


openpilot是一个开源的驾驶辅助系统。目前,openpilot 执行自适应巡航控制 (ACC)、自动车道居中 (ALC)、前方碰撞警告 (FCW) 和车道偏离警告 (LDW) 的功能,适用于越来越多的受支持汽车品牌、车型和车型年份。此外,在使用 openpilot 时,基于摄像头的驾驶员监控 (DM) 功能会提醒分心和睡着的驾驶员。查看更多关于车辆集成和限制的信息。


要在汽车中使用 openpilot,您需要做四件事


介绍:此设备是第四代定制硬件,设计用于您的汽车。它具有双凸轮 360° 视野,加上一个窄凸轮,可以发现远处的物体。三台 1080p 摄像头具有 120 dB 的动态范围,比领先的电动汽车制造商领先两代。它像手机一样连接,具有 Wi-Fi、LTE 和更好的高精度 GPS。


所有 openpilot 服务都可以在 PC 上照常运行,无需特殊硬件或汽车。您还可以在记录或模拟数据上运行 openpilot 以开发或试验 openpilot。

使用 openpilot 的工具,您可以绘制日志、回放驱动器并观看全分辨率摄像机流。

您还可以使用 CARLA 模拟器在模拟中运行 openpilot 。这允许 openpilot 在您的 Ubuntu 机器上驾驶虚拟汽车。整个设置应该只需要几分钟,但确实需要一个不错的 GPU。

如果连接到网络摄像头和安全带,运行 openpilot 的 PC 也可以控制您的车辆。


. ├── cereal # The messaging spec and libs used for all logs ├── common # Library like functionality we've developed here ├── docs # Documentation ├── opendbc # Files showing how to interpret data from cars ├── panda # Code used to communicate on CAN ├── third_party # External libraries ├── pyextra # Extra python packages └── system # Generic services ├── camerad # Driver to capture images from the camera sensors ├── clocksd # Broadcasts current time ├── hardware # Hardware abstraction classes ├── logcatd # systemd journal as a service └── proclogd # Logs information from /proc └── selfdrive # Code needed to drive the car ├── assets # Fonts, images, and sounds for UI ├── athena # Allows communication with the app ├── boardd # Daemon to talk to the board ├── car # Car specific code to read states and control actuators ├── controls # Planning and controls ├── debug # Tools to help you debug and do car ports ├── locationd # Precise localization and vehicle parameter estimation ├── loggerd # Logger and uploader of car data ├── manager # Daemon that starts/stops all other daemons as needed ├── modeld # Driving and monitoring model runners ├── monitoring # Daemon to determine driver attention ├── navd # Turn-by-turn navigation ├── sensord # IMU interface code ├── test # Unit tests, system tests, and a car simulator └── ui # The UI





开源协议:MIT license

