冠的特殊用法:1. 形容词或分词前加定冠词,相当于名词,表示具有形容词性质一类的人或事物例如:the rich富人, the poor穷人, the young年青人, the old 老年人, the following下面的, the wounded伤员,我来为大家讲解一下关于冠词用法及示例?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!




1. 形容词或分词前加定冠词,相当于名词,表示具有形容词性质一类的人或事物。例如:the rich富人, the poor穷人, the young年青人, the old 老年人, the following下面的, the wounded伤员。

2. 形容词或副词前加定冠词,构成“the more…… the more ……”,句型,表示越……,越……。例如:The higher the mountain is, the thinner the air becomes. The harder you work the greater progress you will make.

3. 不定冠词用于表计量单位的名词前,表示每一的意思。例如:Take this medicine three times a day. The fish cost two dollars a kilogram.

4. 冠词用于固定短语中,在固定短语中有用定冠词的,有用不定冠词的,也有用零冠词的。

用定冠司的短语有:in the end, at the moment, on the left, on the right, at the same time, by the way, all the same , at the same time, in the morning, in the afternoon, the same as, with the help of , the number of 用不定冠词的有:a mummer of , in a hurry, catch a cold, make a living, as a result, in a word, have a word with, a lot of , once upon a time , in a way.

用零冠词的有:on business, on duty, in fact, on foot, at present, in public, on show, on time, in time, make fun of, at night, in danger, from time to time, for example, take part in , take pride in, day by day, in person, in trouble, make sense.
