

老子道德经全文解释第三十六章 浅读老子道德经第五十九章(1)



老子道德经全文解释第三十六章 浅读老子道德经第五十九章(2)


Nothing is more important than moderation in ruling people and serving heaven. Only with moderation,can one comprehend the principle of Nature as early as possible. Early to follow the principle of Nature,he can also accumulate virtue. If one have accumulated virtue thickly,he can do everything. He that can do everything is fathomable,and no one knows the highest limt of his ability. Because he has infinite ability to do everything,he can shoulder the heavy responsibility of governing the country. Also,this ability is the foundation of governing the country, it can make the country has a lasting peaceful and stable development. The big trees can survie for a long time because they are deeply rooted. The reason is just the same.

老子道德经全文解释第三十六章 浅读老子道德经第五十九章(3)


②“深根固柢(dǐ)”也可译为:“if the roots are deep,the tree will be stable.”

老子道德经全文解释第三十六章 浅读老子道德经第五十九章(4)
