

Good morning~今天要跟大家分享的是英文中一些非常有趣的词语和表达。


1. Easy-peasy


水逆了状态很糟糕!为什么!Topsy-turvy things happen like this all the time when Mercury is retrograde!

4. Eenie meenie miney mo

不知道大家有没有听过Justin Bieber 09年的一首歌,叫做Eenie Meenie.当然这首歌的歌词主要是关于感情。This is a method of decision making mainly used by young children as you go by each object you say one of the words until you're done with the phrase.非常类似于小时候我们说的“点兵点将,骑马打仗”那一套。说全一点呢就是"eenie meenie miney mo catch a faggot by the toe, my momma chooses the straightest one and you are so it"。

当然也有其他的句子和说法,比如用排除的"eenie meenie miney mo catch a tiger by the toe if he hollers let him go my momma chooses the very best one and you are not it" ,或者黑白配啊还有剪刀石头布。

5. Willy-nilly

在做一个决定时如果主意变来变去的非常纠结,就可以用“Willy-nilly”来形容犹豫不决又有点任性的做法。So it refers to behaviour in a careless and unplanned way. 当然在做决定的时候,我们最好take more factors into consideration and just don’t do that willy-nilly.

最后的一个词呢给大家选择了Winner winner chicken dinner. This phrase is used to convey a positive outcome. 很久以前在赌城拉斯维加斯,赢一次赌局的标准回馈是$2.00,而每一家赌场都有一种包含三块鸡肉和土豆蔬菜的套餐,售价$1.79。如果赢了一局就能够买一份鸡肉饭啦,所以Winner winner chicken dinner就用来祈求赌博时的好运。

当询问别人事情是否顺利,如果对方回答Winner winner chicken dinner,那结果就是妥妥的啦。

那么今天的分享就到这里啦,have a nice day guys~



美化排版 | Kilinno

封面图片 | 宇儿

审核校对 | 张津

