
(作者:电子科技大学西非研究中心团队,执笔人:Bruce Emmanuel,译者:宋和(西非研究中心助理)【西非漫谈】2022年第二期,总第五十一期。整理:张海琳、孟雅琪,供稿:赵蜀蓉)

1. 利比里亚农业部门概述



2. 利比里亚的经济作物

2.1 橡胶生产

2020年,利比里亚橡胶产量占出口总额的13.5%。利比里亚的商业和私人橡胶农场加大了劳动力雇佣力度,从而降低了该国的失业率。有22,000人从事商用橡胶生产,38,000户家庭参与橡胶生产劳动。目前,利比里亚天然橡胶生产企业之一费尔斯通天然橡胶(Firestone Natural Rubber)雇佣员工数量居首,对降低失业率与减贫做出了贡献。然而,由于较低的国际市场价格,利比里亚的橡胶种植量有所减少。因此,利比里亚的橡胶生产面临着降价的困境,从而影响到对主要供应商的供应情况,其带来的产量受限也造成了失业问题。据报道,2018年约有2000名全职和合同工被解雇(Carter, 1968)。


2.2 棕榈油

尽管大多数农民都从事木薯生产,但棕榈是利比里亚重要的经济作物之一。利比里亚的棕榈油产量虽然不高,但其对经济的贡献不容低估。由于Covid-19病毒影响,生产商目前面临着各种挑战 (Tarway-Twalla, 2013年)。棕榈油产量的下降(从22,465公吨降至22,200公吨)已经影响了该国的出口总量。此外,有限的棕榈油市场是大多数利比里亚农民担心的问题,因此,他们将注意力转移到其他作物上,尤其是木薯。如今,农业利益相关者,如大型跨国公司和小农合作社、个体农民、正在与利比里亚农业部进行协商,希望其对农业进行投资并支持小农户(国际贸易管理局,2021年)。下面的表2描述了利比里亚主要农业和林业的产出情况。





3. 利比里亚的农业政策





4. 农业部门面临的挑战





5. COVID-19疫情中期的农业发展



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[2]Carter, G. M. (1968). Growth without Development: An Economic Survey of Liberia. Robert W. Clower, George Dalton, Mitchell Harwitz, A. A. Walters. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 17(1), 132–136. https://doi.org/10.1086/450342

[3]Fair Labor Worldwide (2011). Rubber Production in Liberia: An Exploratory Assessment of Living and Working Conditions, with Special Attention to Forced Labor. Accessed at https://www.verite.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Research-on-Working-Conditions-in-the-Liberia-Rubber-Sector__9.16.pdf

[4]Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (2020). National agrifood systems and COVID-19 in Liberia Effects, policy responses and long-term implications. Retrieved from https://www.fao.org/3/cb2114en/CB2114EN.pdf.

[5]International Trade Administration (2020). Liberia - Country Commercial Guide: Agricultural Sectors. Accessed on 31 Dec 2021 at https://www.trade.gov/country-commercial-guides/liberia-agricultural-sectors

[6]Ministry of Agriculture (2012). National Rice Development Strategy of Liberia Doubling Rice Production. Retrieved from https://riceforafrica.net/downloads/NRDS/LNRDS.pdf

[7]Ministry of Agriculture (Republic of Liberia Monrovia, Liberia. Food and Agriculture Policy and Strategy "From Subsistence to Sufficiency". Retrieved 31 Dec 2021, from https://www.moci.gov.lr/doc/Food and Agriculture Policy and Strategy.pdf

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[10]World Bank, (2017). Comprehensive Assessment of the Agriculture Sector in Liberia: Volume 1, Synthesis Report. Accessed at https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/7677

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西非研究中心联合加纳5所高校成员单位、电子科技大学西非校友会和加纳中华工商总会,着力打造集留学生人才培养基地、学术交流平台、西非研究智库为一体的“1 1 1”中非合作新模式,即:

1. 构建一个人才培养基地。中心将协助拓展来华留学生的西非生源,丰富电子科技大学本科、硕士、博士多层次留学生培养体系;开展西非海外干部培训、师资培训、定制化ICT与工程培训、学生暑期实践项目等,致力于构建集学历教育、在职培训、实训实践为一体的多元化、特色化的海外人才培训基地;帮助中资企业培养本土化人才,解决经济与社会发展问题。










About Center for West African Studies of UESTC

1. Introduction

The Center for West African Studiesof University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (CWASof UESTC)isaresearch center jointly established by University of Electronic Science andTechnology of China (UESTC), University of Ghana (UG), University of Cape Coast(UCC), Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA),University of Education, Winneba (UEW), and University for Development Studies(UDS)in April 2017. The Center is based in the School of Public Affairs andAdministration at UESTC and is headed by Professor ShuRong Zhao.

