Well hello and welcome to this English lesson about safety. We大家好 欢迎来到这节关于安全的英语课 我们,我来为大家讲解一下关于选修八英语单词英汉分离?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Well hello and welcome to this English lesson about safety. We

大家好 欢迎来到这节关于安全的英语课 我们

live in a world where sometimes things are nice and easy and

生活在这样一个世界里 有时候事情是好的、简单的、简单的

safe but sometimes there are things that are dangerous. And

安全 但有时有些事情是危险的 和

so as humans we've designed and invented a number of things to

所以作为人类 我们已经设计和发明了很多东西

keep us safe. Things that keep us safe when we're driving.

保护我们的安全 让我们在开车时保持安全的东西

Things that keep us safe in the workplace. Things that keep us

让我们在工作场所保持安全的东西 让我们

safe as we go through our routine each and every day. So

安全 因为我们每天都在做日常工作 所以

in this English lesson I'm going to talk about all of

在这节英语课上 我要讲的是

those things that that humans have invented in order to keep


ourselves safe as we go through our day everyday in this world.

在这个世界上 我们每天都过得很安全

And some of them are pretty cool. I find that human beings

其中一些很酷 我发现人类

are very inventive people. We have come up with some really

他们都是很有创造力的人 我们已经想出了一些非常好的办法

cool solutions for different types of dangerous situations.


So thank you so much for being here. Uh we'll get started now

非常感谢你们来到这里 我们现在就开始

on this lesson about safety. So one of the first things that

关于安全的这一课 所以

people say in the workplace and there's often signs in the

人们在工作场所说 办公室里经常有标志

workplace. If you work somewhere where it's there's


the potential to be injured. Maybe you work in a factory.

受伤的可能性 也许你在工厂工作

Maybe you work somewhere where heavy machinery is driving


around. Um a lot of times there will be a sign that says safety

围绕嗯 很多时候会有一个标志 上面写着安全

first. We say this in English because when people work in


those types of jobs. We want them to think about safety. In

这些类型的工作 我们希望他们考虑安全问题 在里面

the chat earlier someone mentioned that at their place

早些时候的聊天中 有人在他们的住处提到了这一点

of work they have a safety meeting every morning. And the

他们每天早上都有一个安全会议 还有

first thing that gets said is safety first to everybody. So

首先要说的是安全第一 所以

if you work in a job where there is the potential to get


injured often you will have a safety meaning and there will

经常受伤你会有一个安全的意义 也会有

definitely be signs that say safety first which means always

绝对是安全第一的标志 这意味着永远

think about safety. Um when you are working in a dangerous

考虑一下安全问题 当你在一个危险的地方工作时

place. So one of the things that is the most recognizable


in terms of safety is what we call a seatbelt. A seatbelt is

在安全方面 我们称之为安全带 安全带是安全的

something that you put on when you get in your car. I have

上车时穿上的东西 我有

been wearing my seatbelt diligently ever since I have


started driving a car before that when I was really young we


act had a car that didn't have seatbelts in the backseat when

act有一辆车 当时后座没有安全带

I was a kid. That just seems really dangerous to me now. But

我还是个孩子 这对我来说真的很危险 但是

a seatbelt is something you wear in order to stay safe in


case you have an accident. Okay? So if you bump into

万一你出了事故 可以所以如果你碰到

someone or go in the ditch or if you get hit by someone if

有人或是掉进沟里 或是如果你被人击中

you are in a car accident the seatbelt will keep you safe.

