Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy.,下面我们就来说一说关于相似性的单词 如何分辨这些长得相像?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

相似性的单词 如何分辨这些长得相像

相似性的单词 如何分辨这些长得相像

Hello everyone and welcome back to English with Lucy.

大家好,欢迎回到跟着 Lucy 学英语。

I am very, very excited about today's video, because you helped me create it.


I asked my Instagram followers to tell me some of the most difficult pairs of English words, words that my students genuinely find tough to remember, or to say, or to differentiate between.

我要我 Instagram 的粉丝告诉我一些最难的英语单词对,我的学生觉得很难记住,或者说区分的单词。

Words like Effect and affect, either and neither, or is it either and neither?

例如 effect 和 affect,either 和 neither。

We will talk about that.


What about except and accept, or loose and lose?

那 except 和 accept,或 loose 和 lose呢?

Should you use assure, ensure, or insure?

你应该使用 assure,ensure,还是 insure?

What do they mean?


How do we use them?


We will go through all of these and many, many more.


I have 10 sets of confusing English words, and you will leave the lesson feeling that little bit more knowledgeable.

我准备了 10 组令人困惑的英语单词,课后你会觉得知识有所增加。

Before we get started, I would just like to thank the sponsor of today's video.


It is Skillshare, which is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for lifelong learners.

那就是 Skillshare,这是一个在线学习社区,拥有成千上万个针对终身学习者的启发性课程。

There are so many classes to choose from, from business to design, to creative writing, to marketing, to languages.


The choice is yours.


I think that this class, called Real Productivity: How to Build Habits That Last by Thomas Frank, could help me a lot, and I think it could help a lot of you too.


Skillshare is curated specifically for learning, meaning there are no ads and they are always launching new premium classes.

Skillshare 专为学习而设,这意味着它没有广告,而且它们总是推出新的高级课程。

It's less than $10 a month with an annual subscription.

年订阅费平摊到每月不到 10 美元。

And the first 1,000 of my students to click on the link in the description box will get a free trial of premium Skillshare membership.

而我的前1000名点击描述栏中的链接的学生将获得一个免费试用高级 Skillshare 会员的资格。

What are you waiting for?


Right. Let's get started with the confusing English words.


I'm going to present to you 10 pairs, or in some cases, trios of words that are generally found to be very, very confusing.

我要给你介绍 10对,或在某些情况下,是三个一组的单词,人们通常会发现它们非常非常非常令人困惑。

They are confusing to English learners and native speakers alike.


I know that I make mistakes with these words quite frequently.


To help you out even further, to help you learn and memorISE all of these little nuances, I have created a PDF worksheet.

为了进一步帮助你,帮助你学习和记住所有这些细微差别,我创建了一个 PDF 文档。

It's got all of the information from today's lesson, plus some extra activities that I think you'll really like.


All you have to do to claim this free PDF is to sign up to my mailing list and it will be sent directly to your inbox.

要获得这份免费的 PDF 只需要注册到我的邮件列表,它将直接发送到你的收件箱。

The link to do that is also in the description box.


So the first one we have, effect and affect.

那么我们的第一组,effect 和 affect。

The pronunciation is so similar.


With the first one, beginning with E, I say effect, effect.

第一个词是 E 开头的,我说的是 effect,effect。

It's slightly more of an E sound at the beginning.

它开头更像是 E 的音。

With the word beginning with A, I use the schwa, affect, affect.


Please note, I am teaching modern received pronunciation here.


Of course, there are lots of variations.


But in general, in the UK, I hear people using the schwa A sound for both affect, effect, affect, effect, the same.

但总的来说,在英国,我听到人们用半元音发声 affect 和effect。

I will say affect and effect to emphasise which word I'm referring to.


Both of these words can take the form of both a noun and a verb.


Affect is most commonly a verb and effect is most commonly a noun.

Affect 最常用作动词,而 effect 最常用作名词。

Usually, something affects something to produce an effect.


So to affect, to affect, is to influence something or somebody.


For example, do video games affect children's behaviour?


Effect, the noun version, is a result or an influence.

Effect 是名词,它是影响的结果。

Do video games have an effect on children's behaviour?


Now, effect can be used as a verb, to effect.

那么 effect 可以用作动词,表示实现。

However, this is quite rare, but it's not unheard of.


