一、 冠词(Article)的定义



1. 定冠词 (The Definite Article) : the


E.g. Who is the[ði] author of the[ðə] book?

2. 不定冠词 (The Indefinite Article): a和an

与数次one同源,表示“一般情况下的一个”的意思,用在可数名词单数前;元音(实际发音,不指元音字母)前用an 英式发音[ən]/美式发音[æn];其他情况用a [ə]/[eɪ](表示强调时)

E.g. She is a[ə] Chinese lady, with an[ən]/[æn] Irish husband.



Ask a girl to dance with you. 去邀请一位女孩儿和你跳舞吧。

Ask the girl to dance with you. 去邀请那位女孩和你跳舞吧。


Can you lend me a book to read? 你可以借我一本书读读吗?

Can you lend me the book? 你可以借我那本书吗?



A: What did you do yesterday?

B: I saw ______ movie.

A: How do you like it?

B: ______ movie was good, but ______ popcorn at the cinema did not taste good.

(a, The, the)

三、定冠词the 的特殊用法,即和某些形容词连用,表示一类人或某种品质

the rich, the poor, the unemployed, the disabled; 有钱人、没钱的人、待业人员、残障人士the good, the beautiful, the true;真、善、美


E.g. I'm from Shanghai. Today is Tuesday. He graduated from Peking University. Christmas is on December 25th.
(也有加the的情况,如the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Chinese Valentine’s Day, the Spring Festival等,注意积累) 另外,有普通名词的构成的专有名词前多要加the

E.g. the People's Republic of China, the United States, the University of Washington, the New York Times. (也有不加the的情况,如 Buckingham Palace, China Daily等,注意积累)

E.g. I'm interested in art.I find joy in learning a foreign language.I'm learning English for self-improvement. 特殊情况

E.g. You were a great help to us. “一次”帮助。The younger generation is the hope of the nation. 特指,“国家的希望”,名词后有of引导的限制性定语修饰。


E.g. It's made of gold. We can't live without air. Vegetarians don't eat meat. Do you prefer tea or coffee? 特殊情况

E.g. Traffic was affected by the snow. “那场”雪There was a heavy rain last night.“一场”雨I'd like a large coffee, please. “一杯”咖啡


1. 个体名词抽象化后,前面不加冠词

E.g. It's time for dinner! 个体名词dinner被抽象化了,指“晚饭时间”I'm getting ready for college. 个体名词college被抽象化了,指“进入大学”

2. 一些固定短语中,名词前不加the

E.g. make fun of, from beginning to end, year after year 等等

3. 表示季节、月份、日期的名词前一般不加冠词

E.g. noon, midnight, sunset, sunrise 这类名词前也不加冠词,如at noon/midnight;但weekend, morning, afternoon, evening 前通常加the,如on the weekend, in the morning 等


Filling Blanks:

This is _______ uninteresting book. I've read it for_______ hour. (an, an) I often watch _______ TV in _______ evening. (the)_______ doctor told him to take _______ medicine three times _______ day. (The, the, a)


不用冠词a 和an 和the的用法口诀(aanthe)(1)
