♡ Labour did not have an easy election victory in East Oxford .工党在牛津东区的选举中的胜利来之不易,我来为大家讲解一下关于show单词速记?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



victory [ˈvɪkt(ə)ri] n. 胜利,战胜

♡ Labour did not have an easy election victory in East Oxford .工党在牛津东区的选举中的胜利来之不易。


<victory over/against sb/sth>

success in a game, an election, a war, etc. 胜利;成功

  • the team's 3–2 victory against Poland 该队以 3:2 战胜波兰队

  • to win a victory 获得胜利

  • a decisive/narrow victory 决定性的胜利;险胜

  • an election victory 选举胜利

  • She is confident of victory in Saturday's final. 她对在星期六决赛中取得胜利充满信心。

  • victory celebrations/parades 胜利的庆祝活动/游行


    1. governor n.

    2. carbohydrate n.

    3. scream vi/n.

    4. approximately adv.

    5. lunar adj.
