今天是火鸟老师陪你早起打卡的第 43 天哦!Day 43



主题:路上堵车Got stuck on traffic

A.It's^always rather congested^down there duringrush^hour. Maybe you should try to find ^a different route^to get home.



B.I don't think it can be avoided, to behonest.










A.It's^always /rather congested down /there /duringrush^hour. Maybe/you /should /try to /find /a different route /to get home.


B.I don't think it can be avoided, to behonest.


口头上造句:It's^always /rather crowded /in the supermarket /afterwork.

I don't think it willwork.crowded:拥挤


1.You should do sth.你应该…

2.Try to do sth.尝试…

3.I don't think…我不觉得…

4.Sth. can be done…什么事情是可以被…


Sth. can be done…

1.This problem can be solved by my leader.

2.The new building can be completed in 6 months, the team works so quickly.

3.The essay can be finishedin half a year.

4.This question can bean swered by me in the class.

5.This mind can be accomplished by Mr. Firebird.

6.These sentences can be used to deepen the understanding of the English sentence patterns.【裂变思维:举一反三】场景思维:生活 工作 学习 社交 旅游 吃住

7.This apple can be eaten by that boy.

8.This math problem can be solved by my son, because he is good at it.

9.The new house will be built in half a year if all materials come in time without any delay.

10.They were made workfor long time.

11.What a be autifulpurple flower! That flower can be picked by me.

12.This class will be finished in half an hour after we make 50 sentences in total.

13. Many bubbles can be blown by the boy, because the boy enjoys blowing bubbles.

14.My phone can be chargedfull by him.

15.Regular exercise can be used to boost our immunity.

16.It's a nice daytoday. These wheats can be harvested today. Everyone is really happy.

17.The dining table can be polished after dinner.

18.This house can becleaned by that worker.

19.Nucleic acid testingcan be used to test COVID-19.

20.The milk can be drunkby you after we go out to play.

21.Ourcompany's performance can be increased by the new leader, even if this epidemic. Because he is an intelligent young person.

22.Keep learning English from the Mr. Firebird can make great progress in our English.

23.Speaking excellent English can be done with all your hard work and nonstop practice every day.