The establishment of CWAS is animportant initiative of UESTC to pursue China’s “Philosophy and Social Sciences‘Going Global’ Strategy” and a beneficial practice for UESTC to build aninternational interdisciplinary research system and a new type of high-level“Think Tank”.

In March 2021, the CWAS of UESTCwas accredited by the Ministry of Education of China as the Center for Nationaland Regional Studies for Universities.

2. ResearchDirection

Research Targets:Focusing on Ghana, Benin, Senegal, and other major West African countries and WestAfrican regions.

Research Areas:China-West Africa politic science, economic and social development, publicadministration, education, literature and culture, etc.; China-West Africaeconomic and trade cooperation; China-West Africa intergovernmental relations.

3. Mission and Goals

The Center for West AfricanStudies, together with five member institutions of universities in Ghana, UESTCAlumni in West Africa for West African Studies, and the Ghana Chinese Chamberof Commerce, strives to create a "1 1 1" new research model ofChina-Africa cooperation, which integrates a Talent Training Base, an Academic ExchangePlatform and a Think Tank for West African studies. It aims to:

(1) To serve as aTalent Training Base. The Center helps to expand the source of international students from West Africa and enrich themulti-level international student training system of UESTC for undergraduate,master, and doctor. Also, it carries out overseas cadre training, teachertraining, customized ICT and engineering training, and summer practice programsfor students in West Africa, and devotes itself to building a diversified anddistinctive overseas talent training base which integrates academic education,on-the-job training and practical training, and cultivates local talents forChinese enterprises to address economic and social development problems.

(2) To build an AcademicExchange Platform.Through regularly holding international academic conferences such as Forum on West African Studies,organizing China-Africa Friendship—Academic—Culture Exchanges Month, andpromoting overseas exhibitions of 3D platforms for cultural resources andChina-West Africa International Industry-Academia-Research Cooperation Project,the Center is committed to building a platform for China-Africa exchanges andcooperations in various fields such as academics, humanities, science andtechnology, and enhancing the influence and cultural soft power of Chineseuniversities and enterprises in Africa.

(3) To establish a ThinkTank for West African studies.The Center is committed to research on economic, political, and humanistic exchanges in WestAfrica by utilizing the disciplinary strengths and featured research of itsmembers both in China and abroad. It works to strengthen cooperations with WestAfrican think tanks such as the Imani Center for Policy Education (ranked 113in global think tanks) and the Institute for Statistics, Social and EconomicResearch (ranked 164 in global think tanks) as part of efforts to enhance jointresearch, and collectively publish and undertake research projects on WestAfrican studies. The Center also aims to propose policy advice to the Chinesegovernment and West African countries, provide high-level think tank services forChina in fields covering talent training, science and technology services,economic and business management, and public and political governance. And, italso strives to become an influential think tank center for West African studies.

4. Memberships

West African Members:

University ofGhana(UG),University of Cape Coast(UCC),Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Universityof Education, Winneba(UEW),University of DevelopmentStudies(UDS),West African Alumni Association.

UESTC Members:

School of PublicAffairs and Administration, School of Management and Economics,School of Foreign Languages,School ofInternational Education,School of Marxism,Office of Scientific Research & Development, School ofMechanical and Electrical Engineering, School of Information and SoftwareEngineering.

5. Websites andWechat Official Account

Chinese Website:https://cwas.uestc.edu.cn/sy.htm

English Website:https://cwas.uestc.edu.cn/English/Home.htm

Wechat OfficialAccount:gh_bfde9ecc926a

6. Contact Us



Address:Office 450, Center for West AfricanStudies, Qingshuihe Campus, University of Electronic Science and Technology ofChina, No. 2006, Xiyuan Avenue, High-Tech Zone (West District), Chengdu, China.
