
Since childhood, we’re constantly reminded that education is the key to success.

Study hard! Do your homework! Get good grades!

However, there is an ever-growing question as to what is the “right” educational path. Education serves many goals. Whether the end goal is developing students intellectually, creatively, morally or professionally, education doesn’t have a single purpose. Each goal’s importance is different to different people.

Our current educational system however treats all students the same, as if everybody is moving along an assembly-line where we instill math, reading and science skills, and then test how much is retained. Like robots, we ensure that each person achieves a minimum “standard” of production.

At HEC, we believe students should have the opportunity to personalize their own growth and development according to what education means to them. Unique skills and perspectives that’d go unrecognized in today’s system are instead identified, encouraged and cultivated.

We call this educational philosophy “enLIFEnment”; The belief that true education comes not only from enlightening our students, embracing and guiding them through the unknown, but also from empowering an individual to define his own life’s path through the infinite possibilities instead of blindly following an educational assembly-line.

Our goal is to offer students different resources that together, from a holistic, 360-degree perspective, empower students to develop themselves into the more conceptual, multi-faceted individuals that top U.S. universities today seek.

First, our Academic Advisory team help lay the educational foundation for every student, exclusively focusing on improving coursework performance and standardized test scores for tests such as the SAT, ACT, TOEFL, AP and others.

Our EA Advisory team enables and provides resources for students to build their non-academic background through carefully crafting and executing focused activity plans that communicate to universities a student’s other interests, abilities and the subjective value they bring to their student bodies.

Our Experiential Workshops are designed to explore the global implications of different real-world problems through a series of guided seminars, introducing students to innovative, new ideas and experiences.

And while understanding the world around us is important, equally important is understanding oneself. Our Spiritual Advisory team of qualified life coaches help our students to better understand their own thoughts, desires, social and emotional needs, both in general and geared towards students planning to spend their college years in completely different culture, environment and way-of-life.

All this culminates into the most important year of every young student’s life: Their university application year. Each of our students has their own Strategic Consultant and Application Consultant to help package and communicate each individual student’s situation and desires into a compelling application direction that will make universities take notice, and ultimately gain admission to the best possible U.S. university for him or her.

Through a combination of academic advisory, extra-curricular advisory, unique experiential workshops and spiritual counseling, we believe that only by guiding students from every angle, or “enLIFEning,” can a student become the truly creative, innovative and unique person that top U.S. universities seek; The kind of person with the ability to move the world forward and shape a better tomorrow for all.














以上所有的这一切准备工作都将为学生生命中最重要的一年埋下铺垫 - 大学申请年。每一个学生都有自己单独的升学顾问和升学督导,他们会了解学生的情况和愿望,挖掘学生的闪光点,帮助学生整理独特的申请策略,最终帮助学生取得最好学校的录取通知书。

