The Cuckoo and the Turtledove

The cuckoo wailed silently on the branch.

"Has anything happened? Why are you always so sad?" A turtledove said softly to the cuckoo, "Are you sad because the spring has passed, or are you weeping for the cold winter?"

"How can I not be sad?" 'replied the cuckoo.' I have so many sufferings! You know, this spring I took my love, and had it made. But who knows, my kids don't even care about me. Is that what they are like? I don't know how to be grateful to my mother. Have you seen the bond between ducks? The ducklings always like to surround their mother. As for me, the children didn't care about me at all, and what could I do but hide and cry secretly?

"Poor cuckoo! You are so pathetic. If my children did that to me, I don't think I would survive. I'm glad my kids are nice to me. I suppose that's because you taught them to fly! But do you have time to hatch eggs when I see you flying about every day?"

"I should be mad to waste a day hatching eggs! I don't do that! I always leave my eggs in the nest!"

"And you expect to be loved and ensign by children?" Then the turtledove flew away alone.

As parents, it is their duty to take care of their children. As children, no matter how their parents treat them, they should take care of their parents. We should know how to repay parents for their upbringing, which is always on everyone's mind.




“发生什么事情了吗?为什么你总是如此伤心呢?” 一只斑鸠柔和地对杜鹃说,“你是因为春天过去而悲伤呢,还是因为寒冷的冬天而哭泣呢?”

“我怎么能不悲伤呢?” 杜鹃答道,“我的苦楚可多着呢!你也知道,今年春大我收获了我的爱情,而且还有了爱情的结晶。但是谁知道,我的孩子们竟然一点都不关心我。难道他们就是这样的吗?不知道对自己的母亲怀有一点感恩之情。你看见过鸭子之间的那种亲情吗,小鸭子们总是喜欢围在母亲的身边。而我呢,孩子们一点儿也不关心我,我除了躲在一边偷偷地哭泣,还能做些什么呢?”



“那你还指望受到孩子们的执爱与安抚?” 斑鸠说完就独自飞走了。

