1. Everything is temporary. 一切都是暂时的。

2. Life isn't fair. 生活是不公平的

3. Others treat you the way you treat yourself. 别人会以你对待自己的方式对待你。

4. The sacrifices you make today will pay dividends in the future. 今天的付出,将来一定会有回报的。

5. Happiness is a choice and it requires a lot of hard work. 幸福是一种选择,它需要很多努力。

6. Fear of embarrassment or criticism stopped you from being who you really are. 对窘迫或批评的恐惧阻止了你成为真正的自己。

7. Things don't matter that much. 事情都没有那么重要。

8. Even the longest night was followed by a morning. 即使是最长的夜晚也会迎来一个早晨。

9. Sacrificing your health for success or wealth isn't worth it. 为了成功或财富而牺牲健康是不值得的。

