


The easing of China’s family planning policy marks a turnaround for thefate of one particular demographic. Singles of marriageable age are no longerrewarded for staying put at that status. The pressures to tie the knot are nowofficial and the foreseeable future may bring worse news, such as the so-called“singles tax” as adopted in South Korea.



When news from our neighbor reached us a year ago that singles aged 32-49and with a certain income level or above would have to pay the equivalent of1,000 yuan in additional tax, Chinese denizens jokedabout it. (Technically, it was not a tax, but the lack of qualification forsome tax benefits.) Anyway, it was a financial means to “abuse the single dog”in Chinese social-media parlance.



Now, calling someone a “dog” is an insult in Chinese culture. But “single dog”as a popular meme has been in vogue mainly as aself-deprecating term for this group. Overlapping coinages include “pubic hair”and “leftover women”, which are obviously more disparaging. I don’t knowwhether it’s the same as some ethnic slurs used by that ethnicity itself, but Iwould suggest those with spouses or regular dates refrain from the usage.



Single dogs are hurt by any reminder of peers sharing quality timetogether. An innocuous photo of a night on the town with someone else mightraise the green monster of envy. And forget about Valentine’s Day or anyoccasion when lovers are supposed to buy each other gifts or dinners. Singleshave much time to themselves, so the most salient quality is said to be alightning speed to respond to texting. Suppose you send out “Wanna grab abite?” to a dozen people. If you get a “Where?” in two seconds, that friend ofyours fits the bill as a card-carrying “single dog”.


Good thing China’s bachelors and bachelorettes have developed a gallowshumor. Many of the jokes are at their own expense and not fit for print on thisnewspaper. The following conversation could be a borderline case:


Bachelor: “I don’t feel good because my wife is ill.”


Bachelorette: “I’m even worse because my hubby has come down. Whathappened to her?”


Bachelor: “She’s deflated. And yours?”


Bachelorette: “A power leak.”


So far, social pressure for those available for the institution comes fromfamily and friends. Come Lunar New Year, all the little puppies on home visitswould be hammered with non-stop nagging from ageing parents and childhoodfriends whose children are already in grade school. But don’t despair. It couldhave been worse.



The 2015 European black comedy The Lobster is about an Orvillian future inwhich singles are put away in a hotel and given 45 days to find a romanticpartner. If they fail, they are turned into an animal of their own choosing.The protagonist chooses the lobster for its longevity, hence the title.


Now I can imagine abacklash when singles fight for their rights to be on their own and marriage isdepicted as corrupting.

