
To understand the rural


"countryside", the ancient prose writing "countryside" is common with "Xiang", "Xiang" and "Xiang", which means "it's like two people sitting opposite each other, eating a basket together". It doesn't mean to live on the ground, but it means that everyone shares it.

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The original meaning of the word "township" is that people "share sacrifices". From the Western Zhou Dynasty, "township" began to have regional meaning. "It first appeared in the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Before Qin and Han Dynasties, there was no such statement and organization as" village ". However, at that time, the original "Cun" of a village, from the city to the village, basically meant the settlement in the wild, and the later "village" basically inherited this meaning.

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In the traditional sense, the basic meaning of the countryside is that it is mainly engaged in agriculture, and its population distribution is more dispersed than that of cities and towns. It has multiple functions of rural production, life, ecology and culture.

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From the perspective of production function, it includes not only traditional planting and breeding, but also new rural industries such as characteristic agriculture, leisure agriculture, modern agricultural product processing industry, rural handicraft industry, green building materials, red tourism, rural tourism, health care, rural logistics and e-commerce.

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From the point of view of living function, the countryside is the living space of many people. At present, nearly half of the population still lives in rural areas all the year round. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure basic living conditions and basic public services such as housing, transportation, environment, education and medical care for these populations.

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From the perspective of ecological function, the rural industry, which is dominated by agriculture, is an industry where people and nature blend together. Crops, trees and grasslands also play an important role in soil and water conservation, air purification and ecological conservation.

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From the perspective of cultural function, the countryside is an important carrier for the inheritance of farming civilization, with rich and colorful characteristics of rural style, family style and folk customs. The traditional way of life and social communication among villagers are important components of Chinese civilization.

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Appreciate the countryside


Our hearts are filled with joy when we see the big country world with smoke curled up from kitchen chimneys. The countryside is the place where our ancestors grew up; The countryside is also the hometown of our grain production.

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It is a country garden with the fragrance of flowers. The country is a hymn, lying quietly in the mother's arms and hanging quietly in the treetops, so that the whole jungle guards a home.

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Beautiful countryside is full of beautiful scenery, showing a scene full of spring. Walking through the village, the smoke from kitchen chimneys curled up, and the vibrant spring scenery made people love.

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Fragrance wafted out of a field in Huang Cancan. As if thanking the earth for its nurturing grace.

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Looking forward to the rural


"14th Five-Year Plan" period, the key and difficult point of China's economic and social development is still "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and the potential stamina is also "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Facing the unprecedented changes in the world, China's agricultural and rural development is facing new opportunities.

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The steady recovery of macro-economy provides a good environment for the development of China's agricultural economy, and the further deepening of international cooperation provides an opportunity for the development of international trade in agricultural products. The "the belt and road initiative" initiative has brought great impetus to China's agricultural international cooperation.

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With the promotion of rural revitalization strategy, the pattern of giving priority to agricultural and rural development has gradually taken shape. Infrastructure construction is speeding up, and more government investment and social capital will be invested in agriculture and rural areas, for land, water conservancy, seeds, digitalization, logistics facilities, especially cold chain construction and other fields.

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A good life begins in the countryside.Life in the countryside will be more beautiful and better tomorrow!
