Hey, guys welcome to my channel. Today's video is going to be super different. And I'm really excited to create this video because I want to help you guys out with foundation.,我来为大家讲解一下关于很多女生都不知道的粉底液?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Hey, guys welcome to my channel. Today's video is going to be super different. And I'm really excited to create this video because I want to help you guys out with foundation.


I get so many Tweets and messages and Instagram questions on "What to do to fix certain foundation problems that's going wrong with your foundation routine such as long causation isn't sticking to the nose?" "How I can stop my skin from getting so oily?" "How to apply stick foundation?", "How to. . ."I don't know. There's just so many questions that I get so I was like, let's make a dedicated video to fixing foundation products and how you're wearing your foundation wrong.


And I hope you guys are excited about this video. I was trying to think for a long time like "how can I incorporate all these products into one video?" And I was like, er, just make a video fixing foundation errors are like what you're doing wrong with your foundation, and we can see if we can fix it in this video.


Because like my little braid today, it's like mostly extensions, but, uh you know, it's just feeling like switching up my hair a little bit. So I did this little snazzy braid. Anyways, I don't have any makeup on in this intro obviously because we're going to be working on our face today.


Also before you leave this video be sure to subscribe to my channel. Yeah yeah, subscribe. That song cracks me up and I sing it every time and it still cracks me up. I don't know why.


Anyways, we're going to go ahead and jump right into the video. Shall we get started?


First, let's talk about our skincare. I think the best tip and the best foundation is skincare.


And you know, make sure you wash your face if you have some serums and stuff that you're putting on at night, be sure you're not waking up in the morning and putting your makeup on top of those serums. So you're giving your face another little rinse, and you're moisturizing properly whether you have oily or dry skin.


I always recommend a gel moisturizer over a oil based moisturizer especially if you have oily skin because gel is normally water-based and creams are normally oil-base and you don't want to be packing on the oil on top of oil and you have a really heavy face that you're starting with. And I find a gel moisturizer especially if you just. . . God dang it, my nose is itching.


Especially if you just use them in the morning I find that your skin, just like drinks that moisturizer up. And it's just not sloughing and all over your face where your foundation can apply a little weird or uneven so I'm going to go ahead and start with the Pixi H2O Skin Drink.

尤其是在早上使用,能吸收得很好,水润润的。这样它不就不会一直停留在脸上搞得粉底不均匀或是怎样。我首先要介绍这款 Pixi H2O Skin Drink。

It looks like this, and it is a really lightweight gel moisturizer.So you can apply this to dry areas, but I normally just apply it all over.


I normally just apply it all over because my skin is a bit dry all over, it's not too dry, it's being pretty normal right now, but it's normally pretty dry, especially in the winter time. So, next tip is priming and I find that this is the area where some people can potentially go really wrong because you can just grab a primer that your favorite YouTuber, or that you saw somewhere and you think it's cool new product, and you just apply it to your skin.

我基本上会把它涂满我整个脸,因为我整个脸的皮肤都有点干,不是很干,现在好很多了,但通常会比较干,尤其是冬天的时候。接下来就是打底霜。我发现很多人在选择打底霜的时候会陷入误区,因为你们通常看到喜欢的 Youtube 博主使用了某种打底霜就盲目跟风,或在哪里看到好像不错的产品就买来用。

Not all products work for every person and primers are definitely made differently. So, if you have normal to oily skin, I would try a primer like the mineral primer.


It's oil free the veil mineral primer, I should say from Hourglasses, it's oil free. If you have more dry skin, I would try the Nº 28 primer from Hourglass.

这是丝滑柔纱矿物打底霜,是 Hourglass 旗下的产品,无油。如果你是干性皮肤,我推荐使用 Hourglass Nº 28打底霜。

This one is a little bit more hydrating and it's anti-aging. Just to show you the two.


This one is the Nº 28 and the one below it is the veil primer. So today I'm gonna be using the Nº 28 to get some moisture into the skin.

这个是Nº 28,下面那个是柔纱打底霜。所以我今天使用的是Nº 28,给我的皮肤补补水。

You really don't have to apply a primer all over your whole entire face. It's a lot of makeup and you can just end up with too much products on your face and with a cakier feel when you don't necessarily have to have that.


So, just make sure you're only adding a little bit like a pea-sized amount of primer may be in problematic areas like such as on your nose and your fore zone. Fore zone? In your T-zone.

所以,豌豆大小的打底霜涂抹在你的鼻子和前部位就可以了。前部位?是 T 字部位。

And just places like that. That can really help eliminate using too much product on your face and, um, getting that cakey feel or your foundations like sloughing off because of that. Just make sure you're not using too much prod. . . product, especially with primers and you're only applying the right primer in the right place.


All right next up. We're finally at applying the foundation and foundations are a little tricky to apply and I find that some things can go wrong.


