《花木兰》是一部由妮基·卡罗执导,刘亦菲、甄子丹、甄子丹、巩俐、李连杰、李截、郑佩佩等主演的电影,阵容十分强大。影片于2020年9月4日上线流媒体Disney 。9月11日将在中国内地上映。


首映被称为make its debut。debut /deɪˈbjuː/ 是名词,意思是 the first public appearance of a performer or sports player (演员、运动员)首次亮相;初次登台(或上场)。






首映的另一个表达premiere. 这个单词既有名词词性又有动词词性。

The movie will have its premiere in July. 这部电影将于七月间首映。

The play was premiered at the Birmingham Rep in 1999. 这出戏于1999年在伯明翰轮演剧场首次公演。


After its premiere in theaters was postponed multiple times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Disney's highly anticipated Mulan, a live-action update of the media giant's 1998 animated classic, finally hit Disney's streaming platform on Friday.


1.备受期待的:highly anticipated

The night also kicked off(开球;开始干某事) with Woody Allen's highly anticipated new flick, "Midnight in Paris."



Long-awaited Mulan makes its debut on Disney Plus.期待已久的《花木兰》在迪士尼Plus首映。

2ve action movie:真人电影。


1)这里作形容词,表示( of pictures, drawings, etc. in a film 指电影的画面、图画等 ) made to look as if they are moving 动画的;栩栩如生的;(似)能活动的

animated cartoons/graphics/models 动画片;活动图形╱模型


2)full of interest and energy 兴致勃勃的;活跃的;生气勃勃的

Her face suddenly became animated. 她一下子眉飞色舞起来。



5.streaming platform流媒体平台


流媒体平台就是我们平常看剧,听音乐的一些平台,这些平台采用流式数据传播的方式为我们播放。比如优酷,爱奇艺,Apple Music都属于流媒体平台。

The $200 million film is available to viewers for a $30 premium purchase on Disney Plus (with an existing subscription), and will be released to all of the platform's subscribers for free starting on Dec 4.

这部价值2亿美元的影片将在迪斯尼 上以30美元的额外费用购买(现有订阅),并将从12月4日起免费向所有平台的订阅者发行。


1)adj. very high (and higher than usual); of high quality 高昂的;优质的

premium prices/products 奇高的价格;优质产品

2)n. an amount of money that you pay once or regularly for an insurance policy 保险费

a monthly premium of £6.25 每月6.25英镑的保险费

3)n. an extra payment added to the basic rate 额外费用;附加费

You have to pay a high premium for express delivery. 快递须付高额的附加费。

2. 发行电影╱书╱激光唱片/专辑都用release

3. $30 premium purchase on Disney Plus (with an existing subscription)可以改写成fork over $30 on top of a subscription.这是我昨天在爱语吧看到的一个句子。

fork over表支付

on top of表另外;在…之上

While the film is initially skipping theaters in the United States, Disney's 2020 nonmusical iteration of its 1998 classic will grace big screens in some international markets, including China, where its release in cinemas has been set for Sept 11, Disney said.


1. Skip 这里作动词。表示 to not do sth that you usually do or should do 不做(应做的事等);不参加

I often skip breakfast altogether. 我常常干脆不吃早饭



He moved with the grace of a trained boxer. 他的动作带有一个训练有素的拳击手的风采。

2)这里作动词,表to make sth more attractive; to decorate sth 为增色;为锦上添花;装饰

The table had once graced a duke's drawing room. 这张桌子曾一度为公爵的起居室增色不少。

3)另一个动词用法。 to bring honour to sb/sth; to be kind enough to attend or take part in sth 使荣耀;使生辉;承蒙光临

She is one of the finest players ever to have graced the game. 她是曾使这运动生辉的最杰出的运动员之一。

3.set for 安排好

A date will be set for a future meeting.

