

This is quite complex, and as much as I know is only the tip of the iceberg, but I'll tell you what I've experienced in Thailand.To begin with, the lady boy culture is very accepted there. My friend says its the kind of thing you take your parents and grandparents to when there's nothing else on. She also told me that homosexuality isn't particularly well regarded in most parts of Thailand, and by one partner performing a feminine role, it makes the coupling more acceptable. Of course, there will always be biological men who feel that they are women, and biological women who feel that they are men, and the lady boy scene provides an outlet for this (although keeping in mind that it still privileges the biological male).这件事情原因相当复杂。我只知道冰山一角。我可以告诉你我在泰国的经历。首先,泰国变性人文化接受度是非常高的。当没有什么其他好的电视节目的时候,你可以带着你的父母或者祖父母去看人妖表演。她还告诉我,在泰国的大部分地区,同性恋并不特别受欢迎。但是,如果他变性的话,那么这种事情更容易被接受。当然,总是会有一些男人,虽然生理上是男性,但是他觉得自己是女人。另外一些女人,虽然他们生理上是女人,但她自己觉得自己是男人。这种社会文化为这类人寻找到了一个出口。0






1.1.1Sandy Lui have seen very obvious female make-up male work in hotel reception and restaurant, it still confuses us: is it something they like to do? or some other reasons? do you know why?我曾经在酒店前台和餐厅看到过一些涂脂抹粉的男性。这让我感到非常困惑。他们是真的喜欢做这样的事情吗?还是有其他的原因?你能告诉我吗? AtchariyaphukBecause they want to be women but they happen to be born with male body and sex organ因为他们想成为女人,但是他们在出生的时候却成了男人。0





3.Suttichart Denpreuktham, I may not look like it but I am siameseHmnn.. I really shouldn't be on qoura at this hour, really, I should go back to my paper but this question is just so interesting that I can't help but showing something I spend our digging in that pile of books.So to answer your question - I think it's just about Thai culture, no not our openess to sexuality, not our tolerant to homosexual culture (your parent can be seriously disappointed if you turn out to be lady boy), and no it is because of our natural kindness (and the kindness is not always natural..) Thai parents value gender role a lot - most would fill with joy to have a son as their children .They would also love their daugther of course, but a son is something that came with some degree of prestique. Some thing they can boast about with their their neighbour, someone they can expected to rely upon as they growth old. By turning into ladyboy, you had completely crushed that dream, that honour, that expectation they have had when they first look at you to pieces. By the old practice this some thing of a house-breaking event that would should, by tradition, resulted in you being disown and expel from the household, never to be seen again.我真的不应该在这个时候来谈论这个问题。我应该去好好写我的论文,但是,这个问题实在是太有趣了。我认为这个本身是泰国的文化。这并不意味着泰国本身对于性非常开放。也不是因为泰国本身宽容同性恋。主要是因为泰国人天生是善良的。泰国父母非常重视子女的性别。大多数人会因为有一个儿子而感到高兴。当然,如果生下的是女儿的话,他们也会爱他们的女儿。但是,儿子在某种程度上会关系到某种声望。他们可以向他们邻居吹嘘他们有儿子。他们可以指望在年老的时候指望他们的儿子。当一个男孩变成一个人妖的时候,他把他的父母的荣誉,梦想,期望就完全粉碎了。按着以前的观点,这是一种破坏家庭的行为,这个人会被逐出家庭,再也不会允许他回来。04.Ric Lawes, Arrived Thailand 2000, never left!Originally Answered: Why are there so many lady boys in Thailand?There is a genetic answer as well as a social answer. Genetically there are closeness of chromosomes which means the difference between the genders is often confusing. This has been related to diet, geophysical influence and even smoking (supposedly the cause of the majority of newborn children being girls). This has been described in medical journals within Thailand as a female developed brain but in a male body. The closeness means the individual tends to choose which gender they wish to be, then follows the path of correcting the physical aspect of the body. Are they gay? I would say the majority are but have a desire to be totally female, thus after the creation of female genitalia, tend to