导航意思: 明白的,明显的


解析: evident 指根据事实显而易见的。

例句: It was evident that she was excited.

翻译: 她显然很激动。

例句: It has now become evident to us that a mistake has been made.

翻译: 我们已经清楚出了差错。

例句: It was evident that she had once been a beauty.

翻译: 显然她曾是个美人儿。


解析: definite 答复、安排等明确肯定、不会改变的;也可指事物显而易见的。

例句: It is necessary to fix a definite date for the submission of your paper.

翻译: 有必要为你的论文提交定一个确切的日期。

例句: Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow?

翻译: 你最晚明天能给我一个确定的答复吗?

例句: It's too soon to give a definite answer.

翻译: 要给出一个明确的答复,现在还为时过早。


解析: distinct 指可以清楚地看到、听到或闻到的。

例句: There is a distinct smell of cigarettes in the room.

翻译: 房间里有一股明显的烟味。

例句: His voice was quiet but every word was distinct.

翻译: 他说话声音不大,但字字清晰。

例句: This book is divided into two distinct parts.

翻译: 这本书分为内容不同的两部分。