如果你发生车祸 安全带会保护你的安全

And we've also added something called an airbag. An airbag is

我们还增加了一个叫做安全气囊的东西 安全气囊是

something that deploys. We always usually just say the

部署的东西 我们通常只说

airbags popped out but the airbag airbag will deploy when

安全气囊弹出 但安全气囊将在

the car senses that you are in an accident. Very rapidly the

汽车感觉到你出了车祸 很快

computer decides that the car is in an accident and the


airbags will deploy and then you will have this cushion this

安全气囊会展开 然后你就有了这个垫子

big airbag full of air as a cushion as you go forward. Now

当你前进时 充满空气的大气囊作为缓冲垫 现在

they help keep you safe. But I hear that when they go off it's

它们有助于保护你的安全 但我听说当他们离开的时候

not exactly pleasant. It's just better than not having one. We

不太令人愉快 总比没有好 我们

also have something called first aid. You saw me in the

还有一种叫做急救的方法 你在街上看到我了

thumbnail wearing a a hard hat that said I think first aid

我戴着一顶安全帽 上面写着我想急救

officer or something like that on it. First aid is training

警官之类的 急救就是训练

that you get in order to help people who are injured. It

是为了帮助受伤的人 信息技术

doesn't make you a doctor or a nurse. In fact you can get

不能让你成为医生或护士 事实上你可以

first aid training just on the weekend. But it helps you with

就在周末进行急救训练 但它能帮你

cuts or scratches. Um it helps you if someone has let's say

割伤或擦伤 如果有人说

someone is choking. You can do the high maneuver. That's where

有人噎住了 你可以做高机动 那就是

you press here in order to get something out of their throat.


So first aid is training that you get in order to give a


little bit of help to someone who has injured themselves or


who has been injured. We have something called CPR as well.

谁受伤了 我们也有一种叫做CPR的方法

Let me make this a bit bigger. CPR is short for cardio

让我把这个放大一点 CPR是有氧运动的简称

pulmonary resuscitation. So many people who have their

肺复苏术 有那么多人

first aid certificate will also have training in CPR. So CPR is

急救证书还将提供CPR培训 所以心肺复苏术

the ability to do chest compressions if Someone's


having a heart attack. You're trained on how to put I don't

心脏病发作 你已经学会了怎么说我不知道

know the name of the machine. Maybe Brent in the chat does

知道机器的名字 也许聊天室里的布伦特会

the machine where you they put two little pads on and then it


shocks you and it starts your heart again. Um they know how

让你震惊 你的心又开始跳动 他们知道怎么做

to do mouth to mouth which is a way to get someone to start

做嘴对嘴 这是一种让人开始的方式

breathing again. But CPR is what we normally call it. And I

再次呼吸 但心肺复苏术是我们通常所说的 而我

actually had to look up the real meaning of cardio

事实上 我不得不去寻找有氧运动的真正意义

pulmonary resuscitation. Because I didn't know what CPR

肺复苏术 因为我不知道什么是心肺复苏术

meant. Because we just call it CPR. We just say the letters.

意味 因为我们称之为CPR 我们只是说字母

And a lot of people will have a first aid kit. Even if you're

很多人都会有急救箱 即使你是

not trained in first aid you will most likely have a first

没有受过急救训练 你很可能会有一次急救

aid kit somewhere in your house or at work. A first aid kit has

你家里或工作中的急救箱 急救箱已经准备好了

some bandages in it. It has a variety of things that you can

里面有绷带 它有很多你可以做的事情

use in case someone gets injured. So there will be gauze

以防有人受伤 所以会有纱布

which is like a type of bandage and maybe actual bandages and

就像一种绷带 可能是真正的绷带

those types of things. So Brett says G I don't know the name of

这类事情 布雷特说G我不知道他的名字

that machine. It's a defibrillator. Yes that's

那台机器 这是一个除颤器 是的 就是这样

definitely what it is. I don't know if I pronounced it right.

肯定是这样 我不知道我的发音是否正确

Defibrillator. There we go. Uh No you're correct. We have one

除颤器 好了 不 你说得对 我们有一个

at our school I think. Um it's in a box. And on the wall.

我想是在我们学校 在盒子里 在墙上

They're more common now in athletic venues. We also have

它们现在在运动场所更为常见 我们也有

what are called guardrails. When you drive along the road

所谓的护栏 当你在路上开车时

there are places where the ditch is very deep. Or where it

有些地方的沟很深 或者它在哪里

would be bad if you went off the road because maybe there's

如果你离开马路那就太糟糕了 因为可能有

a lot of rocks or something. So someone decided many years ago

很多石头什么的 所以很多年前有人决定

to invent something called a guardrail. Um a guardrail it's

发明一种叫做护栏的东西 护栏

not nice to hit the guardrail but it's better to hit the

撞上护栏不太好 但最好是撞上护栏

guardrail than go and hit the rocks or go in the ditch behind


it. So these you will see in a variety of places along roads


in many countries whenever there is something hazardous or

在许多国家 每当有危险或危险的事情发生时

a hazard beside the road they will often put up what's called


a guardrail to prevent you from going off the road. It's still

防止你偏离道路的护栏 还是

dense your car and you still need to get your car fixed if

如果需要的话 你仍然需要把车修好

you hit a guardrail but it's better than the alternative.