I want to touch on really quickly though right before we put on the foundation. If you are having major problems which I get this tweet and question all the time: "How to keep the foundation on the nose?".


It could be the primer you're putting on your nose, it could be several reasons why the foundation is not sticking to your nose. But a good little tip or trick to keep it on there is to take a small amount of a creamy concealer.


And you can apply the creamy concealer just to the tip of the nose where the foundation isn't sticking. And it's a little bit more aggressive and will adhere to the nose.


Kind of like that. And you can even drag it around the nose if it's coming off.


Make sure you're not a nose toucher because I subconsciously have touched my nose in the past like all day constantly. I'm like why's my foundation coming off of my nose, and then I would catch myself doing it.


I'm like because I'm wiping it off but I know sometimes the skin on the nose is oily or, you know, could be another number of reasons. It's not necessarily you doing it but this is just a little tip or trick that can kind of adhere that foundation on the nose and just make sure you don't touch your nose. Don't touch your nose!


So today I'm going to be using one of my favorite foundations that's ever existed. I've talked about this on my channel 9 million times. You guys are probably. . .


I dropped it. So you already know I love it. Um. This is the Hourglass Vanish Foundation.

弄掉了耶。大家都知道我超爱这个产品的。这就是 Hourglass Vanish 粉底。

I'm in shade beige. And I have been using this product since it came out.


It comes in a hot triangular shape to be able to apply to the contours of the face. This foundation is so good and technically it's a concealer and foundation in one so it, I—I never have a problem with this foundation coming off the nose.


So if you're really having that issue you want to try a foundation that will help you with that try the Vanish Foundation. It really would help the foundation to adhere to the nose without applying a concealer down first.

所以如果你真的有掉粉的问题,那不妨试试 Vanish Foundation 这款粉底。它真的可以帮助粉底附着在鼻子上,而不用先用遮瑕膏。

If you don't have this foundation on hand, you can try this tip and it might help you out. But anyways this foundation is just genius altogether.


It's lightweight, it kind of feels like a powder on the skin. Because it's so lightweight it definitely doesn't look like a powder on the skin though, because it's so. . . ugh, so full coverage, but also blends out as easy as a liquid so it's like an int. . . very interesting product. I've never found a dupe for it.


I've never found a foundation anything like it! It is one of my ride-or-die products that I just can't live without and I've been using the shade of beige.


They definitely have the options there to find your shade. And it is SO long wearing and one of the main things I love about it. It doesn't get in my smile lines.


Oh, it's so hard to find a good foundation that is full coverage and won't crease up all in the—the smile lines. This doesn't do that and not only that, I always travel with it.


I'm about to show you this is a fresher one. But I'm going to show you the one I travel with.


This is my travel bag, my travel bags right here and pull it out. Wherever it is in here.


I always travel with this because it doesn't break and umm, it's small. Look how much she's been through hell.


So I'm going to show you how I like to apply it. First, I would recommend you go in with a little bit less product and then start to blend out.


And then you can go back in whenever you're done if you see areas that need a little more coverage you can go back again and fill those in. They also have the Hourglass Vanish brush which is made to use with the foundation.

完了你可以在你认为不够的地方在涂多一点上去。它们还推出了这支 Hourglass Vanish 毛刷专门用于涂抹这款粉底的。

And I will have a link to this brush down below in my description box. So you can use a Beauty Blender or makeup brush with it.


If you stipple the beauty blender, you can build it up. As you can see, the product is moving so easy on my skin.


You can build it up stippling the beauty blender to a little bit more full coverage and as you can see it's the foundation is extremely pigmented has so much color in it. So pretty. That it covers so well, and it brings so much color to your skin.


I personally have made the mistake several times and this is another. . . I find area where people go wrong with their foundations. They apply too much foundation, and this is an area where Laura Lee goes wrong with her foundation.

我之前试过好几次在粉底这一步犯了错误,而且这个步骤也是人们经常回犯错的地方。人们会涂过厚的粉底,Laura Lee 也是犯了这个错误。

She applies too much foundation, and then I'm in here working it in for hours or I just have too much and that's why it's digging in my smile lines because I put too much on and it's trying to find a place to go. I normally use a brush with this.


Today, I wanted to show you how to use a Beauty Blender with it and just show you how far a little bit can go and how long the stick can last you if you don't use it like a crazy person like I do sometimes and like sometimes I just draw all over my face and just be like "wooo, girl she uses a lot of makeup." With a Beauty Blender and just a little bit of product and I have full coverage foundation.


The close-up shot on here. So you guys can see the real the real T what I'm looking like. So now what I typically would do is I would look in the mirror and say, "Eh, is there any areas that can use a little more love, a little more coverage?" Maybe.

来个特写给大家看看我的 T 部位。这时候我通常会看着镜子,对自己说:“有些部位还能不能再遮盖一点呢?”也许吧。

You can conceal the under eye with this. I normally go in with a concealer because I like my under eye to be a little brighter than my actual face.


