I can play the piano.

Mary: I wish I could play the piano. I am fond of some piano pieces composed by Chopin, and Mozart, but unfortunately, I can’t play them. Can you play the piano, Susan?

Susan: I can play not only the piano but also the violin.

Mary: Are you good at both of them?

Susan: Well, I am good at playing the piano, but not so good at playing the violin.

Mary: I see. How often do you play the piano?

Susan: Twice a week. When I was young, I used to play it every day. I really enjoy playing it.

Mary: I can imagine. it makes me feel good when I listen to the piano. I'm wondering how you can play it so well.

Susan: Well, I just stuck at practicing.

Mary: Practice makes perfect, huh?

Susan: Right.








玩滑梯和秋千的英文歌曲 日常英语-休闲娱乐(1)