你撞到了护栏 但这比另一个更好

And we also have decided that going up and downstairs can be


dangerous. So we've added what's called a handrail along


the side. So a handrail is something you can grab on your

侧边 所以你可以抓住扶手

way up the stairs. Or on your way down the stairs. Uh in

上楼去 或者在你下楼的路上 嗯

order to kind of keep your balance in order to stop

为了保持平衡 为了停止

yourself from tripping or falling down the stairs. You

避免绊倒或从楼梯上摔下来 你

can grab the handrail and use that as you go up and down. So

你可以抓住扶手 在你上下时使用它 所以

this is a bit of a repeat. I did a lesson a while ago on

这有点重复 不久前我上了一节课

construction and one of the things I talked about was


hearing protection. Uh it's important when you work in a

听力保护 当你在一家公司工作时 这很重要

job excuse me. It's important when you work in a job where

劳驾 当你在一个

it's very very loud that you wear hearing protection. Now

你戴上听力保护装置的声音非常大 现在

this can be just little earplugs that you put in your


ears. But it can also be these larger hearing protectors.

耳朵 但也可能是这些更大的听力保护器

Which you would put over your ears. If you worked let say at

你会把它戴在耳朵上 如果你工作过 那就说

an airport if you were a baggage handler at an airport


you would probably wear hearing protection. If you ran a

你可能会戴上听力保护装置 如果你有

jackhammer on a construction site you would wear hearing


protection to protect your ears because if you hear noises that


are too loud too often you can start to go a little bit deaf.


So it's always good to wear hearing protection. We've

所以戴上听力保护装置总是好的 我们已经

decided that learning to swim is important but sometimes even

决定学习游泳很重要 但有时甚至

if you learn if you know how to swim you can get in trouble

如果你学会了游泳 你就会有麻烦

when you're in deep water and so a lot of times there will be

当你在深水中 很多时候

a lifeguard when we go to the pool in our local town there

当我们去当地城镇的游泳池时 有一个救生员

are usually two or three lifeguards who watch the kids


and the adults to make sure that everyone is doing okay.


That noone is struggling to swim or sinking under the


water. So often if you go to the beach there might be a

水所以如果你去海滩 经常会有

lifeguard or there might be a sign that says no lifeguards on

救生员 或者可能有一个标志 上面写着没有救生员

duty. Swim at your own risk. But most of the places where we

责任游泳自担风险 但大多数我们

go to swim there there are lifeguards to help keep us


safe. I think you'll recognize this hat. I did talked about

安全我想你会认出这顶帽子的 我确实说过

this in a previous lesson as well. Um if you work somewhere

这也是上一课的内容 如果你在什么地方工作

where there is the potential for something to fall on your


head or the potential for you to hit your head against


something hard you will most likely wear a hard hat. A hard

你很可能会戴一顶安全帽 艰难的

hat is made out of very very strong plastic and it if if a

帽子是由非常结实的塑料制成的 如果

if something fell on your head it just wouldn't hurt as much.

如果有东西掉到你头上 就不会那么疼了

It'll hurt a little bit. So instead of getting injured

会有点疼的 所以与其受伤

it'll bounce off the hard hat and you might be like oh wow.

它会从安全帽上弹下来 你可能会觉得哇哦

Don't drop your hammer Joe. Um Joe's back by the way today. Um

乔 别把锤子掉了 顺便说一下 乔今天回来了 嗯

and if you work at heights in Ontario Canada if you work I


think higher than eight or 10 feet in the air. If you're

想象一下高于8或10英尺的高空 如果你是

working higher than three metres I think you're required


to wear a harness and to have that harness hooked up to a

戴上安全带 把安全带挂在

safety rope. So the harness is what you wear on your body. And

安全绳 所以 安全带就是你穿在身上的东西 和

then the safety rope is connected to some part of a


building. Like if you're working on a building and


you're cleaning windows or if you're putting a roof on a


house you will be wearing a harness. So that's the part you

豪斯:你将戴上安全带 这就是你想要的部分

put on your body. And you will be connected to a safety rope.

穿上你的衣服 你将被连接到安全绳上

So that if you slip or if you accidentally step the wrong way


and you trip it the safety rope will prevent you from falling.

