at heart,by heart这一组简单英语单词短语的涵义也各不相同:,我来为大家讲解一下关于heart中文单词?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



at heart,by heart这一组简单英语单词短语的涵义也各不相同。:

At heart 的意思是“在心里”、“心底里”或“本质上”(from the heart,from the bottom of one's heart or essentially)。by heart 的意思是“背诵”、“熟记”(by rote;to learn so well that one can remember it perfectly)。请看下面简单英语单词例句:

That socialite is a rascal at heart.

那个有名人士实质上是个坏蛋。 CopyRight .com

A councillor should have the collective interest of society at heart. CopyRight .com


At heart,Mr.Lin does not approve your proposal.


Mr.Wang looks stem,but he is kind at heart.


I know this poem by heart.

我熟读/我能背诵这首诗。 CopyRight .com

I don't see the point of learning by heart all the dates in the history book!

我真不明白为什么要把历史书里所有的日期都要记下来! CopyRight .com

请留心下列短语的意思:(跟前例 简单英语单词have something at heart相近)

in one's heart of hearts 在心田深处

take something to heart 认真考虑/关注某事

set one's heart on something 信念做/得到某事/物

cut(or touch)sb to the heart 波及某人痛处

one's heart is in something 把全体心放在某事上