be closer to female gender in entirety. The social issue is more blurred with many children born out of ‘mistakes’, and are brought up by mums and grand mums in the village. The social interaction is all female, as is the influence. The young boys who are brought up from babies to teens are quite susceptible to this influence thus with any chromosome closeness it is easy to transgender. Be it urban myth or reality, as already stated here, gender confusion remains an issue no one wishes to address thus it is easy to simply accept it. I do not know the statistics and would not rely on any (anyway).关于这个问题,有一个遗传学上的答案,也有一个社会学上的。关于遗传学,从基因上来看,两性的基因是很相似的。但是性状上的差异却让人感到很困惑。这与饮食,生存环境甚至吸烟都有关系。在泰国的医学杂志上,这件事情被描述为女人的大脑,男人的身体。他们是同性恋吗?在我看来,他们只是想充一个完全的女性。这种现象的社会原因就比较模糊了。许多孩子生在错误的环境里面。他们由母亲或者大娘抚养长大,他们与之互动的对象都是女性。长此以往,他们也会受到影响。这也会让他们很容易成为跨性别长大。正如上面所说的那样,无论是都市传说还是现实。性别的错乱是一个很难解决的问题。所以只能接受。我没有任何的统计数据,以上只是我自己个人的想法。05.Zemg AdnrewAfter Vietnam war, American soldiers had the sexual need. Some Thailand pretty men found out when they dressed up as man, these hungry and thirsty soldiers will pay for them as well. Thailand government also found out it was one of the effective ways to help its citizens survived and Thailand can developed its deadly economy through this kind of service industry. This market was developed since then. Thailand is a Buddhism country, where Katoey, Gay, Bisexual, Tomgirl, Di and Lesbian are more accepted by society comparing to Christian countries, where male marries female is the only righteousness thing.Nowadays, the reasons why tons of foreigners are attracted to Thailand, besides Thailand’s delicious food, Buddhas, wonderful views and amazing culture, lady-boy entertainment is an important reason. In 2016, tourism revenue, 2.53 trillion baht, accounted for 17.7 percent of Thailand's GDP while the global average for GDP contribution from tourism is 9 percent.(Source: Tourism to continue growth spurt in 2017). Tourism is a support industry for Thailand economy, government is not stupid to throw this fat meat away, even officers are fully aware of this industry contains huge sexual trades.越南战争爆发之后,美国士兵性需求成为一个市场。当时一些泰国帅哥发现,当他们精心打扮之后,他们也依然会受到美国大兵的欢迎。当时泰国政府发现,这是帮助他们国民改善生存的有效途径。泰国可以通过这种手段来发展他们的经济。从那时开始,这种跨性别市场就开始发展起来了。泰国是一个佛教国家。相对于基督教国家,泰国更容易接受这种跨性别。如今,大量的外国人被吸引到泰国。他们去泰国,除了美味的食物,观看佛像以及美妙的风景之外,人妖娱乐也是一个非常重要的原因。在2016年,泰国旅游业收入为2.53万亿泰铢。这些收入占泰国GDP的17.7%。全球平均旅游占GDP收入为9%。相比较而言,泰国在该项收入方面更为突出。旅游业是泰国的经济支柱产业。尽管泰国政府已经意识到这个行业当中包含着大量的性交易,但是,泰国政府不会愚蠢到想要去扔掉这块肥肉。06.Warren Wai, I love Thailand, who doesn't ?!There are far more ladyboys in Thailand seen in the past 10 years. In the 1990's, they are present but not as prent. If you visit a rural community, maybe 1-2% were ladyboys. Now, its up to 5%, even more. In the 90's if you visit a mall, you might run into 1-2 if you walk around for 1/2 hour. Now, you definitely find it hard not to run into a ladyboy within 5 minutes. The social acceptance and the growth of a ladyboy subculture amongst the youth is probably a reason for the recent mushrooming of the phenomenon. If a young boy finds himself inclined towards feminine aspects, this subculture could quite possibly guide him(now her) into adopting a fully feminine lifestyle. Once she commences taking hormones (which are so readily available), another ladyboy is born.在过去的十年里,泰国人妖的数量已经增长了很多。在上个世纪90年代,虽然泰国人妖也是存在的,但是数量并不普遍。如果你去农村地区的话,你会发现有1%至2%的人是人妖。但是,现在这个数字已经上升到5%,甚至可能会更高。在上个世纪90年代,如果你去一个购物中心,你走半个小时,你可能会遇到一至两个人妖。但是,现在如果你做相同的事情的话,你会发现每隔五分钟,你至少能遇到一个人妖。这种亚文化在年轻人当中不断传播,这可能与泰国社会对人妖文化的认可度越来越高有关系。如果一个小男孩发现自己有女性倾向,那么这种亚文化很可能会吸引他,让他以一种完全女性化的方式去生活。一旦他开始去服用荷尔蒙,那么,一个人妖就出现了。在泰国,荷尔蒙是很容易得到的东西。