当你绊倒它时 安全绳会防止你摔倒

The harness and the safety rope will keep you from falling. If

安全带和安全绳可以防止你坠落 如果

you play sports or even if you work certain jobs you might

你做运动 或者即使你做某些工作 你也可能

have elbow pads or knee pads or shin pads I know I wear knee


pads when I do certain kinds of work on the farm. If I need to

当我在农场做某些工作的时候 如果我需要

go down on my knees and work on my knees for a long time I will


wear knee pads. I know Jen when she plays volleyball will wear

戴护膝 我知道珍打排球时会穿什么

knee pads. When you ride a roller when you ride a roll

护膝 当你骑旱冰车的时候当你骑旱冰车的时候

when you ride a skateboard you will probably benefit from

当你玩滑板时 你可能会从中受益

wearing elbow pads and knee pads in case you fall and even

戴上护肘和护膝 以防摔倒甚至摔倒

wrist guards they have special wrist guards and then the

护腕他们有特殊的护腕 然后

helmet. We had a question earlier about bike helmets. Um

头盔我们之前有一个关于自行车头盔的问题 嗯

there are motorcycle helmets. People wear helmets when they

有摩托车头盔 人们开车时戴头盔

go skiing. People wear a bike helmet. Um so definitely a

去滑雪 人们戴着自行车头盔 嗯 所以肯定是

helmet is a great way to protect your head when you do


something where is the potential to get injured. And

有可能受伤的地方 和

gloves. Now gloves there's a lot of reasons to wear gloves.


Doctors and nurses wear gloves at the hospital to stay safe.


Um when they examine a patient who is maybe sick and has a

嗯 当他们检查一个病人时 他可能生病了 而且有一个

really bad disease. They might wear gloves so that they are

真的很糟糕 他们可能会戴手套 以便

protected. Um I wear gloves when I work on the farm. So I

受保护的 我在农场工作时戴手套 所以我

have work gloves that I wear when I work on the farm. If you

有我在农场工作时戴的工作手套 如果你

go outside in the cold you'll wear gloves so your hands don't

在寒冷的天气里出去你要戴手套 这样你的手就不会受伤

get cold. Um maybe and even in certain sports you'll wear

感冒 也许甚至在某些运动中你也会穿

gloves. Baseball players often wear batting gloves when they


are up to bat so that they have a glove on their hands. So

准备击球 这样他们就可以戴上手套了 所以

gloves are a great way to protect your hands and to keep


your hand hands safe. And then there's the literal safety net.

你的手很安全 然后是字面上的安全网

If you've ever gone and watched what we would call a high wire


act or a tight rope walker sometimes they do it without a


net. But mostly they will have a Safety net or a net below

网但大多数情况下 他们会有一张安全网或下面的网

them. Now the word safety net in English we use in a lot of


ways. You could say this. I have $1, 000 in the bank and I

方式 你可以这么说 我在银行有1000美元 我

never spend it because it's a safety net. So you can use it

千万不要花钱 因为这是一张安全网 所以你可以使用它

to talk about anytime you're keeping yourself safe in life.


Um you know maybe you could say I have two jobs. Um because I

也许你可以说我有两份工作 因为我

have the one job. It's just a safety net in case I lose my

有一份工作 这只是一个安全网 以防我失去工作

other job. So a safety net can literally be a net but it can

其他工作 因此 安全网实际上可以是一张网 但它可以

also be anything in life that protects you.


