


Schopenhauer 叔本华

一、叔本华认为,高智商的人寻求独居,普通人是爱交际的。 (Schopenhauer(叔本华) believed that highly intelligent people seek solitude(独居), and common people are gregarious(爱好社交的).)


Intelligent a. 聪明的,智力的; intelligence n. 智力,情报

Seek v. 寻找,寻求;seek to do sth. 试图做某事 = attempt to do sth.

Common a. 常见的,共同的;n. 平民

背景知识拓展:什么是公共品悲剧(Tragedy of the commons)

The tragedy of the commons is a problem in economics that occurs when individuals neglect the well-being of society in the pursuit of personal gain. This leads to over-consumption and ultimately depletion of the common resource, to everybody's detriment.


二、对于有智力天赋的人来说,独处有两个好处。(For the intellectually gifted, solitude has two advantages.)


Gifted a. 有天赋的;推孟

Advantage n. 优势,好处

三、首先,它允许他或她独自思考自己的想法。 其次,它避免了与智力低下的人打交道的必要性,根据叔本华的说法,他们组成绝大多数。(First, it allows him or her to be alone with his or her own thoughts. Second, it prevents needing to deal with intellectually inferior people, and they, according to Schopenhauer, constitute(组成) the vast majority.)


Allow v. 允许;allow doing sth.; allow sb. to do sth.

Alone adj./ adv. 独自;lonely adj. 寂寞的

Prevent v. 阻止

deal with phrasal verb. 处理,涉及

inferior a. 较差的,自卑的

Alder 阿德勒 inferiority complex 自卑情结

according to 根据

vast adj. 巨大的,大量的

majority n. 多数

四、“几乎我们所有的痛苦,”叔本华说,“都源于与他人的关系”,这一点我们会在萨特(萨特)等现代存在主义者身上看到。(“Almost all our sufferings,” said Schopenhauer, “spring from having to do with other people”, a point we will see echoed in modern existentialists such as Sartre(萨特).)


Suffering n. 苦难,折磨

Engagement ring

Marriage ring


Spring from 起源于 = stem from

Echo v. n. 回声;v. 附和(别人的观点)

五、不止一次,叔本华使用了霍布斯用来描述人类关系的同一个短语。 也就是说,人对人来说是狼。(On more than one occasion, Schopenhauer used the same phrase that Hobbes(霍布斯) had used to describe the relationship among humans. That is, homo homini lupus (man is a wolf to man).)


Suffering n. 苦难,折磨

Occasion n. 某次,时机

Phrase n. 短语;v. 措辞

Framing effect 框架效应

Describe v. 描述;description n. 描述

Relationship n. 关系

That is 也就是说 = namely
