looks as if it might rain.


Don’t handle the vase as if it __________ made of steel.

A. is B. were C. has been D. had been

(2)在"It is (high/about) time..."句型中,其后的从句要用虚拟语气。从句谓语动词常用过去式,也可用"should 动词原形",should不能省略。

It is high time you went there. 你早就该去那儿了。

It is about time we should have dinner. 我们该吃晚饭了。

Jack is a great talker. It’s high time that __________ something instead of just talking.

A. will do B. has done C. do D. did

(3)在"It is 形容词/名词 that..."句型中,that引导的从句的谓语部分有时为"should 动词原形",should可以省略。

It is necessary that we (should) be present. 我们出席是有必要的。

It is a pity that Henry (should) be so careless. 真遗憾,亨利竟然这样粗心。

(4)在与表示"请求、建议、命令、要求"等意义的词相关的主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中,谓语部分为"should 动词原形",should可以省略。

It is suggested that he (should) not spend too much time watching TV.


It was ordered that no smoking _________ in the library.

A.be allowed B. would be allowed

C. was allowed D. has been allowed


"should/ought to/could/may/might have 过去分词表示"过去应该做而未做"的虚拟语气,该结构的否定形式表示"过去不该做的事情却做了",是一种委婉的责备,语气最强的是should,最弱的是might。


用于委婉批评的结构为could/may/might have done,常意为"本可以做某事而未做"。

You are late again. You could have come earlier.


You’ve made a few mistakes.

You may/might have been a little more careful.


—With a little care I _________ the disaster.

—But you were too careless. It is no use crying over split milk, you know.

A.could avoid B. could have avoided

C. must avoid D. must have avoided

could have done/been可用来表示推测,意为"可能已经"或"可能是",用于表示对过去事情或状况的猜测;也可以表示责备,意为"本来可以",但实际并未发生。如:

The accident could have been avoided. 这个事故本来是可以避免的。(责备)

My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who could have taken it?



表示强烈责备常用should/ought to have done结构,意为"本应该做某事却没做"。

I have told you many times. You should have done it better.


You shouldn’t have failed this time.



"needn’t have 过去分词"结构表示"做了没必要做的事请"。

You needn’t have told him. He has already known about it.


It’s so near. We needn’t have taken a taxi.


(4)虚拟语气表示祝愿。表示祝愿时常用动词原形或"May 主语 动词原形"结构。

God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你! May you be happy! 祝你快乐!

(5)动词wish后接宾语从句时,从句谓语要用虚拟语气。若要表示与现在事实相反的愿望,从句谓语用一般过去时或过去进行时;若表示与过去事实相反的愿望,从句谓语用过去完成时或would/could have 过去分词;若表示将来没有把握或不太可能实现的愿望,用would/could+动词原形。 I wish I could be of some use. 我希望我能有什么用处。 We wish he didn’t smoke. 我们希望他不吸烟。 I wish prices would come down. 我希望物价能降下来。

As we move into middle age, we look back and wish that we _________ better choices and taken more opportunities.

A. would make B. made C. had made D. will make


1、 (2017·北京)If the new safety system _______ to use, the accident would never have happened.

A. had been put B. were put

C. should be put D. would be put

2、(2016·天津)I was wearing a seatbelt. If I hadn’t been wearing one, I _________.

A. were injured

B. would be injured

C. had been injured

D. would have been injured

3、(2016·北京)Why didn’t you tell me about your trouble last week? If you _________ me, I could have helped.

A. told B. had told

C. were to tell D. would tell

4、(2016·浙江)Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS-related deaths _________ since their highest in 2005.

A. had not fallen B. would not fall

C. did not fall D. would not have fallen

5、(2015·江苏)It might have saved me some trouble _________ the schedule.

A. did I know B. have I known

C. do I know D. had I known

6、(2015·北京)If I _________ it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.

A. didn’t see B. weren’t seeing

C. wouldn’t see D. hadn’t seen

7、(2015·天津)I wish I _________ at my sister’s wedding last Tuesday, but I was on a business trip in New York then.

A. will be B. would be

C. have been D. had been

8、(2015·重庆)Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway _________ his famous novel A Farewell to Arms.

A. Didn’t write B. hadn’t written

C. wouldn’t write D. wouldn’t have written

一、 单项填空

1、 —What happened to the young trees we planted last week?

—The trees well, but we didn’t water them.

A. might grow B. needn’t have grown

C. would have grown D. would grow

2、 I through that bitter period without your help.

A. couldn’t have gone B. didn’t go

C. wouldn’t go D. hadn’t gone

3、 for the timely investment from the general public, our company would not be so good as it is.

A. Had it not been B. Were it not

C. Be it not D. Should it not be

4、 I to my cousin’s birthday party last night, but I was not available.

A. went B. had gone C. would go D. would have gone

5、 I’d rather you by train, because I can’t bear the idea of your being in an airplane in such bad weather.

A. would go B. should go C. went D. had gone

6、 If it weren’t for the heavy traffic, we the Jay’s concert at the moment.

A. can be enjoying B. must have enjoyed

C. would be enjoying D. should have enjoyed

7、 But for my English teacher’s help, I first place in the English Speaking Competition.

A. would win B. would have won

C. would not win D. would not have won

8、 His pale face suggested that he well and I suggested he a rest.

A. didn’t feel; had B. wasn’t feeling; have

C. not feel; have D. hadn’t felt; should have

二、 短文改错

1、It is essential that he will come to our meeting tomorrow. 

2、When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it is broken.

3、He gave the advice that we did the work carefully.

4、If only you have listened to my advice.

5、I would rather you do it yourself instead of asking others for help.



If only I .


It's time that .


He talks as if he in the world.


We followed his advice that we .

  1. 但愿我能知道要发生什么事。

I wish .


例:If I were in your position,I would pay close attention.

→Were I in your position,I would pay close attention.

1、If Jack were here at this moment,he would lend us his car.


2、If I had remembered their address,I would have sent them some cards.


3、If we were not waiting for a telephone call,we would go downtown.


4、If they had recognized her,they would have spoken to her.


5、If I had been intending to go shopping,I would have let you know.


6、If you had seen the movie,you would have liked it.


7、If it were not snowing,we would go out for a walk.


8、If it had been raining,we would have used our umbrellas.