Sorry. I'm just laughing at Ty's comment. Um it's an

很抱歉我只是在嘲笑泰的评论 这是一个

inappropriate comment but I'm laughing anyways. We have

不恰当的评论 但我还是在笑 我们有

created signs. Signs are one of the things we have created in

创造标志 符号是我们创造出来的东西之一

order to have safety in the world. Uh especially things

为了世界的安全 尤其是

like street signs. But you'll also have signs that say things

比如街道标志 但你也会有一些迹象表明

like watch your step. If there's a an uneven surface. We

比如小心脚下 如果有凹凸不平的表面 我们

have stop signs. Uh we have signs that say the road ahead

有停车标志 我们有路标写着前方的路

is going to be curved. Um we have saw at school that say

将会是弯曲的 嗯 我们在学校看到过这样的说法

please stay two metres apart. We have signs now that say

请保持两米的距离 我们现在有迹象表明

please wear a mask. So we have decided that one of the ways to

请戴上口罩 所以我们决定

keep our everyone safe is to inform people of things that


are dangerous. So we have stop signs and all kinds of street

它们很危险 所以我们有停车标志和各种各样的街道

signs to do that. We've also created what are called

有这样做的迹象 我们还创造了所谓的

barriers. A barrier is something that we put up in

障碍 障碍是我们在其中设置的东西

order to stop people from going in a certain direction. Let's

为了阻止人们朝某个方向走 让我们

say the road was impossible because of the snow. Um not

说因为下雪 这条路不可能走 嗯 不是

impossible but impossible. You could not go down the road. The

不可能 但不可能 你不能沿着这条路走 这个

police would put up a barrier. So they would put up a barrier

警察会设置障碍物 所以他们会设置障碍

that says road closed ahead. Sometimes when you go to a

上面说前面的路已经封闭了 有时候当你去看电影的时候

concert there's a barrier at the front of the crowd so they

音乐会在人群前面有一道障碍物 所以他们

can't get to the stage. So we've decided that barriers are

不能上台 所以我们决定 障碍是

a good way to keep people safe to prevent people from going


places they should not go. Uh and in addition to that we have

他们不该去的地方 除此之外 我们还有

decided that flashing lights. A flashing light almost always

决定用闪光灯 几乎总是闪烁的灯光

means pay attention or warning or watch out. So when you see a

意思是注意、警告或小心 所以当你看到

flashing light when you're driving in in the distance you


see a flashing light you know that it's if it's a blue


flashing light it's a snow removal vehicle. If it's a red

闪光灯这是一辆除雪车 如果是红色的

flashing and blue flashing light it's probably a police


officer. If it's an orange flashing light in Canada it's

官员如果是加拿大的橙色闪光灯 那就是

probably construction. We have decided that flashing lights

可能是建筑业 我们决定用闪光灯

are a good way to let people know that they need to pay


attention. Something up ahead or something needs their

注意有什么事在前面 或者有什么事需要他们的帮助

attention. And then I don't know I didn't know what this


was called. I call it the backup beep alarm or the backup

有人打电话来 我称之为倒车警报或倒车警报

beep. But many machines and trucks and tractors in Canada


and around the world now beep when they back up. So when I'm

现在全世界的人都在后退时发出哔哔声 所以当我

in my classroom sometimes the garbage truck comes to our

在我的教室里 有时垃圾车会开到我们的教室

school. And you can hear the garbage truck coming because


the garbage truck backs in and it goes beep beep beep beep I'm

垃圾车回来了 它嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟我在

not very good at making beeps. But a beep or a backup alarm is

不太擅长发出哔哔声 但发出哔哔声或倒车警报器

something that we decided was a good idea. It warns people that

我们认为这是个好主意 它警告人们

a vehicle is driving in reverse. Because the driver

一辆汽车正在倒车 因为司机

maybe can't see everything behind them. So the beeping

也许看不到他们身后的一切 那么哔哔声

alarm helps warn people that a truck or tractor or something


is coming. We don't have them on cars by the way. Just trucks

就要来了 顺便说一句 我们车上没有 只有卡车

and tractors and small equipment and backhoes and


excavators and those kinds of We also have the universal


symbol or warning that you should pay attention to what


you're doing and it's called a pylon normally they're orange I

你正在做 它被称为塔架 通常它们是橙色的

don't know why I picked a red one almost all the pylons in


Canada are orange but pylons are sometimes placed on the

加拿大是橙色的 但塔架有时会放在地面上

street and it's to prevent people from going where they


shouldn't but also to guide people to go where it's safe to

不应该 但也应该引导人们去安全的地方

go so sometimes when there's an accident they will put up

去吧 所以有时候发生事故时他们会容忍的

pylons but a pylon just a handy way to warn people especially

塔架 但塔架只是一种提醒人们的便捷方式

when they're driving. And we also have flares. So I've never

当他们开车的时候 我们也有照明弹 所以我从来没有

actually put out flares. But Jen and I were driving home the

实际上是发射信号弹 但珍和我当时正开车回家

other day. And it was very very snowy. It was a very very bad

前几天 而且雪下得很大 这是一场非常非常糟糕的比赛

snowstorm. And all of the sudden up ahead we saw two fire

雪暴突然 我们看到前面有两处起火

trucks. Three police cars and there were cars in the ditch.

