Hi!Hello!Hello There!Howdy!Hey!Yo! (slang)G’day mate! (slang),下面我们就来说一说关于英语口语必会单词?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



Simple Greetings

Hi!Hello!Hello There!Howdy!Hey!Yo! (slang)G’day mate! (slang)

General Greetings

How are you?How’s it going?How’s it been?How’s everything?How is everything?How have you been?What have you been up to?

How you been? (informal)How’s tricks? (informal)What’s new? (informal)What’s up? (informal)

Wusup? / Wassup? / Whaazzup? (slang)What’s happening? (slang)What’s going on? (slang)Sup? (slang)

Greetings for Various Times of the Day

Good morning.Morning.Good Afternoon.Afternoon.Good evening.Evening!Mornin’!

Greeting a Person You Haven’t Seen in a Long Time

I haven’t seen you in years!Long time no see. (informal)It’s been a while.I haven’t seen you in an age!

Welcoming Someone who has Returned

Welcome back!Long time no see!Where have you been?Where did you go?

Ways to Say Goodbye

Bye!Bye bye!FarewellI am off (informal)See ya later! (informal)Take care / Take care of yourself.Have a good day!Have a good one.See you soon!Gotta go! (informal)Talk to you soon!See you next time.Catch ya later (informal)Take it easy (informal)Talk to you later.