Hurry up,简洁明了,但这个不是万能的表达,不仅不适用于所有场合,有时还会显得不礼貌,我来为大家讲解一下关于对sorry说脏话的六种回答?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!
Hurry up,简洁明了,但这个不是万能的表达,不仅不适用于所有场合,有时还会显得不礼貌。
1. 直接表达法:
1.Excuse me, but I am running very late for my next appointment and would appreciate it if you could go quicker.
2.Please, if possible, could you move a little faster, I am on a tight schedule today.
2. 老板怎么说
3.You’re a bit behind schedule and need to get moving.
4.Please can you speed up, you are holding everyone up!
5.You need to go faster.
6.Please try to finish up in the next few minutes.
7.We need it no late than the end of (date/time).
8.You need to have it finish by (time).
3. 父母怎么说
9.Please get a move on.
10.Don’t dawdle.
4. 简洁表达法 or 暗示表达法
11.It looks like you are having some trouble, can I help you maybe?
12.I don’t have much time today.
13.What seems to be the holdup?
14.Wow! Is that the time, I need to get a move on!
15.It seems like you need some help with that.