卡车 三辆警车 沟里有车

And the firemen was firemen by the way go to car accidents in

顺便说一句 消防队员是消防队员

Canada. I don't know if they do in your country. The fireman

加拿大我不知道他们在你们国家有没有 消防员

was putting flares on the road. So that there was something

在路上放照明弹 所以有什么

very bright that people could see as they approached the

非常明亮 人们在接近太阳时可以看到

accident. We have crossing guards. So crossing guards are

事故我们有交叉警卫 所以交叉口守卫

people who in Canada I think they get paid. And they go to

那些在加拿大的人 我认为他们得到了报酬 他们去

schools usually in the morning and in the afternoon. That's

学校通常在上午和下午上课 那是

how it works in Ontario Canada. And they basically have a stop

它在加拿大安大略省是如何运作的 它们基本上有一个停靠点

sign that they hold up to stop traffic. So that children can

他们停下来阻止交通的标志 这样孩子们就可以

safely cross the road. Um and then they go home and they come

安全地过马路 然后他们回家了

back at the end of the school day and do the same thing

在学校一天结束的时候 做同样的事情

again. So a crossing guard can walk right into the middle of


the street. And all needs to stop when the crossing guard is

街道 当交叉口守卫被关闭时 一切都需要停止

there. So that's that's that's something that we have in


Ontario Canada and I think in many other parts of the world


as well. When you are approaching construction on the


road we have what's called a flag person but they don't have

路我们有所谓的旗手 但他们没有

a flag. They actually have a sign and on one side it says

一面旗帜 他们实际上有一个标志 一面写着

stop and on the other side it says slow. And basically it's

停下来 另一边写着慢 基本上是

because traffic can't go in two directions because they're

因为交通不能双向通行 因为它们是双向的

fixing part of the road but there is one lane so they let

修了一段路 但只有一条车道 所以他们让

cars go one way for a little bit and then at each end they

汽车单程行驶一段时间 然后在每一端

flip the signs and they let cars go the other way. So that

翻开标志牌 他们就会让车往另一个方向开 因此

is called a flag person. If you have kids, if you have small

被称为旗手 如果你有孩子 如果你有小孩

children, you'll probably be familiar with these. Um these

孩子们 你们可能会熟悉这些 嗯这些

are called electrical outlet covers or outlet covers because

被称为电源插座盖或插座盖 因为

it's dangerous to stick things into an electrical outlet. Now,

把东西插进电源插座里是危险的 现在

we have more modern outlets now where they're always closed,

我们现在有了更现代化的门店 它们总是关闭

you can't push things in but a lot of the older outlets look

你不能把东西推进去 但很多旧的商店看起来

like this and if a child was to put something metal into those

像这样 如果一个孩子在里面放一些金属

holes, they might get electric As we mentioned electricity is

洞 它们可能会通电 就像我们提到的电是

very very dangerous. So we have outlet covers that you can buy

非常非常危险 所以我们有插座盖 你可以买

and they're plastic and you stick them in all your outlets

它们是塑料的 你可以把它们贴在所有的插座上

when you have very very small children who are starting to


walk and starting to explore your house. We also have what's

步行并开始探索你的房子 我们还有

called a baby gate. Uh we had several baby gates when our

叫做婴儿门 嗯 当我们的孩子出生的时候 我们有几个孩子

kids were really really little. Sometimes parts of your house

孩子们真的很小 有时候你家的一部分

are safe. But other parts of your house might be dangerous.

你很安全 但是你房子的其他部分可能很危险

They're be stairs. There might be we have a wood stove in our

它们是楼梯 我们家里可能有一个木炉子

house and we didn't want our kids to go by the wood stove.


Um so often parents will buy what are called baby gates and

嗯 很多时候 父母会购买所谓的婴儿门和

they will put them in doorways and it will stop children from

他们会把它们放在门口 这会阻止孩子们离开

getting from one part of the house to another part of the


house. That's not as safe. Pillars and posts. So you can

房屋那不太安全 支柱和柱子 所以你可以

see here that around the gas pump. There are white pillars.

看这里 加油泵周围 有白色的柱子

Or white posts. You can use both words. I think I would use

或者是白帖 两个词都可以用 我想我会用

safety pillar or safety post. And I'm sure in England and

安全柱或安全柱 我相信在英国和英国

maybe in the United States they have different names. But we

也许在美国他们有不同的名字 但我们

put these white posts and sometimes they're yellow.

