
答案在The Economist October 8th 2022 Finance & economics “Commodities --- Striking oil producers” 这篇文章倒数第一段可以找到。

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The Economist October 8th 2022 Finance & economics


No.1 staunch

从29的到40的的英语怎么写 34忠实的(2)

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从29的到40的的英语怎么写 34忠实的(4)

从29的到40的的英语怎么写 34忠实的(5)

从29的到40的的英语怎么写 34忠实的(6)


adj. 忠实的,坚定的

同义词:loyal, faithful, stalwart, sure


He gained a reputation as being a staunch defender/supporter of civil rights.



1. 制止

同义词:stop, stay, check, arrest

2. 止住(尤指出血)

No.2 be in bed with

从29的到40的的英语怎么写 34忠实的(7)

从29的到40的的英语怎么写 34忠实的(8)

be in bed with 与…同流合污,同…站在一边


The newspaper editor is obviously in bed with the president.


从29的到40的的英语怎么写 34忠实的(9)


Ironically, Russia could offer the cartel a solution. The country has long been a staunch advocate of higher production. But its output is now likely to fall, both soon, as a result of a European embargo set to start in December, and in the long run, as sanctions prevent it from getting access to vital partners, people and parts. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are in bed with “a weakening business partner”, says Karen Young of Columbia University. Russia will be reluctant to give away some of its quota. The question is whether, in a world where it has ever fewer friends, doing so is a price worth paying to remain inside the tent.

具有讽刺意味的是,俄罗斯可以给卡特尔提供解决方案。该国长期以来一直是提高产量的坚定倡导者。但其产量现在可能会下降,一方面是因为欧洲将于12月开始实施禁运,另一方面是因为长期制裁阻止其接触重要的合作伙伴、人员和零部件。哥伦比亚大学的凯伦·杨(Karen Young)说,沙特阿拉伯和阿联酋站在“一个日益衰弱的商业伙伴”那边。俄罗斯将不愿放弃一些配额。问题是,在一个朋友越来越少的世界里,这样做是否值得为留在帐篷里付出代价。