07.Tath Kositanont, Work in the Mobile GamingOriginally Answered: Is there a reason why there are a lot of Ladyboys in Bangkok?First of all, Thailand society is open for gender as Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, ladyboy, etc. You can see many of these "new identity" strive in several industries especially tourism, fashion, cosmetic and entertainment. Thailand have some famous ladyboy celebrities and other type of celebrities. There even Politician.So my first guess that with the society not lashing out, more people dare to come out of the closet and therefore you encounter them more. Secondly, it may be difficult for them to also find partners/friends among their communities and online is certainly a bigger pool so that why a lot would go for online dating. Futhermore, you might get the chance to know them first before judging.首先,泰国社会对于性别是很开放的。比如有男同性恋,女同性恋,变性人,人妖等。你可以在一些行业,特别是旅游行业,时尚化妆品和娱乐行业都可以看到这种新的身份。泰国有一些名人就是人妖。当然,还有一些其他类型的名人。所以,根据我的观察,随着社会对这种行为的容忍度越来越高。你会遇到越来越多这种类型的人。对于他们而言,他们想要在自己的社区当中去寻找伴侣可能是很困难的事情。所以,对于他们而言,他们会通过网络去寻找伴侣。在对他们进行批评之前,你应该对他们有更多的了解。08.Nick Pendrell, Living in Pattaya since April 2012Originally Answered: Why does Thailand have so many lady boys?Before moving to Thailand I had assumed that the ladyboy culture here goes back generations. However, I was told that it actually only goes back to the early sixties when Thailand was a major R&R centre for American servicemen during the Vietnam War. There simply weren't enough girls to satisfy all of the servicemen's needs and so some of the men dressed up to satisfy the demand. I can understand those that work as prostitutes or in the shows, but you also see a lot working in ordinary jobs - as waiters/waitresses or behind the counter at 7-Eleven. This I really don't understand at all.在搬到泰国之前,我以为泰国的人妖文化可以追溯到几代人以前。然而,有些人告诉我,其实并没有那么久远,这件事情可以追溯到60年代早期。在上个世纪60年代,泰国是美军主要的后勤中心。因为当时没有足够的女孩来满足美国军人的需求。所以一些男人开始打扮起来,他们开始进入这个市场。如果一个人是妓女,或者是从事表演行业,我认为他们进行变性并不让人觉得奇怪。但是,泰国有一点不同,有些人在从事着很普通的工作,比如服务生或者7-11的服务员,他们也是人妖,这一点让我感觉很不理解。09.Bob Heywood, Many months each year SE Asia,Thailand,Cambodia, Myanmar etcOriginally Answered: Why are there so many lady boys in Thailand?Thai men and women are not so obviously different genders, which is why it can be difficult to spot a Katoey. The men are as already said are slender and more feminine compared to Western men who tend to very masculine looking and usually are obvious transgenders/ transvestites. The transgenders (ladyboys) who have had implants are ususlly easy to spot as they often have exaggerated movements that they think makes them more female like. The issue of acceptance is more complex. On the face of it, it appears Thai society is open minded. In reality the law does not accept them, unlike a number of countries in Europe. In Thailand, if you are born a man or woman, you will always be that gender by law, including being conscxted into the forces. There are some stunning female models and media stars that really are beautiful to look at and have had the full operation but still are legally male. Regarding Thais themselves, the affluent Thais simply ignore ladyboys, the rest kind of accept them, so long as it doesn't impenge on them personally. The biggest problem ladyboys face is when they get older - a discussion for another time!泰国的男性和女性之间差异没有那么明显。和西方男人相比,泰国的男人更苗条,更有女人味儿。西方的男人往往看起来更加阳刚。在泰国,那些做过性别手术的人通常很容易被发现。因为他们经常会做出一些很夸张的动作。他们希望通过这些动作来让他们显得更有女人味。有关于社会接受度,这是一个更复杂的问题。,从表面上来看,泰国社会似乎很开放。事实上,泰国法律并不接受他们。在泰国,根据法律,如果你生下来就是男人或女人,那么你的性别永远都不会改变,包括被征召入伍。泰国有一些模特和明星真的很漂亮,他们都做过性别手术。但是从法律上来看,他们依然是男性。至于泰国人自己,那些富裕的泰国人完全不会理会人妖。另外一些人对于人妖的接受度则相对较高。只要不影响他们的生活,他们不会在意。人妖的最大问题是当他们年龄变大之后——算了吧,这个问题以后再谈。