It means to achieve or to produce.


For example, we hope to effect a change in policy.


Affect can be used as a noun, but this is incredibly rare and it's used in very specific situations, normally in psychology or psychiatry.

Affect 可以用作名词,但是这种情况很少见,并且用于特定的情况,通常是心理学或精神病学。

And in this case, it means an emotional response, but I don't really see the value in going into detail in that.


Now, how can you remember which is which?


I have a little memory tip, affect comes first, alphabetically, with A.

我有一个小的记忆技巧,affect 按字母顺序排在前面。

And an action, affect has to happen first in order to produce an effect.


I don't know if that's made it easier or more complicated, but it made sense in my head. Okay.


Now we have one with which I really struggle, a pair that I really struggle with.


It is bring and take.

那就是 bring 和 take。

They don't sound similar, but my mother always used these interchangeably when I was growing up.


And it's only since I've been with my fiance, William, that I've realised how often I use these words incorrectly.


I will say, if you use these incorrectly, it's highly likely that we understand what you mean.


Obviously the most important thing is communication, but here we're getting down to the nitty-gritty.


We're looking deep into these words.


So bring implies movement towards somebody.

所以 bring 表示动作指向某人。

So it depends on point of view.


Normally it's towards the speaker.


Now, take implies movement away from someone or something.

而 take 表示远离某人或某物的动作。

Again, it totally depends on whose point of view we're looking at.


Let's have a look at two dialogues.


Both of these dialogues are from Tom's point of view.


We have Tom, we have Jane, we are seeing things from Tom's point of view.


Tom and Jane are in the living room.


Tom asks, Jane, "Are you going to the kitchen?"


And Jane replies with, "Yes."


Tom responds with, "Can you bring me my phone charger?"


So Jane will return from the kitchen with Tom's charger and give the charger to Tom.


Another dialogue, again from Tom's point of view.


Tom asks, Jane, "Are you coming over for dinner tonight?"


And Jane responds with, "Yes."


Jane doesn't talk much, does she?


Tom then responds with, "Please, could you bring a dessert?"


So Jane will carry a dessert from where she is to where Thomas is, in his house.


So Tom and Jane are at home together.


Tom says, "Please could you take this letter to the post office?"


So the letter is moving away from where they are.


It's a different place.


Jane, who seems to be very, very nice, very submissive says, "Would you like me to take you to the station tomorrow?"


So she will be carrying Tom from the house to the station.


Now, I don't know why, with English as my mother tongue, I still find this concept so difficult to use correctly in my daily life.


And that's just a clear example of how frustrating English can be sometimes.


It's my mother tongue, and I still struggle with it, so please don't beat yourself up if you find some of these concepts quite hard.


The most important thing is communication here.


I might accidentally ask Will, "Oh, can you bring me to the station," instead of, "can you take me to the station?"

我可能会偶然问威尔,“Oh,can you bring me to the station?”而不是“can you take me to the station?”

And he always rolls his eyes and says, "Take."

他总是翻白眼说:“是 take。”

Oh, it's so annoying.


The same thing happens with lefts and rights.


I really struggle with lefts and rights.


I just, my brain doesn't do it.


And that's the same with bring and take.

而 bring 和 take 也是一样。

Right. Let's move on to these two words, either, or either, and neither or neither.

好的。让我们继续讲这两个词,either 和 neither。

Now, I really frequently receive questions about the pronunciation of these words, because I use the pronunciations interchangeably.


How confusing is that?


But seriously, there are just some words in the English language that have two or more accepted pronunciations and people tend to use both pronunciations.


Now in general, in American English, they tend to use, as far as I'm aware, either and neither.

据我所知,一般来说,在美式英语中,他们倾向于说 /ˈi:ðər/ 和 /ˈni:ðər/。

It seems that in British English, we're more inclined to use both either, either, neither, neither.


My recommendation to you is just pick the one you like best.


I can imagine myself at dinner saying, "Oh, carrots or peas, either is fine."


But I can also imagine myself saying, "Either one will do."


Isn't that weird?


I bet there is a study on these words and why we do that, and I need to find it.


Now either, or either, means one or the other of two things or people.

那么 either 表示两个事物或人中的一个或另一个。

Anyone will do, it does not matter which.


