






1.Site Investigation Request for Proposal


2. Form of Tender


3. General Conditions of Contract


Clause 1 Project Description

第一条 工程概况

Clause 2 Documents provided by employer

第二条 发包人提供文件资料

Clause 3: Results of investigation submitted by investigator to employer

第三条 勘察人向发包人提交勘察成果资料

Clause 4: Date of Commencement and Submission of Results of Investigation, Fee Standard and

Payment Method.

第四条 开工及提交勘察成果资料的时间和收费标准及付费方式

Clause 5: Obligations of the Employer and the Investigator

第五条 发包人、勘察人责任

Clause 6 Breach of Contract

第六条 违约责任

Clause 7 supplementary agreements

第七条 补充协议

Clause 8 Others:

第八条 其它约定事项:

Clause 9: Disputes settlement

第九条 争议处理

Clause 10: validity and termination



1 Site Investigation Request for Proposal 报价邀请书

1.1 Project Overview项目概况

The specification is submitted for a site investigation services for an international investor. The project involves a new manufacturing facility. The site is located in . In order to complete the work of site investigation, the engineers provide the copy of technology specification. The specification will be treated as a preliminary suggestion. It will be developed with the progress of design and the practice condition, so that the final site investigation technology

specification will be formed.

本项目是受业主国际投资者委托,对位于 ,业主所属场地内进行工程勘察工作。为进行该场地的建设工程勘察工作,工程师提出这份述技术要求。所有技术要求仅作为初步建议,将根据设计的发展和场地的实际条件做出调整,从而形成最终的建设工程勘探技术要求。

1.2 Conditions of Tender 投标人须知

For details of the scope of work for the captioned project (hereinafter referred to as “The Project”), please refer to the first clause of the Special Conditions of Contract in this document - Project Description and other documents, drawings or correspondence issued for tender purpose.

The following is a list of Documents and drawings issued for tender purposes:




2. In Specification技术规范内

provide relevant information as required by the Specification. In the Bills of Quantities


a. fill in the required information, quantities, rates for each item and calculate the amount of that



b. calculate the page total for each page and transfer to the summary for that trade;


c. calculate the summary for each trades on summary page of that trade and transfer to the summary for that chapter; and


d. calculate summary for each chapter on summary page of that chapter and transfer to the General Summary.


e. all rates shall be quoted in 2 decimal places, while the amount shall be rounded to integer.


f. where the tender thinks the items listed in the Schedule of Rates is different from the works to be carried out, he may make amendments to the schedule of rates. In the General Summary


a. Fill in the summary for each chapter (transferred from the summary pages for each chapter in

the Schedule of Rates);


b. calculate the tender sum and transfer it to Item 1 of the Form of Tender; and

计算投标金额及转至投标书第 1条;及

c. Sign, stamp and date by the tenderer’s legal representative or authorized representative.


(8) When the tenderer submit the tenders, they shall include the following documents:


The copies, stamped with company chop, of business license, qualification certificate, other documents/certificates, showing that the tenderers are authorized to carry out this type of works in the city/ district where this project is located.



The tenderer shall by his own evaluate whether his qualification is sufficient for carrying out this project. If the tenderer has not obtained the qualification after the award of this contract, he is deemed to have guaranteed that, without affecting the commencement date and within reasonable time, he will obtain the legal qualification to perform this contract. In case the tenderer for his own reasons fails to commence the works on the date prescribed by the contract or perform this contract, the tenderer shall compensate to the Employer any loss suffered.





The registered addresses and business addresses of the tenderer and his general office.


The publication or certified reports of financial status of the tenderer (e.g. the profit and loss schedule for the past 5 years, the asset and debt statement and audit report), as well as the authorization to the Employer for requesting relevant proof from the bank. Detailed information on similar past job experience and the works under construction in the city/ district where this project is located.



(20) The tender shall visit the site before submission of tender, and is deemed to completely understand all that may affect the tender such as the site, the location, character and conditions of the nearby buildings, accesses, working space and all other relevant matters.


(21) The tenderer shall understand clearly those works currently under construction or existing buildings close to the site. The tenderer shall make sufficient consideration and take any necessary special protection measures to avoid damages such as falling, settlement, shake or movements to the buildings close to the site during the construction. The tenderer shall coordinate with all the contractors employed by the Employer for the scope of this project.



(22) The tenderer shall, before submission of tender, dispatch his staff to investigate the location, working space, access road, and the site conditions for each drill hole, to ensur investigation work could be carried out for each drill hole. The tenderer shall not claim for money or extension of time because of neglect or misunderstanding the conditions of the site.


