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Purity of Heart


I have crossed the bridges of many a place, admired the beauty of clouds at different times, and tasted wine of a big variety, but I love only one girl in her prime.” This was the youthful confession of love made my Mr. Shen Congwen more than 60 years ago.


many a +单数可数名词,是“许多的” , 为复数概念,但是要格外注意谓语动词用单数。

prime adj., noun, verb [sing.] · the time in your life when you are strongest or most successful· 盛年;年富力强的时期;鼎盛时期:a young woman in her prime 正当妙龄的女郎


As one of the weaker sex and a wife, the much-revered scholar Ms Zhang Zhaohe had to perform the duties of a mother and housewife. She also had to put up with the turbulence during the years of war, and experienced the sufferings of a checkered life. But no adversity has ever caused her unbounded sincerity and infinite honesty to fade slightly.



“作为一个女子”,一般来说,女子的对应词是woman。这样译也未尝不可,但从下文看来,作者似乎在盛赞这样一位女才人的罕见的坚强,因为女性前面有时冠以“弱”的字样。英语中可用the fair sex(美丽),the gentle sex(温柔),the weaker sex(软弱),泛指女性。

“一腔真诚”我们译作 unbounded sincerity and infinite honesty ,unbounded作定语修饰love,joy,optimism这一类表示正面的情感的词。作家的首要品质是传递真情实感→sincerity,作者增译了 infinite honesty ,因为下文着重讲兆和先生讲真话。

have a checkered history / career / past etc to have had periods of failure as well as successful times in your past 成败参半的历史/事业/过去等:

»This is an unusual building with a checkered history. 这是一幢不寻常的建筑,有着荣辱参半的历史


In the postscript to Mr. Shen’s Letters Home, which she edited, she said frankly, “Congwen spent his whole life with me. Was he happy or unhappy? I don’t know.


postscript noun ~ (to sth)

1. (abbr. PS)· an extra message that you add at the end of a letter after your signature· (加于信末的)附言,又及

2. extra facts or information about a story, an event, etc. that is added after it has finished· 补充;补编;后话


I didn’t understand him, at least not completely. Now, only now, after I have selected and compiled his manuscripts, do I really understand his views on life and start to appreciate the heavy stress he had been under...

在引用兆和先生的原话中,“整理选编”四个字,建议译作select and compile

compile verb [VN]

  1. to produce a book, list, report, etc. by bringing together different items, articles, songs, etc.· 编写(书、列表、报告等);编纂:We are trying to compile a list of suitable people for the job.


Why couldn’t I probe deep into him, read his heart and give him all the help he needed? Why, on the contrary, were there so many differences of opinion between us? It is too late to repent now.” Her candor and courage, her broad-mindedness and conciliatoriness are indeed admirable.



“豁达”和“大度”是近义词,词义有重合,我们根据上下文把两个词译作broad-mindedness and conciliatoriness(和解,和好),因为从兆和先生的后记中可以看出,这一对著名学者夫妻,曾经有过许多的矛盾。如今兆和先生气度宏大,主动表示了和解精神,承认了自己对丈夫的理解不够。

candour(BrE)(NAmE can∙dor) noun [U] · the quality of saying what you think openly and honestly· 真诚;诚恳;坦率 I don't trust him,' he said, in a rare moment of candour. "我信不过他。"他以难得的坦率说道。

conciliatory adj. · having the intention or effect of making angry people calm· 调解的;抚慰的;意在和解的;和解的:a conciliatory approach / attitude / gesture / move 调解的方法;和解的态度 / 姿态 / 行动


Such truthfulness absolutely innocent of any pretence, such crystal-clearness of heart completely free from any flaw, gives me a sharp sense of the purity of her heart.


innocent of 是后置定语,意思是“无罪孽/错误的”,同理同义短语free from也做后置定语。

pretence(BrE)(NAmE pre∙tense) noun

1. [U, sing.] ~ (of sth / of doing sth) | ~ (that...)· the act of behaving in a particular way, in order to make other people believe sth that is not true· 假象;伪装;虚伪的表现:Their friendliness was only pretence.  他们的友善态度只不过是装出来的。


After Mr. Wang Zengqi, my mentor and one of Mr.Shen’s disciples, died, Zhaohe insisted on going to his memorial service to pay her last respects. “When Congwen passed away,” she said, “I held my emotions in check and did not cry. But Wang’s departure is so sudden, so unexpected, I absolutely can not come to terms with it.”


“恩师”可译作my respected teacher,但我们建议译作mentor,有希腊神话典故,很正式、很高雅。不仅指授业的老师,而且还指令人尊敬的值得信赖的长期的导师。

“入室弟子”如果译为advanced student(高年级学生)容易产生歧义,我们译作favorite disciple(最受宠爱的门徒),是英语的常用搭配,既然深受老师喜爱,一定是学业高深。

“遗体”是the remains of a dead person。向活人告别是say goodbye to,bid farewell to。“向遗体告别”我们用pay one’s last respect to sb’s remains。


“我很冷静,没有哭”我们用hold...in check(克制),因为兆和先生没有哭不是没有悲伤,而是暂时抑制,与下文形成对照。

“我不能接受”,接受accept的宾语一般为invitation,conditions等。此处我们用come in terms with, with后常接的是unpleasant situation or event,表示接受某事故等不再感到upset或angry about it。come to terms with达成协议;让步;屈服;妥协;甘心忍受.

mentor noun · an experienced person who advises and helps sb with less experience over a period of time· 导师;顾问

disciple noun. a person who believes in and follows the teachings of a religious or political leader· 信徒;门徒;追随者 SYN follower


As she said so, she could not help choking and started to weep. She later confided to me, “I did not want to suppress my sorrow. After the ceremony, I went back home and had a good cry. Then I felt much better.”



行过许多地方的桥crossed the bridges of many a place

看过许多次数的云admired the beauty of clouds at different times

喝过多种类的酒 tasted wine of a big variety

正当最好年龄的人in one’s prime

青春爱语 youthful confession of love

兆和先生 Ms Zhang Zhaohe

遭过战乱的颠沛 put up with the turbulence during the years of war

受过生活的煎迫experienced the sufferings of a checkered life

一腔真诚unbounded sincerity and infinite honesty

整理选编select and compile

懂得他的为人understand his views on life

懂得他一生承受的重压 start to appreciate the heavy stress he had been under

发掘某人probe deep into sb.

从各方面去帮助他give him all the help he needed

悔之晚矣 It is too late to repent now.

让我切实地感受到 give me a sharp sense of

不禁哽咽泪下could not help choking and started to weep
