经查阅,原文成语的英译为:fall behind Sun Shan (who was last on the list of successful candidates)—fail in a competitive examination,以此来看,译文标题虽无误,但仍有冗长之嫌(见拟译);此外:,下面我们就来说一说关于名落孙山的文言翻译?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



经查阅,原文成语的英译为:fall behind Sun Shan (who was last on the list of successful candidates)—fail in a competitive examination,以此来看,译文标题虽无误,但仍有冗长之嫌(见拟译);此外:

1. 两个不定式十分拗口,删除前者即可,当然用for替代后者也可以;

2. with显然受到了汉语思维的影响,去掉后更符合搭配;

3. 本句画蛇添足;

4. 结构有误,在failure加上to be a更可取,但不如替换为failed更简洁明快;

5. 该词出现在英文中,似乎会给人挖苦对方,甚至自我太高之嫌;

6. Sun Shan在全文中出现过五六次,不堪卒读(连汉语都有“(孙)山”简称)!此外,

既然 in verse (用诗写的)作答,添点“韵味”似乎更佳!


Just After Me

Sun Shan, a witty scholar, was to sit an imperial civil examination when a fellow villager had his son go with him. Finding himself on the honor list, Sun returned only to be asked about the other’s fortune. He replied thus, “The last I chance to be, but yours just after me.”



The last I chance to be,


But yours just after me.
