
It all began last October, when the 2-year-old corgi, named Meya, decided to help herself to some seasonal decorations her mom, Alexandra Gleber, had set out at home.


"We had pumpkin for Halloween, and she devoured almost the entire thing," Gleber said. "I didn't think she'd actually eat it. I was very nervous at first, but then I found out it was OK for dogs to eat them."


But she wan't expecting what happened next.



"I live in Southern California, and we'd been in a drought. But in January and February, it rained a ton, and then this pumpkin plant suddenly sprouted like crazy!" said Gleber. "I can't grow anything, but of course when Meya plants something, it grows like crazy. She gave it some good fertilizer, I guess!"


Meya, clearly, is pleased with her work.


"She's so short and stubby, it's a like a jungle to her. It is nice to have some green back there," Gleber said. "It's even flowering now, so we'll probably be having pumpkin pie in a couple months."


In other words, Meya's long scheme to get a second helping appears to be paying off.



corgi: n. 柯基犬(一种腿短鼻尖的小狗)

help oneself to: 随便吃;自行取用

set out: 出发;摆放;布置

devour: v. 狼吞虎咽地吃

clean up after sb:清理某人弄脏乱的地方

tempt: v.怂恿;诱使


up to nature to take its course: 顺其发展;任其自然发展

like crazy: 飞快地;拼命地;发疯似地

stubby: adj. 矮胖的;粗短的

a couple: 一对,一双;一些,几个

a second helping:又一份

pay off: 偿还;惩罚;取得成功;获得好结果
