
Fnatic vs KZ

Rekkles has been putting Fnatic in a difficult situation. His DMG% of 0.9% is on Pace to be the LoWest in MSI History.


He died for literally one minion. Lol


Rekkles inted a couple times so people stop calling him a KDA player.


1 caster minion snowballed to 5 deaths and baron. Talk about game of inches


Butterfly effect at its finest


Fnatic lost five members and the baron because Rekkles went for one caster minion. Kill me.


Are you a caster minion too? Then yes.


I want Rekkles to be a pallbearer at my funeral, so he can let me down one last time.


[ALL]: FNC Caps: cant carry this, btw report ADC for AFK

——[公频]:FNC Caps:带不动带不动,顺带大家举报下ADC暂离。

Looks like KZ decided to start playing with their hands.



3 major Asian regions qualified, now it's NA vs EU


64 damage and still not the least in that teamfight.


0/0/0 MLXD LUL

Edit: 0/0/1 Saved


RNG's evolution over the tournament:

Don't ban double tear Ezreal -> Ban but don't pick double tear Ezreal -> Pick double tear Ezreal



MLXG is like me at a squad PUBG game. Winning the game without seeing a single enemy.





Doublelift carrying and LMS back in the fray. We're season 2 again.


Can't stop Team Liquid when they sense their 4th win.


Looks like Riot told them it was the 4th MSI


Nothing gets between Liquid and 4th place


It's stupid how Malza in competitive forces the enemy team to waste 6500g.


DL hard carrying all NA hopes


Fnatic vs EVOS

Kabum Esports vs. Alliance (2014, colorized)


I hope TL beat RNG so I don't have to go through the suffering of watching FNC play again


FNC Useless


FNC just keeps misunderstanding the Sivir comp. It's "press R and win", not "do nothing and lose" :/

——FNC一直对希维尔战术有误解啊,那是“按下R然后赢下比赛”,可不是“什么都不做然后输掉。” :/



Rekkles playing like a caster minion this whole tournament, cba


caster minion will stand and fight.


msi uzi封神之路(老外怎么看MSI特辑第五日)(1)

Fnatic:Mr Stark,I don’t feel so good...



We've been together at 0-2, now we're near the finish line, both at 4-6.

It's time to say goodbye to each other brothers. Only one of us will advance.

One meme has to die.

EU in tiebreakers or TL 4th.





EU ❤ China

can we take a moment to talk about how fucking good Ming is ? Everyone prase Uzi and yes, he is good, but Ming is a fucking beast too


and now the battle of who can choke harder: FNC or TL?


Oh god, neither fans are looking forward this next match lol.


Uzi carried FNC in this game more than Rekkles did whole tournament.

——Uzi这场比赛carry FNC比Rekkles这整个赛事carry的都多。

Double is great, but Uzi is the best


RNG vs FW 加赛1

Uzi is so far ahead of other adcs it’s not even funny.


Uzi is a class above everyone else. It’s insane.


msi uzi封神之路(老外怎么看MSI特辑第五日)(2)

Top 10 Anime Sacrifices


I cried.




Celine dion titanic song plays in the background.


msi uzi封神之路(老外怎么看MSI特辑第五日)(3)

AD Carry Uzi

I will never not upvote this.


This is the highlight of the comments.


I think there is a legitimate argument that Uzi is not only the best ADC in the world, but the best player period right now. I have not seen an individual this dominant over his competition since S3 Faker.


TL vs FNC 加赛2

msi uzi封神之路(老外怎么看MSI特辑第五日)(4)

I knew it was over when Rekkles was hitting champions.


When your ADC starts autoattacking enemy champions.


It was so nice to see Rekkles stop playing so scared :)


Caps roamed 3 times within 6 minutes and was 15 cs up against PoB. Not sure if Caps is a monster or PoB is hot garbage.

Caps 6分钟内游走了3次还比Pobelter领先15个刀。我不知道到底Caps是猛兽呢还是Pobelter是热腾腾的垃圾。

msi uzi封神之路(老外怎么看MSI特辑第五日)(5)


Hey those supports don’t always ult into 2v5s and lose the game.


Olleh with the TSM special Tahm kench ult.


Olleh was awful this game. DL had to burn flash or died three times because olleh didn't eat him


EU in Tiebreakers > Liquid 4th

加赛的欧洲战队 > 争四狂魔Team Liquid

Liquid 4 wins.

Team Liquid共取得4胜。

The prophecy is fulfilled.


Jesus Christ.


Seeing Caps on Taliyah and Rekkles not on Sivir makes you think what the fuck they have been waiting for so long.


msi uzi封神之路(老外怎么看MSI特辑第五日)(6)


Caps said it was "to give NA false hope".