把这些白色的柱子贴上 有时它们是黄色的

Actually they're more commonly yellow here. So that you can't

实际上 在这里它们通常是黄色的 所以你不能

accidentally drive into something. So you'll see these

不小心撞到了什么东西 你会看到这些

at gas stations. You'll see these in places where there's

在加油站 你会在有

something they don't want people to accidentally drive


into, they'll put posts around it in order to protect it. And

为了保护它 他们会在它周围贴上帖子 和

you. At night many cities have street lights. Streetlights

你晚上许多城市都有路灯 路灯

bring a level of safety as well because the darker it is the

也要带来一定程度的安全感 因为颜色越暗

more likely people are to do things that are illegal. I

人们更有可能做违法的事情 我

don't have any data on that whether that's true. But in my

没有任何数据表明这是真的 但在我的

mind when a city is well lit there is less I think there's

记住 当一座城市光线充足时 我认为那里的空气就更少了

less crime. I think that's how it works. So a street light is

减少犯罪 我想这就是它的工作原理 所以街灯是

another thing we use in order to create safety. We also have

另一个我们用来创造安全的东西 我们也有

alarm systems or security alarms. Um so people in their

警报系统或安全警报 嗯 所以人们

houses sometimes will have an alarm. But mostly people have

房屋有时会发出警报 但大多数人都有

these at work. So your work probably when you go to work.

这些都在工作 所以你的工作可能是在你上班的时候

If you're the first one there you probably have to punch in a

如果你是第一个到那里的人 你可能需要打一个电话

code in order to get into your place of work. Um and then that

为了进入你的工作场所而编码 嗯 然后呢

is a way to keep the building safe at night. So you have an

这是一种保证大楼夜间安全的方法 所以你有一个

alarm system to keep the building safe. And we also have

警报系统 以确保建筑物的安全 我们也有

car alarms. Now car alarms have two functions. If someone tries

汽车报警器 现在汽车报警器有两个功能 如果有人尝试

to break into your car the car alarm will go off. But if you

要闯入你的汽车 汽车报警器就会响 但如果你

oh I don't know my keys with me. Um if you look at a key fob

哦 我不知道我的钥匙在哪里 如果你看一把钥匙

there's also a button that will make your car alarm go off. So

还有一个按钮可以让你的汽车报警器响 所以

if you were walking in a parking lot and someone tried

如果你走在停车场 有人试图

to take your wallet you could push that button and your car

要拿走你的钱包 你可以按那个按钮 然后开车

alarm would go off and maybe scare the person away. In our

警报会响 可能会把人吓跑 在我们

houses we have smoke alarms. Uh we also call these smoke

我们有烟雾报警器 我们也叫这些烟

detectors or fire well I'm going to say smoke alarm or


smoke detector. We also have CO2 detectors to detect carbon

烟雾探测器 我们也有二氧化碳探测器来探测碳

monoxide. CO 2 carbon dioxide. Yeah interesting. Carbon

一氧化碳 二氧化碳 是啊 很有趣 碳

monoxide detector. CO2 detector. Now I'm pretty sure

一氧化碳检测器 二氧化碳探测器 现在我很确定

it's a carbon monoxide detector. Don't quote me on it.

这是一氧化碳探测器 不要引用我的话

But we have alarms in our house to warn us if there is fire or

但我们家里有警报器 如果发生火灾或火灾 就会发出警报

if there is smoke. Um and some buildings not homes but some

如果有烟 嗯 还有一些建筑不是房屋而是一些

large buildings also have a sprinkler system. So that if

大型建筑也有自动喷水灭火系统 所以如果

there is a fire water will simply start to shoot out of

有一场火灾 水就会从里面喷出来

the nozzles in the ceiling and it will put the fire out. A

在天花板上安装喷嘴 它会把火扑灭 A.

