正文翻译Did you know that some schools in Japan ban ponytails on school girls because they could “sexually excite” men? This is according to the Western media at least, but is this true? Why do these bans exist and how do the Japanese think about all these stringent rules that seem to be prent in Japanese society? We hit the streets to find out.你们知道吗?日本的一些学校禁止女学生扎马尾辫,他们给出的理由是:因为这会让男人感到“性奋”。至少西方媒体是这么报道的,但是事实是否如此呢?为什么这些禁令会存在?日本人又是如何看待他们社会上普遍存在的那些严格规定的呢?让我们去街头一探究竟吧!


评论翻译teapotas a woman, this is so troubling. underage schoolgirls should not have to concern themselves with issues like this when they are just trying to complete their education.作为一个女人,这实在太让人不安了。未成年女生不应该去担心这样的问题,她们只是在努力完成自己的学业。artsy_artist132The woman who argued that the ban is disrespectful to boys makes a great point. Like, what does that say about your respect for male students if you say they’re mindlessly obsessed with girls’ necks and incapable of controlling their impulses? If you respected boys like people you’d have normal expectations for them那位女士认为这项禁令也是对男生的不敬,我认为她的观点很在理。男生会盲目地迷恋女生裸露的脖子,并且会为此无法控制住自己的冲动。这种假设对男生而言实在太不敬了。如果你尊重男孩子们的话,那就应该对他们有一种正常的期许。Steffie183Yes. I thought this was an excellent point. I'm amazed no one mentioned the with the boy regulations, every boy is forced to show the nape of their neck. Are they not worried about the boys being safe from sexual attacks?是的,我认为这是一个很好的观点。我很惊讶没有人提及男孩需要遵守的衣装规定,每个男孩子都要被迫露出自己的后颈。难道他们不担心男孩子们会因此受到性侵犯吗?O. G.There's something wrong with teachers who willingly waste school hours acting as fashion police when they should be teaching. If you can't control your gaze, your lack of discipline is not a girl's responsibility. Boys are humans who should be learning to focus, not animals helpless against carnal desires, and teachers should not be stunting their students' psychosocial development like this. If the weather is hot, why should a girl have to be prevented from dressing comfortably? It's unfair to everyone教师们应该做好自己的本职工作,而不是浪费时间去充当时尚警察。如果你不能控制自己的目光,那么缺乏自控力的是你自己,不要把责任归咎于女孩身上。男孩也是人类,他们应当学会控制自己,而不是像动物一般,完全受肉欲所控。如果天气很炎热的话,为什么要去阻止女孩子们选择舒适的穿着打扮?这对所有人而言都是不公的。Andy NgControl such issues, yet turn a blind eye to school bullying.他们管理学生穿着时那么勤快,却对那些校园霸凌视而不见。PHey, here's an idea: Why not teach boys/men not be creeps嘿,我有要个主意:为什么不去教导男孩/男人们别那么猥琐?jay 114Whenever a school board says they’re banning a type of style because “it may excite the boys” it’s really means “our male teachers keep staring at you”每当学校董事会禁止一种打扮风格时,他们嘴上会说“这种打扮会让男生们性奋”,但他们实际上的意思却是“我们的男老师一直在盯着你们看”Ashen One Unkindled One Chosen UndeadI'm a male and I've never had to control myself over a simple ponytail because the idea that any form of dress code can you make you lose control is utterly idiotic and only a sick mind would even contemplate that concept.我是一名男性,我从来不会因为一个简简单单的马尾辫发型而控制不住自己,一种着装风格会让人失去自我控制的这种想法本身就是完全愚蠢的,只有病态的人才会去思考这个概念。AnaLennyjaI think the problem is that even if they ban ponytails there will be guys who are attracted to loose hair. Whatever they ban there will always be someone who is attracted to something else, so they'll never solve the problem like that. Instead they should educate them about it. I am also greatful I live in Slovenia, where we don't have rules like that. I can't imagine myself following all those rules. I'd be too nervous that I'd break them and it would effect my studies.我认为问题的关键在于,即便他们禁止了马尾辫这种发型,还是会有男生被那种蓬松的散发所吸引。无论他们禁止些什么,人们总是会被其他的一些东西所吸引,这是一个他们永远都无法解决的问题。与之相反,他们应该做的是去教育好男生。我很庆幸自己生活在斯洛文尼亚,这里没有这些规矩。我无法想象自己需要遵守这些规则。我会因为害怕自己触犯它们而变得紧张兮兮,从而影响自己的学业。Vasyl DiakonovYoung men are attracted to women no matter what they wear, what colour is their lipstick. It's just how human sexuality works.So there's no sense in banning individual style, you have to work on respect between girls and boys, man and women.People who respect each other don't do any inappropriate or violent things.无论女性穿什么衣服,涂什么颜色的口红,年轻的男性总是会被女性所吸引。这就是人类性取向的运作方式。所以禁止某项单独的打扮风格是毫无意义的,你必须努力让男孩和女孩,男人和女人相互尊重。相互尊重的人们不会对对方做任何不当或者暴力的事情。AcquauraExactly, people can be attracted to someone's eyes or their way of talking. And by "attracted", it does not have to be in a sexual way, but it can be in general. We are often are attracted to certain people as friends because we like how they look or behave. Now if a man or person cannot concentrate or control themselves, that is their particular problem, not one for the entire female population to deal with...没错,人们会被其他人的眼睛或者说话的方式所吸引。而这种“吸引”并不一定是性方面的,也可以是一般性质的。我们经常被某些人吸引,成为他们的朋友,因为我们喜欢他们的外观或者行为举止。如果一个男人无法集中精力或者失去自我控制的话,那么这是他们自己要去面对的问题,而不是一个全体女性需要去解决的问题....Nana Rarain my country, students who have long hair that exceeds their shoulders must be tied into a ponytail to look neat在我们国家,头发长过肩膀的学生必须把头发扎成马尾,以看起来更加整洁。
