




call这个单词出现在《新概念英语》第二册 Lesson 6,其基础词义为动词拜访,但是call用法十分灵活,且在日常语言应用中用法广泛,构成的惯用语和习惯搭配很多。掌握call这个单词的各种用法非常有必要。

Ⅰ. Call 基础词义及用法双解


v. 给…命名;称呼;把…叫做;认为…是;把…看作;把自己称为;自诩


1. call v. to visit someone, especially for a short time (尤指短暂的)拜访,造访

The electrician must have called (round) this morning when we were out - there's a note on the door mat.今天上午我们出去的时候电工一定来过了——门垫上留了张条。

2. call v. 给…取名,给…命名;称呼 [T obj noun] to give someone or something a name, or to know or address someone by a particular name

They've called the twins Katherine and Thomas. 他们给双胞胎取名为凯瑟琳和托马斯。

What's that actor called that we saw in the film last night?我们昨晚在电影里看到的那个演员叫什么名字?

His real name is Jonathan, but they've always called him 'Johnny'.他的真名叫乔纳森,但他们总是叫他“约翰尼”。

What's her new novel called?她的新小说叫什么名字?

3. Call v. to telephone someone (给…)打电话

He called (you) last night when you were out.昨晚你不在时他(给你)打过电话。

She called (me) this morning at the office and we had a brief chat.今天早上她打电话到我的办公室,我们简短地闲聊了会儿。

I've been calling all morning but I can't get through.我一早上都在打电话,可是没打通。

Do you think we should call the police?你觉得我们应该报警吗?


4. Call v. 称…为;把…看作 [T 双宾语 obj noun] to consider someone or something to be

Call no man happy until he dies. 盖棺才能定论。

He knows a lot of people, but only one or two that he'd call close friends.他认识很多人,但他称之为亲密朋友的只有一两个。

I don't call that a meal. 我可不把那叫一顿饭!

5. call v.打电话,n.电话

I made a phone call to the United States to talk to a friend.我打电话给美国的一个朋友。

In case of urgency, call the police.一旦发生紧急情况,打电话给警察。

I tried to call you up last night, but no one answered the phone.


I was just about to call you when he came.我正打算打电话给你这时候他来了。

I'll call you when Jack and I come back from our honeymoon, Daisy.等杰克和我度完蜜月回来,我会打电话给你,黛西。

Did you call Daddy to tell him?


I'll ask him to call you later.我会请他以后打电话给你。

What's wrong with your phone? I tried to call you.你的电话出了什么毛病?我一直要打电话给你。

For six months I waited for a call from her.我足足等了六个月,等她打电话给我。


Ⅱ. call组成的习惯用语idiom

1. Call常与at, in, on连用)拜访,作短暂访问(或停留)

Call in, or ring us up. It's up to you.你可以亲自来访,也可以打电话来,由你定。

Let's call in on the old granny for some minutes.我们花几分钟去看看老奶奶吧。

Do you think we should call at Fang Fang's when we go to New Guangzhou?我们去广州的时候,你看要不要去看看方方?

This long-distance coach calls at every stop along its journey.这趟长途汽车沿线每站都要停靠。

An old friend called on me the day before yesterday.前天一位老朋友来找过我。

The retired director called on at your office yesterday.已经退休了的董事昨天到你办公室来看过你。

We can call on our former teacher tomorrow.我们明天可以去拜访过去的老师。

In the letter he was asked to call at the railway station.信中说要他到火车站去一下。

I was out when he called.他来访时,我正好不在。

Many experts have been called in for advice.许多专家被请来商量对策。

The president called on the citizens to work hard for national unity.总统号召公民们为了国家的统一而努力工作。


Ⅲ. call构成的其它习惯用语idiom拓展

call sbs bluff 要求…摊牌,要求…兑现其恫吓(因相信对方不至于或不敢这样做)to tell sb to do what they are threatening to do, because you believe that they will not be cruel or brave enough to do it

call sth into play利用;使用to make use of sth

call sth into question怀疑;引起怀疑to doubt sth or make others doubt sth

call it a day结束一天的工作;到此为止;停止to decide or agree to stop doing sth

call it quits(因势均力敌)同意停止比赛(或争论等)to agree to end a contest, disagreement, etc. because both sides seem equal

决定停止to decide to stop doing sth

call sb names辱骂;谩骂to use insulting words about sb

call the shots/tune控制;拍板;操纵to be the person who controls a situation

call a spade a spade是啥说啥;直言不讳to say exactly what you think without trying to hide your opinion

call time (on sth)宣布结束;决定结束to say or decide that it is time for sth to finish

call sb to account (for/over sth)

责成…作出解释;责问to make sb explain a mistake, etc. because they are responsible for it

call sb/sth to order要求安静下来(以便开始或继续会议);要求遵守会议秩序to ask people in a meeting to be quiet so that the meeting can start or continue


Ⅳ. Call高频短语

1. pay a call on sb. 拜访某人

= pay a visit to sb.

2. call in 到某地取(某物);邀约

The police were called in.警察被召来了。

You'd better call the doctor in.你们最好请医生来。

3. call for 叫某人来接某人;邀约,来取

Let's go to the night school together, and I'll call for you.咱们一起去夜校吧,到时候我来叫你。

He asked me to call for him at four o'clock in the afternoon.他要我下午四点钟来接他。

He will call for his book tomorrow.他明天来取他的书。 4. call邀请;召集,召唤

His youngest son was called up in 1914.他最小的儿子在一九一四年应召入伍。