good way to keep you safe but if you're in the building you


will be safe and soaking wet at the same time. And of course we

将是安全的 同时浸湿 当然我们

have fire extinguishers. On our farm we have three fire

有灭火器 在我们的农场上有三处火灾

extinguishers. Um in our school I think there's a fire

灭火器 我们学校发生火灾了

extinguisher in every hallway. Um we have a fire extinguisher

每个走廊都有灭火器 我们有灭火器

in our kitchen. It's just a good idea to have a fire

在我们的厨房里 生个火是个好主意

extinguisher at least one even if you live in a small

即使你住在一个小房子里 也至少有一个灭火器

apartment. Just in case you have a small fire you have a

公寓万一你有小火 你就有

way to put it out very very easily. Sunglasses. So the sun

很容易就能把它弄出来 太阳镜所以太阳

doesn't necessarily damage your eyes. But certainly sunglasses

不一定会伤害你的眼睛 但肯定是太阳镜

are great because they help you see better when it's really

它们很好 因为它们能帮助你在真正需要的时候看得更清楚

really sunny out. So hopefully you have a nice pair of

外面阳光明媚 希望你有一双漂亮的鞋子

sunglasses to wear when the sun is high to kind of keep you


protected a little bit from the sun. Um it's not a big deal if

有点防晒 如果

you don't have them. But certainly if you are driving on

你没有 但如果你继续开车的话

a sunny day in the winter when the sun is coming into your car

冬天阳光明媚的一天 当太阳进入你的汽车

and the sun is bouncing off the snow. It's a good idea to wear

太阳在雪上反射 穿上它是个好主意

sunglasses to stay safe. And of course if you're doing anything

保护太阳镜 当然如果你在做什么

where you want to protect your eyes you will wear safety

在你想保护眼睛的地方 你会穿安全的衣服

goggles or eye protection. This is a very common thing to wear

护目镜或护目镜 这是一件很常见的衣服

if you are building something in a wood shop out of wood. Or

如果你在木屋里用木头做东西 或

if you're working somewhere where things could fly and hit

如果你在某个地方工作 那里的东西可能会飞来飞去

your eye. You will definitely wear eye protection. And then

你的眼睛 你一定要戴护目镜 然后

we have yellow vests and orange vests. Although these means

我们有黄色背心和橙色背心 虽然这意味着

something else in France now when people are upset they

在法国 当人们感到不安时 他们

protest wearing these vests but often if you work somewhere

穿着这些背心抗议 但如果你在某个地方工作 通常会抗议

where you need to be highly visible. When you work

你需要高度可见的地方 当你工作的时候

somewhere where you want people to be able to see you you will

在你希望人们能看到你的地方 你会的

most likely wear a yellow vest or an orange vest. And it will

最有可能穿黄色或橙色背心 它会的

have reflective tape on it as well. When I drive by a

还有反光胶带 当我开车经过

construction site when they are doing road work or road


construction. Everyone is wearing a yellow or orange vest


because they want to be very very visible. So it keeps them

因为他们想要非常显眼 所以它能留住他们

safe by making them highly visible. And of course when you

通过使其高度可见而安全 当然当你

cook something in the oven you can't take it out with your

在烤箱里煮东西 你不能用手把它拿出来

bare hands. You have to wear an oven mitt. The oven mitt keeps

赤手空拳 你必须戴烤箱手套 烤箱手套保持

your hands safe when you are taking something hot out of the

当你把热的东西拿出来的时候 你的手是安全的

oven. Sometimes when you go to the vet when we take Oscar to


the vet he has to wear a muzzle. Oscar does not bite

兽医必须戴口罩 奥斯卡不咬人

people. But Oscar doesn't like the veterinarian. Oscar doesn't

人但是奥斯卡不喜欢兽医 奥斯卡没有

like getting needles. So when he goes to the vet we put a

比如打针 所以当他去看兽医时我们放了一个

muzzle on him so that he can't bite people. So definitely a

用嘴捂住他 这样他就不会咬人了 所以肯定是

muzzle is something that sometimes you put on a dog to


prevent that dog from biting people. Sometimes on your phone

防止那条狗咬人 有时在你的手机上

you get an alert. I actually got an alert last night. Um we

你会收到警报 昨晚我收到了警报 我们

have something in Canada called Amber Alert. Sometimes when a

在加拿大有一种叫做琥珀警报的东西 有时候

child goes missing all of our will buzz and ring and it will


say amber alert looking for a car fitting this description

比如说amber alert正在寻找符合此描述的汽车

child missing sometimes you get a weather alert on your phone


and it says dangerous weather in the area so sometimes you'll

上面写着该地区的危险天气 所以有时你会

get an alert which is kind of a warning telling you that

得到一个警告 告诉你

something is is happening or going to happen that might be


dangerous or that you need to know about. And then of course

危险的或你需要知道的 然后当然

masks. Masks we all wear masks now when we go out in public

面具 我们现在在公共场合都戴口罩

but a long time ago before the pandemic masks were something

但在大流行之前很久 口罩还不是什么东西

you wore in order to filter the air if you were working

如果你在工作的话 你穿上它是为了过滤空气

somewhere that was dangerous. So you would wear a mask in

在一个危险的地方 所以你会戴着面具

order to protect your lungs so that you could filter the air

为了保护你的肺 这样你就可以过滤空气

when it came in and breathe a little more easily.

当它进来的时候 呼吸会更轻松一点