010.Line Thamawat, lived in ThailandI'm sure it's more complex but there are two reasons, which spring to mind.Thailand is mainly Buddhist and as such most people believe in reincarnation. You will be reborn many times before you reach nirvana, sometimes you will be reborn in the wrong body, it happens, mai bpen rai.The wealth is not evenly distributed in Thailand. Being a ladyboy who works in the industry can be extremely lucrative. This is why parents and grandparents will accept it early, even before the kids becomes a teenager, if it means down the line, the person can send home a lot of money for the family.在泰国,财富的分配方式并不平等。对于一个人妖而言,从事表演行业是非常有利。这就是为什么他们的父母和祖父母在他们很小的时候就接受他们变性。甚至,有些人在成年之后进行变性都可以被家庭接受。当然,这有一个前提,那就是这个孩子要给家里面寄很多钱。011.Terry Bouris, Travel AgentOriginally Answered: Why does Thailand have so many lady boys?I agree that, to the eye, there appears to be a higher number of Transgenders per capita in Thailand than there is in other parts of the world.Is this perception correct?Some facts to consider;1. As one previous commentator states, the prence of Lady Boys in tourist areas is far greater than in rural and traditional Thai areas.2. The deliberately extreme and flamboyant actions of Thai Lady Boys, a marketing strategy to improve their income, combined with the public nature of their trade, make them standout from the crowd.This is their obxtive and they usually succeed.3. Opposingly, the majority of Transgenders in Western countries go out of their way to be inconspicuous and out of the publics scrutinizing eye.Perhaps the number per capita is higher than in other countries, perhaps it is not.Certainly, any opinion or decision made based on a 1 week holiday in Patong or Pattaya will need to be reassed.我同意,从变性比率来看,泰国人妖确实要高于世界上其他地区。但是,这种看法真的正确吗?我觉得有一些事实需要被认真考虑。正如之前一位评论员所说的那样,在旅游区,人妖的比率远远高于在农村地区。另外一点,泰国人妖刻意女性化的一些行为,事实上是一种提高个人收入的营销策略。他们的行业本身就是一个非常公开的行业。这使得他们很容易脱颖而出。这是他们的目标,他们通常也会成功。与之相反,大多数西方国家的变性人都尽量让自己不要引起公众的关注。在其他国家,人妖的比率可能比泰国更高,也有可能更低。如果你仅仅是在芭提雅看到这个比率,然后推广到泰国,那么这种做法显然是不合适的。012.AnonymousOriginally Answered: Why does Thailand have so many lady boys?In addition to the things mentioned in the other answers, I've seen speculations about dietary influences on sex hormone balance. Thai chicken is supposedly heavily treated with growth hormones, which mimic as estrogen in the human body. Soy beans have the same effect when eaten in large quantities. These effects could skew the sexual development of boys toward androgyny, thus explaining a higher rate of feminine gays.In similar environments with less acceptance of gay culture, this skewing would be hidden.我想补充一下有关于泰国饮食的影响。我看到了一些关于饮食对性激素平衡影响的报道。据推测,泰国鸡肉当中含有大量的生长激素。这种激素与人体当中的雌性激素类似。大量食用大豆也有同样的效果。这些影响可能会导致男孩的发育也会向双性恋的方向发展,这可以解释泰国女同性恋比例较高的原因。在同性恋相对不那么宽容的环境里面,这种倾向会被隐藏起来。013.Nasa Saze, I am a Thai citizenOriginally Answered: Why are there so many lady boys in Thailand?It is easy to be accepted as ladyboys in Thailand. Some ladyboys open themselves at the young age and their parents don’t force them to hide. It is normal to have a ladyboy as a friend, coworker, or family member in Thailand.Buddhism as the main religion also plays a part in this acceptance. People won’t feel they have any conflict with their faith in Buddhism to accept ladyboys. Buddhist monks also accept the invitation to the same sex marriage in Thailand which is showing they’re supporting the marriage. I think Thailand doesn’t have more gay population than any other countries, but many ladyboys are working in tourist industry and that’s why sometime tourists see a lot of them when they travel to Thailand.在泰国,人妖是很容易被接受的。有些人在很小的时候就向家里承认了自己的性取向。他们的父母也不会强迫他们。在泰国,如果你有朋友,同事或者家人是人妖的话,这是很正常的事情。佛教是泰国主要的宗教,佛教对于人妖的认可对人妖文化推广起了一定的作用。人们不会觉得接受人妖与他们的信仰之间有冲突。在泰国,僧侣们也会接受同性恋结婚的邀请。我认为泰国的同性恋人口并不比其他国家更多。但是,因为很多人要主要集中在旅游行业。所以当很多游客去泰国的时候,他们比较容易见到人妖。
