

justifiable defense

Police and prosecutors in Kunshan, Jiangsu province, released statements Saturday on a case in which a bike rider stabbed another man to death following a traffic spat, verifying that the man's behavior constituted justifiable defense and noting he should be exempt from criminal liability.


无效死亡(died despite treatment)

正当防卫(justifiable defense)

防卫过当(excessive defense)

暴力犯罪(violent crime)

造成不法侵害人(unlawful infringer)

不负刑事责任(shall not bear criminal responsibility)


符合法律规定(be in accordance with the law)

严重危及于海明人身安全(seriously endanger Yu's personal safety)

不法侵害(unlawful infringement)


行凶 commit physical assault or murder

管制刀具 restricted knives

持刀袭击 knife attack

人身安全 personal safety


sexual assault case

JD.com's shares plummeted on Wednesday by 10.64%, as the Minneapolis Police Department released a report on JD founder Liu Qiangdong's sexual assault case saying Liu was arrested on an allegation of rape.


尚未对其发出正式指控(no formal charges have been filed)

交易日(trading day)

市值(market value)

一级性犯罪(criminal sexual conduct in the first degree)


初犯(first offense)

登记收押(take into custody)


遭遇不实性侵指控(be falsely accused of sexual assault)


发布了虚假或具有误导性的声明(make false or misleading statements)

集体诉讼(class action lawsuit)


性骚扰 sexual harassment

性暴力 sexual violence

性别平等 gender equality

轻罪 misdemeanor

重罪 felony


view counts

One of China's largest video platforms, iQiyi, announced on Monday that it's removing all view counts on its website, and instead would be adopting artificial intelligence technology to help recommend videos.


播放量(view counts)

网页的浏览量(page view,PV)


独立访客数(unique visitor,UV)

流量明星"(就可以用online celebrity with a huge fan base表示,或者简称为online celebrity,social media star也可以)

基于播放时间的行为数据(behavioral data based on viewing time)

用户互动数据(interaction data)

分享行为数据(sharing behavioral data)

唯播放量论(making view counts the sole criterion)

扭曲了创作和宣传的初心(distort the original purposes of creation and publicity)

刷量等违法行为(illegal acts like faking view counts)

大量优质作品因为缺乏综合客观的评价体系而埋没(good contents were flooded out of public sight due to the lack of comprehensive and objective assessment system)

得不到有效的参考目标(no helpful reference is available)

广告主也无法对营销投放效果做出合理评估(advertisers are unable to make sound assessment on marketing effect)


流量数据 traffic data

流媒体 stream media

网剧 online series

弹幕 bullet screen

价值导向 value orientation



2019年QS毕业生就业力排名榜(the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2019)

依据5项指标编制了这份榜单(use five indicators to compile the ranking)

雇主评价(employer reputation)

校友成就(alumni outcomes)

大学与雇主合作关系(partnerships with employers)

雇主与学生关系(employer/student connections)

毕业生就业率(graduate employment rate)

占据排行榜前四位的都是美国大学(American universities take the top four places),其中,首次名列全球毕业生就业力排名榜榜首(have been crowned the best university in the world for graduate employability for the first time)

最抢手的(the most sought after)


就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship

慢就业 delayed employment

自由职业者 freelancer

自主创业 self-employment

就业压力 employment pressure


succession plan

Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group

Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma announced a succession plan on Monday to hand the reins of his sprawling empire to a new generation of leaders.


卸任(step down)

阿里巴巴董事会成员(board member of Alibaba)

阿里巴巴年度股东大会(annual general meeting of stockholders)

合伙人机制(co-partnership system)

领导人传承(leader succession)

文化传承(culture succession)

以制度和人、文化的完美结合,让公司得以健康持续发展(enable the company's healthy development by combining together the system, the people, and the culture)

阿里巴巴已经有足够的自信和能力迎接董事局主席的交接(have enough confidence and ability to handle the transfer of power)

依靠个人特质的企业(an individual-dependent enterprise)

杰出商业领袖(an outstanding business leader)

最应该做的最正确的决定(the right decision at the right time)


卓越的才华 superb talent

商业头脑 business acumen

坚定沉着的领导力 determined leadership

坚信使命愿景 hold dear our mission and vision

勇于担当 embrace responsibility with passion


dual-SIM dual standby

Apple's latest iPhone XR and iPhone Xs Max for the Chinese market will support dual-SIM dual standby for the first time.

面向中国市场发售的苹果新款iPhone XR和iPhone Xs Max手机将首次支持双卡双待。

是去年推出的iPhone X的升级版(successor to last year's iPhone X)


新机(new models)

双卡双待(dual-SIM dual standby, DSDS)

实体SIM卡(physical SIM card)

特殊版本(special edition)

双SIM卡(dual SIM cards)


第三方渠道(third-party channel)


硬件升级 hardware upgrading

处理器 processor

操作系统 operating system

解锁 unlock

人脸识别 face recognition

可穿戴设备 wearable device


feminization trend

After the broadcast of a TV program called "First Class for the New Semester" featuring feminine-looking male celebrities, many think the feminization trend has gone too far and that androgynous men - derided as "little fresh meats" - are poisoning China's youth.


呼吁有关部门封杀这些娘娘腔明星(call on authorities to ban the effeminate stars)

以防下一代有样学样(in case the next generation would adopt their example)

性别刻板印象(gender stereotyping)

对于男性之美或阳刚之气不应只有一种标准(there should not be only one standard on male beauty or masculinity)

多样使世界美好(diversity makes the world beautiful)

效仿这些流行偶像的言语或衣着方式(follow the way these pop idols speak or dress)

阳刚危机(a crisis of masculinity)

贬损性的说法(derogatory terms)

品行而非外形(judge by their virtue rather than their appearance)

在青少年中有着广泛影响的明星们(celebrities who boast influence among teenagers)

更加积极、向上的形象(more positive and upbeat image)


娘娘腔 sissy pants

妆容精致 wear delicate makeup

主流审美 mainstream aesthetic

少年娘则中国娘 If a teenager is sissy, then the country is sissy.


issue prescriptions online

执业资质(practicing certificates)

临床工作经验(clinical experience)

仅可在线开具常见病、慢性病的处方(only prescriptions for common illnesses and chronic diseases are allowed to be issued online)

病历(medical history)

实体医疗机构(brick-and-mortar medical institutions)

麻醉药品(narcotic drugs)

精神药品(psychotropic drugs)


为许多慢性病患者带来便利、为他们节省时间(bring convenience and save time for many patients with chronic diseases)

使医疗服务更有效率(make medical services more efficient)


慢性病 chronic diseases

急性病 acute diseases

遵医嘱 follow the doctors' advice

在线开药 prescribe medicines online

互联网医疗咨询市场 online medical consulting market
