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Today's small series for you to bring the article:80 Reading and sharing paper 6-2: Intensive reading of journal papers-Introduction to "Research on Marketing Strategy of Community Group Buying Supply Chain Based on Network Externalities" .

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Read and analyze the writing of the introductory part of the Chinese paper "Research on the Marketing Strategy of Community Group Buying Supply Chain Based on Network Externalities" from the Chinese Journal of Management Science.

正文 body part:


In terms of research background (Figure 1), the author explains the term from the process of community group buying. In the first paragraph, in addition to citing real cases to explain the research object, the author also uses the relevant research data of the last two years to show the development and trend of community group buying. . The second paragraph mainly introduces the main functions and characteristics of community group buying from an academic point of view, with the head of the group as the starting point. The author first explained the main role and natural advantages of the group leader in community group buying, combined with the analysis data of China Merchants Securities to reflect the dependence of community group buying on the group leader, especially the head group leader, and cut into the first topic of the paper title—— Marketing effort level of the head of the group. In addition to the advantages of the head of the community group buying, the community group buying model itself also has the advantage of network externalities, which is the second topic of the title.


图1 Figure 1


The literature review is divided into three aspects. First, there is very little literature on community group buying. The author traces back to the literature on online group buying, the basic model of community group buying (Figure 2). The study found that this kind of literature analyzes the influence of its own factors and external factors on consumers' purchase intention or merchants' group purchase decision from the perspective of consumers, and the other is from the perspective of merchants to study how merchants set commodity group purchase prices and group purchases. models and marketing strategies. There is a lack of qualitative and quantitative research on the new model of community group buying in the existing literature. The author is influenced and inspired by Zhang Jingmin and other scholars' research on the incentive model of community group buying, which lays the foundation for this study.


图2 Figure 2


The second aspect of the literature review has to do with network externalities (Figure 3). A network externality is when the value of a product or service to consumers varies with the number of users using the product or service. Consumers are a part of the supply chain of community group buying. Some behavioral and psychological characteristics of consumers will affect the entire supply chain. Therefore, community group buying has network externalities. In terms of research literature, the author refers to the earliest literature on network externalities, as well as several latest literatures on the impact of network externalities on market sales, pricing, sales channels, and green product innovation. Combining network externalities to study the sales selection decision of community group buying supply chain is one of the innovations of this paper.


图3 Figure 3


A third aspect of the literature review was supply chain marketing efforts (Figure 4). There are two main types of literature in this part. One is to analyze the level of effort of supply chain themed corporate advertising cooperation; the other is to analyze the impact of sales efforts on supply chain coordination. The author's idea is: to achieve optimal sales efforts level, and what coordination strategy should be adopted. The coordination strategies adopted in the referenced literature are the design of target rebate and return contracts, and the setting of repurchase contracts.


图4 Figure 4


By analyzing the literature in three aspects, the achievements and deficiencies of previous researches are summarized. In the last paragraph of the introduction, the research innovation of the paper is presented (Figure 5). The first is the innovation of the research object and the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is used in the research; the second is to combine the theoretical and practical conditions to bring network externalities into the community group buying supply chain for research, which enriches the research literature on network externalities It also has certain practical significance. Finally, it quantitatively discusses how the sales strategy of the community group buying supply chain is affected by the external factors of the network, which fills the gap of the research on the supply chain marketing strategy of the community group buying mode.


图5 Figure 5






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李秋香,张静,黄毅敏,等. 2021 基于网络外部性的社区团购供应链营销策略研究[J]. 中国管理科学, : 1-12.


