Word of the Day: February 27, 2023ersatz,我来为大家讲解一下关于amcoloy是什么材质的?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Word of the Day: February 27, 2023



adjective /AIR-sahts/ [ˈerˌzæts]

What It Means

Ersatz describes a usually artificial and inferior substitute or imitation.


ERSATZ in Context

"The old king whose rolling head got everything going wasn’t much of a monarch, just the type of ersatz ruler who crops up between the decline of one great kingdom and the rise of another." — Salman Rushdie, The New Yorker, 5 Dec. 2022


Did You Know?

Evidence of ersatz in English dates to the middle of the 19th century, but the word didn’t come into prominence until World War I. Borrowed from German, where Ersatz is a noun meaning "substitute," the word was frequently applied as an adjective to modify terms like coffee (made from acorns) and flour (made from potatoes)—ersatz products necessitated by the privations of war. By the time World War II came around, bringing with it a resurgence of ersatz products, ersatz was wholly entrenched in the language. Today, ersatz describes any substitute or imitation, especially when it’s inferior to the original.

英语中的 ersatz 可以追溯到 19 世纪中叶,但这个词直到第一次世界大战才开始流行。借用于德语,Ersatz 名词,意思是“substitute「替代品」”,它经常被用作形容词 类似咖啡(由橡子制成)和面粉(由土豆制成)等这类物质——因战争匮乏所必需的人造产品。 到第二次世界大战时,仿制品又重新流行起来,ersatz 已完全渗入该语言中。 今天,ersatz 指的是任何替代品或仿制品,特别是不如原版。

Test Your Vocabulary

What 4-letter synonym of ersatz begins with "f" and comes from a French word meaning "false"?

