Concurrency means that two or more calculations happen within the same time frame, and there is usually some sort of dependency between them. A system is said to be concurrent if it can support two or more actions in progress at the same time.


Concurrency means dealing with multiple tasks at the same time but not necessarily doing at the same time.


For example: There are two tasks executing concurrently and running in a single core CPU, the CPU will decide to run half a task and half another task to achieve concurrency. It works like this: Task A runs up to a certain time frame, then the CPU stops task A and switches over to task B, works on task B for a while, and then switches back to task A. If the time slices are small enough, from the user's perspective, it sounds like both tasks are being run in parallel, even though they're actually being processed in serial by one single core CPU.



There are various different ways of accomplishing concurrency. One of them is Parallelism.


Parallelism means that two or more things happen at the same time. Parallelism does not require two tasks to be existed. Continuing with the example of computer calculation operations, Parallelism can literally physically run parts of a task or multiple tasks at the same time using the multi-core CPU by assigning one core to each task or sub-task.



Usually Simultaneous and Parallel can mean the same thing. But, Simultaneously deals more with time whereas in parallel with can refer more to space, so parallel means something more like "side-by-side at the same time.

