on timePart A,我来为大家讲解一下关于语法用法详细讲解?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



on time

Part A

James: What will you do? Will you watch TV programs all night?

Howie: No, we’ll do a lot of games.

James: You must have to remember a lot.

Howie: No. Their parents always write everything down. And we know their allergies to food and medicine.

James: Do the parents come back on time?

Howie: Usually. They will text us if they are going to be late.

in a...way

Part B

Susie: Hey, James. Your hair looks very nice today.

James: Thanks, Susie. I used a new shampoo and conditioner.

Susie: Oh, really?

James: And I started to wash my hair in a different way.

Susie: A different way?

James: Yes. I use less shampoo now. I put it on the top of my head.

Susie: Does that really make a difference?

James: It does for my hair!