But I'm going to go ahead and show you that you can conceal just dot a little bit the under eye as well. I don't recommend blending this particular foundation out with your fingers.


I find it that you could potentially do a little better job with—with a more liquidy foundation if you wanted to use your fingers absolutely fine. And just as long as your hands are clean.


Also, a little tip and trick that I used to miss. I'll take a little bit of foundation.


And I'll just blend it around the neck area. Do you hear me hitting my neck and it's making me talk like that? I hope this tips helped you out with the nose and with the full coverage beat.


So now let's talk about setting your foundation. I personally, a foundation like this, I don't have to set my whole entire face. It's a lot of makeup.


I will set the areas where I put concealer. And I will definitely go in and I'll go ahead and show you and set the areas where I have smile lines and just to have that extra layer protection.


Today, I'm going to be using the Cover FX. This is the perfect setting powder in shade translucent light. And I just get a little bit in my lid and on a dry Beauty Blender. It can be damp, It doesn't matter.

今天我使用的是 Cover FX 半透明散粉。我在干燥的美妆蛋上面蘸了一点粉了,如果它是湿的也没关系。

I normally will take it and just press right on into that smile lines girl. They ain't playing me.


Not playing me, and then the nose if it's giving you issues make sure and you set that nose REAL good! Real good. I take a Morphe E45 brush.

很不错,能解决鼻子掉粉的问题,令你的鼻子上的妆容完美无瑕。真的很好,我使用的是 Morphe E45 毛刷。

And I'm gonna add a little bit of concealer and what I found lately is less is more with concealer. You can move a little bit of product a long way.


So if I want to do the whole triangle highlight under the eyes, I don't have to fill in my whole entire eye area with a concealer. I can actually just apply a little to the under eye and start to stipple it down into a triangle motion and that way you don't end up with too much product because I'm telling you less is more.


The creasing starts out whenever there's just way too much product on the under eye and I find this in makeup maybe starts to separate or get really weird through here throughout the day when there's just too much concealer going on. So try using a little bit less concealer if you're having issues with that cause you could just be applying honestly too much product because we see on Instagram.

眼下部位的化妆品一旦过量,就会开始卡粉了,遮瑕膏用得过多的话,那你的妆容一开始就卡粉了。遮瑕膏不宜用量过多,否则就会像我们在 Instagram 看到那些失败的案例一样。

And I've done it before where we just fill the whole area in with just a chunk of concealer, and then we spend forever trying to blend that out and then it just doesn't wear long because it's too much product on the skin. So just try to add some to the under eye and then start to stipple the product out in the triangular motion.


So you're still getting that highlighted effect, but it's just not too heavy of makeup. And then I'll take what's left on my brush and just start stipple it on the chin if I want that extra highlight.


And do you see I'm like very highlighted through here, but yeah, I didn't just go all over my face with concealer. So now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to get powder on my sponge and a little tip that you can do is you can lift up your eye look upward and you're going to want to start applying the powder back and forth, back and forth.


A tip wrong that you could be doing is just applying it one way out. And you're causing the powder not to get in all the little creases of your under eye, and it doesn't set it very well.


So you just want to work it back and forth. And then anywhere you've concealed you can kind of set that powder.


Alright, with setting powder I find that it is an area where it's a little bit of a double-edged sword because it's so great, but then it takes away all the natural beautiful glow of makeup. So you guys, if you watch my channel regularly, you've seen a little tip that I share with you on how to get that natural glow back this setting powder takes away from you.


So once your makeup is set, I will dust away the setting powder. You can do it with a brush. Today, I'm just doing it with a beauty blender. I find that the skin looks flawless but doesn't it look a little bit powdery and unnatural?


So what I like to do now. Most of you already know. I'll take my Tatcha Dewy Skin Mist. I'll take my Make It Last by Milani or my Mac Fix which I'll use today.

下面我要做的事情大家都知道了。我会用我的 Tatcha Dewy Skin Mist 还有 Make It Last by Milani 或者今天要用的 Mac Fix 。

Just any setting spray that you're loving. I'll coat, the whole face. And you can see it's real good right now.


It's setting right on top of the hairs on my face. So you'll take that sponge and you'll just pat that setting spray in, so don't forget to do this step. It's just like a little trick I like to do and I'm about to get all the luminosity back into my skin.


And for the most part, this is my foundation now. I would add, you know, the bronzer the blush and the highlight and then the eyes and the lips and all the rest of the makeup but this is the coverage that we focused on today and how I get it right. Hope this video is helpful to you guys. I hope you found some tips and tricks in this video or areas that you were going wrong that you can turn right in doing your makeup and get that flawless finish that you're looking for.


I love you guys so much. So much!


And I will see you in my next video. Subscribe to my channel. Subscribe. If only I could sing good, I fell like the song would be more successful, but I will see you all in my next video. Bye guys!

