purchase v/n.v.,下面我们就来说一说关于价格趋势表达法英语?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!




purchase v/n.


(formal) to buy something

e.g. You can purchase insurance online.

e.g. the growing demand to purchase goods on credit.

e.g. Tickets may be purchased in advance from the box office.


1.(formal) something you buy or the act of buying it

e.g. This products should be consumed on the day of purchase.

e.g. She made two purchases from my stall.

  1. (formal) a firm hold on something

e.g. The ice made it impossible to get a purchase on the road.



e.g. France was the no.1 purchaser of Iraqi oil.

purchase price

e.g. We borrowed 80% of the purchase price.

purchasing power

e.g. increases in purchasing power

e.g. The purchasing power of the local currency has halved.

suburb n.

an area where people live that is outside the center of a city

e.g. a London suburb



e.g. life in suburban London

e.g. a suburban (=boring and ordinary) lifestyle

suburbanite:a resident of a suburb

suburbia:(usually disapproving) the suburbs and the way of life,attitudes,etc. of the people who live there

e.g. Suburbia is a sadder place than of yore(=time long past).


sturdy adj.

1.(of an object)strong and not easily damaged

syn. robust

e.g. a sturdy pair of boots

2.(of people and animals,or their bodies)physically strong and healthy

e.g. a sturdy breed of cattle

  1. not easily influenced or changed by other people

syn. firmdetermined

e.g. The village has always maintained a sturdy independence.



e.g. a sturdily built young man


e.g. Its sturdiness is more than skin-deep.

stark adj.

1.(often disapproving)looking severe and without any colour or decoration

e.g. The hills stood stark against the winter sky.

  1. unpleasant,real and impossible to avoid

syn. bleak

e.g. The author paints a stark picture of life in a prison camp.

e.g. The remains of the building stand as a stark reminder of the fire.

  1. Very different to something in a way that is easy to see

syn. clear

e.g. The good weather was in stark contrast to the storms of previous weeks.

4.(only before noun) complete and total

syn. utter

e.g. The children watched in stark terror.

butt v/n.


to hit or push somebody or something hard with your head

e.g. The goat butted the boy and knocked him down.


  1. the thick end of a weapon or tool

e.g. a rifle butt

  1. the part of a cigarette or cigar that is left after it has been smoked

e.g. He dropped his cigarette butt into the street below.

  1. a large round container for storing or collecting liquids

e.g. a water butt

  1. the act of hitting somebody with your head

e.g. a butt from his head


butt in(on sb/sth)

syn. interfere with

e.g. How can I explain if you keep butting in?

e.g. I didn't ask you to butt in on my private business.

be the butt of sth

syn. target

e.g. She was the butt of some very unkind jokes.

glossary n.

a list of technical or special words, especially those in a particular text, explaining their meanings

e.g. a glossary defines important terms used by the project

e.g. difference of the cultural connotation of glossary between English and Chinese