(23) The tenderer shall strictly comply with the requirements of the tender documents. If the tenderer fails to comply some requirements, he shall list in detail, itemize and compare such discrepancies from the tender documents upon submission of tender. If the tenderer does not notify the Employer such discrepancies upon submission of tender, or the tenderer misunderstand the above in any way, any claims on such grounds will not be considered


2 Form of Tender投标书

Note: In all cases, the tenderer must give the registration number, date of issue, registered address and the issuing institution of their business license and investigation qualification certificate:

注: 在任何情况下,投标人必须在此填写其营业执照及勘察证书的注册编号、签发日期、注册地址及发照机关:

1) I / We, having examined the Conditions of Contracts including General and Special Conditions of Contract, Specification and Bills of Quantities for , do hereby offer to undertake the responsibility requested in the Tender Documents, including but not limited to the material supply, machinery, transportation, installation, tests, execution of site investigation works and submission of investigation reports (hereinafter referred to as “the Works”) all in accordance with the Tender Documents for the sum of Renminbi (USD ). or such sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the relevant Conditions of Contract.

审查生产设备项目合同条款包括合同标准条款及合同专用条款、图纸、技术规范及工程量清单之后,我司愿按上述招标文件及按人民币 美元 (USD)的金额,或按上述有关合同条款所确定的其它金额,承担招标文件要求的责任包括但不限于整个工程的物料供应、机械、运送、安装、测试、进行地质勘察工程及提交勘探报告(以下简称“本工程”)。

2) If my/our tender is accepted, I/We guarantee: 如果我司的投标书被接受,我司保证:

2.1 The contract shall be commenced on the 5th calendar days (excluding the day of issue of the order) of receipt of the Employer’s or the Employer Representative’s order to commence the Works.



2.2 The contractual period of the Work shall be 70 calendar days. The contractual period includes but is not confined to any preparation works, delivery of mechanical equipment, any application to related departments, site investigation works, submission of investigation and test reports and the time needed for the examination and approval by related departments.

本工程合同工期为 70个日历天。合同工期包括但不限于任何准备工作、施工机械进场、向



3) I/We agree to abide by this Tender for a period of 90 calendar days or within the extended period approved by myself/ourselves after that period (“Expiration” for short) commencing from the specified date of tender. The tender shall remain binding upon me/us and may be accepted by the Employer at any time before the expiration of that period.

我司同意在从指定的回标日期起的 90个日历天或其后经我司同意延长的时间内(以下简称”期限”)遵守本投标书。在此期限届满之前,本投标书仍然对我司具有约束力,并可随时被雇主接受。

4) Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Tender together with the letter of award issued by the Employer or his representative within the period mentioned in Clause 3 hereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us.

直到制订并签署正式合同文件前,由雇主或雇主代表在本投标书第 3.条所述的期限内发出的中标通知书将成为我司与雇主双方之间具有约束力的合约。

5) I/We understand that it is your intention not to create any contractual relations in this invitation to tender until the award of the Contract and you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender.


Clause 2 The Employer shall provide the following documents in time to the Investigator, and be

responsible for its preciseness and reliability.


3.2.1 Provide the Project Approval Document (photocopy), and site plan (boundary of red line), permits such as construction permit, investigation permit (photocopy).

3.2.1 提供本工程批准文件(复制件),以及用地(附红线范围)、施工、勘察许可等批件(复印件)。

3.2.2 Provide Investigation Task Assignment Document, technical requirement and topographic chart for the scope of work, architectural master layout plan.

3.2.2 提供工程勘察任务委托书、技术要求和工作范围的地形图、建筑总平面布置图。

3.2.3 Provide existing technical information for the investigation scope coordinates and levels required for the Project.

3.2.3 提供勘察工作范围已有的技术资料及工程所需的坐标与标高资料。

3.2.4 Provide the information of existing underground objects within the scope of investigation (e.g. electrical, telecommunication cables, all sorts of pipes, air raid shelters, holes, etc.) and detailed layout plan.

3.2.4 提供勘察工作范围地下已有埋藏物的资料(如电力、电讯电缆、各种管道、人防设施、洞室等)及具体位置分布图。

3.2.5 In case the Employer is unable to provide above information and it is done by the Investigator, he shall pay the Investigator the relevant cost.

3.2.5 发包人不能提供上述资料,由勘察人收集的,发包人需向勘察人支付相应费用。

Clause 3: The Investigator shall submit the results of investigation to the Employer and be

responsible for their quality.


3.3.1 The Investigator shall submit 4 copies of the results of investigations to the Employer, extra copies required by the Employer will be charged separately.


Clause 4: Date of Commencement and Submission of Results of Investigation, Fee Standard and

Payment Method.

