川外英语学科教育考研复习 川研教育英语(1)



A. 可数名词


student man woman consumer顾客 concern 公司


team committee委员会 police group family people, public大众


The police were called to the scene of the crime. 警察到了犯罪现场。

People were dancing in the street. 人们在街上跳舞。

I met all sorts of people. 我遇见过各种各样的人。

Note: 当这些以一个个体存在的话,就还是要加”s”,如people 理解成民族

There are 56 peoples in China. 中国有56个民族。

Five families took part in this talent show. 五个家庭参加了这个才艺秀。

B. 不可数名词

① 物质名词


air fog oxygen smoke coffee oil blood paper

thunder bread meat yogurt ice cream tea electricity


Corn popcorn sand rice grass hair salt sugar


Clothing food furniture fruit luggage

makeup 化妆品 housework money cash

② 抽象名词

Advice happiness fun life patience interest

education noise information intelligence unemployment

knowledge experience health crime beauty

③ 学科类

Biology geometry history chemistry mathematics grammar

C. 可数名词复数形式的构成规则

① 直接在单数后面加“s”

girl girls hat hats neck necks tree trees concern concerns

② 以 s, x, sh, ch, z 结尾的单词,加“es”:

kiss kisses church churches fox foxes tax taxes

dish dishes bus buses branch branches buzz buzzes

③ 以辅音字母加y 结尾的词,变y 为i,再加 “es”:

lady ladies army armies baby babies story stories

day days key keys boy boys monkey monkeys

④ 以f或fe结尾的词,大多数变f为v加es :

calf calves shelf shelves half halves

self selves wolf wolves wife wives

⑤ 名词复数的不规则形式

Man men woman women foot feet child children

Goose geese mouse mice tooth teeth

sheep sheep deer deer swine swine fish fish

备注:名词的单数加 “s”的规则和动词第三人称单数的规则是一样的。


A. 做主语(Subject)放在句首,做动作的执行者

A big ship is coming here.

John has called on me.

B. 做宾语(Object)放在及物动词的后面,做动作的承受者。

He has a dog.

John can play the guitar.

C. 做双宾语,间接宾语(Indirect Object 指人),直接宾语(Direct Object 指物)双宾跟在一定的动词后面。

I make John a cup of coffee.

He gives Joan a book.

D. 主语的补语 (Subjective Complement)说明主语的状态

Miss Lee is a nurse.

E. 宾语的补语 (Objective Complement)

I found John a loyal friend.

I will keep the matter a secret.


n article冠词:特定和名词搭配,可以作为识别名词的信号词。

1). 不定冠词:a, an 和单数可数名词连用表泛指。

Telling lies is a fault in a boy, an art in a lover, an accomplishment in a bachelor, and the second nature in a married man.


这里的“a fault, a boy, an art, a lover, an accomplishment, a bachelor, a married man “ 都是泛指一类人,一类事物。

2). 定冠词: the 加在名词前表特指,和具体化这个名词。

A: My name is James Bond. 我叫James Bond.

B: What, not the James Bond. 什么, 不会是007那个James Bond吧。

The man at the table wasn’t at table. 坐在那个桌子的那个人没有在吃饭

at the table 指的是那个桌子,at table 指的是吃饭,用法类似 go to school 表示上学,go to the school 是真正的去一个学校


Out of question 是指没有疑问去做或者认为一件事情

Out of the question 是指不可能