Neither, or neither, means not one nor the other of two people or things.

Neither 指的不是两个人或事物中的任何一个。

Let me show you an example.


Let's pretend I am in my classroom, teaching my class of students and I ask the classroom for a synonym for happy.


So I want the class to give me another word that also means happy.


Now, Miguel might tell me, "Content."

现在,Miguel 可能会告诉我“满足的”。

And Rania might tell me, "Cheerful."

Rania 可能会告诉我:“高兴的。”

Both of these answers are correct, so I can use either word.


See, naturally I went to either there.

看,我自然就说了 /ˈi:ðər/。

I can use either word.


I can use either word.


There must be some logic to that.


Now, Aga says, "Sad."

Aga 说:“悲伤的。”

And Nguyen says, "Down."

Nguyen 说:“低落的。”

Both of these answers are wrong.


Neither answer is correct.


Okay. Number four, we have advise and advice.

好的。第四组,我们有 advise 和 advice。

So, I-S-E is a/z/sound at the end, ise, advise.

因此,ISE 的结尾是/z/音,ise,建议。

I-C-E is a/s/sound at the end, ice, advice.

ICE 的结尾是/s/音,ice,建议。

In this case, ise is the verb, advise, to advise.


And advice, with ice, is the noun.

而以 ice 结尾的 advice 是名词。

To advise is to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation.

Advise 指的是告诉某人你认为他们应该在某种特定的情况下怎么做。

An example, I would strongly advise against going out alone.


Advice is the noun version of this.

Advice 是名词形式。

It is a suggestion or an opinion on what somebody should do in a particular situation.


His advice was to not go out alone.


Let's move on to number five.


It is practise and practise, the pronunciation of both is the same.

那就是 practise 和 practise,两者的发音是相同。

Now in British English, the noun is practice, with I-C-E at the end.

在英式英语中,名词是 practice,结尾是ICE。

And the verb, to practise, has I-S-E at the end, so we have a difference.

而动词 practise 的末尾是ISE,因此这里有所不同。

In American English, I-C-E is used for both.

在美式英语中,ICE 可以表示动词和名词。

So a lot of my students always say, "I find American English easier."


And this is one of the reasons why I totally understand, they have simplified, or it's not even simplified, it's they've just made some things more logical.


I can't think of many situations in which it would be confusing to have the same spelling for practise as a noun and practise as a verb, but maybe I'm wrong.


So to practise, as a verb, I-S-E in British English, I-C-E in American English, is to do an activity or to train in order to improve your skill.

因此,作为动词,在英式英语中是 ISE,而在美式英语中是 ICE,表示为了提高技能的活动或训练。

And practice, always I-C-E, is the act of doing an activity or training regularly in order to improve your skill.

而 practice 总是 ICE 结尾,指的是定期进行活动或训练以提高技能的行为。

So let's look at these two sentences, one is British English, the other is American English.


They will sound exactly the same just with different accents.


Oh no, do I have to do my American accent?


In British English, I need to practise my violin as it takes a lot of practise to play well.


And American English.


I don't know if I'm going to leave this in the video, we will see how it goes.


I'm sure there's an American out there watching me thinking, "Shut up."


I need to practise my violin as it takes a lot of practise to play well.


I sound like Siri.

我听起来好像 Siri。

Oh, that's so much fun.


That is so silly.


Right. We have still got five more pairs or trios of confusing words, but I'm going to stop the lesson here.


I don't want to overload you.


So next week, we will have the second part of this lesson.


Do not forget to download the PDF for this first section of the lesson and to complete the activities.

不要忘记下载本课程第一部分的 PDF,并完成活动。

I think they will really help you get these differences and these confusing words into your brain.


Don't forget to check out Skillshare.

不要忘了查看 Skillshare。

The first 1,000 of my students to click on the link in the description box will get a free trial of premium Skillshare membership.

我的前 1000 名点击描述栏中链接的学生将免费获得高级Skillshare 会员资格。

Don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media.


I've got my Facebook, my Instagram, and my email list.

我有脸书、INS 和我的电子邮件列表。

I've also got to my new British English pronunciation course where I teach modern received pronunciation.


I'm very, very proud of it and we've had some fabulous feedback from students so far.


I will see you soon for another lesson.

